Email to recruiter — 14 examples and template

This article explains the fundamentals of writing a fantastic email to a recruiter, finishing with 14 superb email samples.

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Recruiters are like gatekeepers to the world of work. Impress them, and you could secure the job of your dreams (or get one step closer!). Every email to a recruiter must make an impression, marking you out as a candidate they want to communicate with.

How? Let's show you...

This super-detailed article explains the fundamentals of writing a fantastic email to a recruiter. We'll break down the professional recruiter email format and provide 14 superb email samples you can use for (almost) every email situation. If that's not enough, we describe how to respond to a recruiter's email, presenting yourself professionally.

We can't guarantee you'll get the job (or even an interview). Still, our professional emails to a recruiter will give you the best chance.

How to write recruitment emails

When writing to recruiters, every word matters. Recruiters are in high-pressure jobs where they often look for reasons to get rid of applications.

Don't believe us? The average US applicant must apply to over 100 positions before they get one.

Every email to a recruiter must sell you as a candidate. How? Here are some top tips for writing a professional recruitment email:

  • Stick to the formal format (which we outline below!)
  • Treat every recruiter with respect, and use a professional tone of voice
  • Use an appropriate greeting and sign-off
  • Make it as easy as possible, and provide everything they need (like a CV, portfolio, or other work examples)
  • Explain why you're an ideal candidate
  • Describe how you’ll add value to a team, department, or organization
  • Push for communication and clarity on the next steps

If you're writing to a recruiter, always remember that professional email etiquette applies.

This might seem like a lot to take in, but don't worry. We demonstrate the best practices for email communication with recruiters in our samples below. But first, let's begin by breaking down the recruiter email format...

Recruitment email format

The recruitment email format follows the standard rules. The email structure has four parts that we'll explore:

  1. Subject line
  2. Addressing a recruiter
  3. Body copy
  4. Sign-off

Let's start with some of the fundamentals of crafting pro messages to recruiters.

You'll want to deliver an attention-grabbing email opening. The best email beginnings are clear, easy to understand, and offer a little insight into your character.

Wondering about email length? Recruiters are busy, so keep all messages clear and concise. Check out our samples below to see how we're packed in massive amounts of information into just a few paragraphs.

Remember to check each email for the proper punctuation and grammar. If you're not a super-speller or great at grammar, use an online program to check before sending (or use MailMaestro!).

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the suitable format for sending an email to a recruiter:

1. Recruitment email subject line

When creating a recruiting email subject line, remember we're trying to be formal, not funny. Stick to the tried and tested approaches that we know work. Keep your subject lines short and to the point, and ensure they're relevant to the email content.

  • Application for (job name)
  • Are you accepting applications?
  • I'm interested in any roles you may have
  • Can you update me on the progress of my application?

You can add some adjectives to make them attention-grabbing and help you stand out. (But avoid using misleading or vague subject lines as these could affect your application.)

  • Experienced freelance programmer available!
  • Do you need more talent for your team?
  • I'd love to work for (organization name)

2. How to address a recruiter in an email

Whenever emailing a recruiter, remember you're engaging with a professional. So, use a proper salutation and personalize it using their full name.

It takes seconds to search for a person on LinkedIn, so there's no excuse for not using somebody's name and proper title.

  • Hi (person's name)
  • Dear (person's name)
  • Dear Dr (etc.)

3. Recruitment email body

As we've said before, recruiters are busy people who spend their days sifting through CVs and answering emails. They don't have the time to mess around, so after a brief introduction, get straight to the purpose of the email.

  • My name is (your name), and I'm contacting you to see if you have any opportunities for an experienced programmer.

This is a great intro that explains everything they need to know. Then, they can choose to read on or respond.

Next, you'll want to provide a little background. You can add details of your relevant qualifications, skills, and experience.

  • I've worked as a programmer at (company name) for 5 years. I have qualifications in (provide details).

Now you'll want to explain why you're contacting them. Whether you're emailing an agency or an individual at an organization, a few compliments can work wonders...

