So, you’re looking for a job and you know that a critical part of your success will be your email application.
In this guide, we explain the process for writing an effective email for a job application. We don’t stop at the first application but provide examples of several follow-up emails for job applications after no response here.
Follow the advice, and you’ll stand the best chance of getting the job of your dreams (or something to fill the time until that comes along).
How to write an email for a job application
The average recruiter receives 250 applications for each post and spends no more than 7 seconds scanning your message (