  • I've been a huge admirer of your organization, including (provide some examples). I'd love the opportunity to work at such an exciting and advanced business.

It's a great idea to add some proof of who you are. For example, you can attach a CV, link to a portfolio, or share your LinkedIn profile.

  • I've attached a copy of my CV so you can learn a little more about me. If you want to see some examples of my work, check out this link.

4. How to end an email to a recruiter

By now, the recruiter should know who you are and what you want. It's worth expressing gratitude at the end of the email.

  • Thanks for reading my email and considering my application. While I appreciate you will receive a large number of approaches, I believe I have the skills, experience, and attitude to set me out as an exceptional candidate.

After these closing remarks, be sure to include your contact details. If you're confident, you can also set out some suggested next steps, such as an invitation for further discussion or follow-up.

  • If you want to discuss my application, please contact me at (include details). Would you like to arrange a call?

Finish with a proper sign-off (yours faithfully, kind regards, best regards, etc.).

All there is to do now is to sit back, send, and wait for a reply from the recruiter.

14 recruiting email examples

Ever wanted to know how to write effective emails to a recruiter? Here we provide 14 (yes, 14!) recruiting email samples covering almost every situation you can imagine. (If you can't find the example you need, head to the end, where we provide a completely customizable template).

Don't forget to say thanks when you land that new job!

1. Recruiter email to candidate sample

We'll start with an example of an email from a recruiter to a candidate introducing a new opportunity. Given this is what recruiters do every day, having a sample somewhere can save huge amounts of time and effort in creating emails.

We provide an introduction and details of the job opportunity. Then, we list the qualifications needed, ask whether they're interested, and request contact details. Simple!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm currently recruiting for a new (job title) role and am contacting you to see if you're interested.

Applicants will need to have (number of years) experience and the following qualifications:
  • List out the qualifications required (or professional memberships, etc.)
I'm currently preparing CVs for the client and am excited to put you forward. Can you review the information here and let me know if you would like to apply?

If you would like further information or want to chat about the position, you can contact me at (insert information).

The deadline for applications is (insert deadline).

I look forward to hearing from you.
(Your name)

2. Thank you email to a recruiter sample

Let's say you're a candidate who has received the email above. How would you respond?

This thank you email to a recruiter includes a thank you before getting into the specific details of the interaction. (In this example, we'll assume you're not interested.) Finally, we finish with a professional closing.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for sharing details of the (job title) post. While I appreciate you considering me for the role, it's not one that I am currently interested in applying for.

Even though this one wasn't suitable, I am open to other opportunities, so stay in touch.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

3. Reply email to a recruiter sample

This example shows you how to respond to a recruiter's email if you're interested in an opportunity. In this response to a request, we say thank you, outline our availability, and suggest some next steps.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for sharing details of the (job title) role. It looks great, and I would love to apply!

I’ve attached a copy of my CV with this email. You can access my LinkedIn profile here (insert link).

I'm available for initial interviews and discussions on the following dates and times:
  • Insert dates and times
Please get in touch with me if you require more information or details on me, my experience, and my qualifications.

Best regards,
(Your name)

4. Email to recruitment agency sample

Recruitment agencies are used to dealing with hundreds of emails daily, so yours better stand out to stand a chance! The format here should be familiar, with an introduction, an outline of your relevant qualifications, and a request to discuss suitable opportunities.

You must describe the value you can bring, so be confident (and don't forget your contact details).

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm an experienced (whatever you do), and I am searching for a new role. After several successful years at (company name), it's time to move on, and I would like your help.

I've attached a copy of my CV to this email, but I have highlighted my qualifications, experience, and key achievements below:
  • Add details!
  • Explain the value you can bring to any business...
The type of role I am searching for is (insert details and be specific).

If you can review the information here and contact me, that would be great. I welcome the chance to chat about any suitable roles you are recruiting for.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

5. Sample email to send resume to recruiter

Sometimes a recruiter will request a sample of your resume for an opportunity. Again, we led with an intro and a clarify the position we're applying for.

Before you send the resume email, ensure you've attached your resume and end with a polite thank you.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I've seen some of the roles you are advertising online and wanted to get in touch and share my CV with you.

I have worked as a (insert details of who you are, what you do, etc.)

You can find details of my qualifications, work history, and key achievements in my CV, which is attached to this email.

I would love to chat about any opportunities you may have that I could be suitable for. You can contact me at (insert details).

I will wait to hear from you.
(Your name)

6. Sample email to a recruiter for job opportunities

If you're struggling with how to send an email to a recruiter to inquire about job opportunities, let us help. Like previous examples, we describe your relevant qualifications and experience and provide an insight into you with information about your interests.

This sample sets out what type of opportunities you're looking for (part-time, hybrid, fully remote, etc.). Again, being specific will ensure you only get sent relevant opportunities.

As always, end with a thank you and keep checking you've added those contact details.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I am a talented and experienced (programmer, journalist, bricklayer, dog walker, etc.) currently searching for a new role.

Some of my key skills include (list these out). As a person, I am highly driven and have made a massive personal contribution to the places I have worked, including (list out some examples).

For more details on my career so far, here's my LinkedIn profile, and I have attached a copy of my CV.

Do you have any opportunities that suit my skills?

Please get in touch with me at (insert details), and we can schedule an introductory call.

(Your name)

7. Sample email to a recruiter for job interest

Let's say you've spotted a job opportunity online, and you're enthusiastic; this is a great email to send a recruiter. We explain who we are and the opportunity we're applying for.

We express interest in a position enthusiastically and complete the sample with our contact information.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I've seen your advert for the (job title) position and wanted to apply.

I'm a highly skilled and motivated (whatever you do) with impressive transferable experience. I've attached a copy of my CV with this email, and I believe I meet all the essential criteria for the role.

Please review my CV, and get in touch if you would like to discuss my application. I am incredibly excited by the role and hope that you will consider taking my application forward.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

8. Cold email to recruiter sample

You'll read lots of examples of how to approach a recruiter. Our advice is don't try to be too smart, just keep it simple and provide the basics.

Start by introducing yourself to the recruiter, explaining who you are and the opportunities you're searching for. Then, request details of any opportunities and provide a professional closing.

Short, simple, and suitable for any recruitment situation.

Hi (Recipient's name),

We've not spoken before, but my name is (your name). I'm a qualified, skilled, and talented (programmer, nurse, etc.), and I am currently searching for a new role.

I am searching for opportunities in (outline the industry you want to work in, your working location and pattern, etc.).

I have attached a copy of my CV for you to review. Some of my career highlights include (it's always good to add some details).

Once you have reviewed my CV, please contact me at (insert details) to arrange an introductory call.

I'm excited to work with you and secure a new role that suits my skills and matches my ambitions.

Best regards,
(Your name)

9. Sample email to recruiter after applying

This follow-up email to a recruiter is ideal if you've already applied for a job but are waiting for an update. We'll assume the person knows who you are, but we include a short introduction, including the job you've applied for.

The follow-up request is a polite reminder of the next steps in the process, with a request for a reply and a thank you.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I recently applied for the (role) position with you. I am getting in touch to ask about the progress of my application?

Please let me know if I have been successful in securing an interview.

I'm still very excited about the position and would love the chance to secure an interview.

If you need more information from me or would like to discuss the opportunity in more detail, please contact me at (insert details).

I look forward to receiving an update.
(Your name)

10. Ask a recruiter how to prepare for an interview email sample

Recruiters want you to do the best you can at an interview. If you're worried or want some advice, ask! It's a good idea to introduce yourself again and remind them of the job opening you're applying for.

Then, provide some details about your request for information and why you need it for your interview preparation.

If you've got a deadline, say so (and always say thank you!).

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm currently preparing for my interview for the (role title) position, and I would like some more information.

Please can you provide me with extra details on the following:
  • Bullet points are a good way to add a list...
This detail will help me to prepare for the interview and deliver my best performance. If it's easier to chat about this on the phone or in person, please let me know, and we can arrange a call.

Thanks in advance!
(Your name)

11. Thank you email to a recruiter after an interview

In this sample, we outline what to say in a thank you email to a recruiter after a phone interview. We explain what happened and offer our gratitude for setting it up.

You can add specific details about the interview and (if you want) request feedback. If you're still searching for a new job, ensure you say so and finish like a pro with a professional email closing.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I am checking in with you after my interview for the (job title) role at (company name).

Firstly, thank you for setting it up. It was great to have an opportunity to meet with (company name) and learn a little more about what they do.

The interview went great. They asked for more information about (whatever they asked for), and I wanted to provide that here.

I'm excited to learn about the outcome and welcome any feedback. I'm 100% committed to finding a new role, so please share details of any other opportunities I may be suitable for.

(Your name)

12. Sample email to a recruiter asking for an update

If you've done an interview but are still waiting for information, here's how to request a status update. Provide details of the job opening, including when you were interviewed.

Request additional information, and conclude with a professional closing.

If you don't hear anything back immediately, don't be disheartened. Recruitment processes can take months, so stick with it!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm getting in touch to ask for an update on my application for the (job title) role. I was invited to interview on (insert date), and it went well.

Can you provide me with an update on progress and the next steps in the process?

I'm currently at work, so I would prefer you to email me at (insert email address) during working hours.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

13. Sample thank you email to recruiter after getting the job

You've received the great news you've got the job; now it's time to set out the next steps.

Start by advising the recruiter of your decision (in this case, yes!). It's a good idea to express some enthusiasm for the new role and request details of the next steps in the process.

Sign off with a stylish and professional closing.

Cheers on the new job; you're worth it!

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for sharing with me the job offer. I'm delighted to accept it!

Throughout the process, I've been really excited about this position. It's the right next step for me and my career.

Thank you for all of your support.

Can you let me know the next steps in the process? Once I've signed a contract of employment, I can let my current employer know and work out my notice period.

I can't wait to get started!
(Your name)

14. Sample email to recruiter after rejection

It's disappointing not to get a role, but you should always email the recruiter back. Why? Because they're probably working on the next position, and we're 100% sure that's right for you.

You'll need to accept the decision gracefully and wish the successful applicant well (even if you don't really mean it). If you want, ask for feedback and stay positive for the future! The right role is out there; you just need to find it.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for letting me know that I was unsuccessful in my application for the (job title) position.

I thought the interview went well. We developed a good relationship, so I am disappointed I didn't secure the role. However, I understand it has gone to a candidate with more relevant experience.

I wanted to say thank you for all the support, advice, and guidance you have provided. I also wanted to confirm my commitment to finding a new position. Please continue to share any suitable roles with me.

Thanks once again,
(Your name)

Recruiting email template

The business email templates here focus on helping you find a job and build a rewarding relationship with a recruiter. However, if they're too basic or not doing the business, you can create your own with our customizable template.

This template uses professional and effective language to convey your point. It's consistent in formatting and tone and easy to adjust for different recruitment scenarios.

You can work your way through, including relevant email for each scenario (and delete anything that doesn't work for you).

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I'm contacting you about the (job title) position.

I want to apply for the role, and I have attached my CV (provided a LinkedIn profile, portfolio, etc.) to highlight my skills and experience.

Some of my key achievements include (add details of your key successes).

Please can you review my information and let me know if you are happy to progress my application?

You can contact me with details about the role at (insert contact information).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

Final words on recruitment emails

Finding a job is most often hard work. You'll need to build relationships with recruiters, creating and maintaining communication channels throughout every stage of the process.

Remember, recruiters are people, so focus on being professional and include some of your personality.

Every day recruiters are sifting and sorting through hundreds of emails, so hit them with something 100% you for the best chance of success.

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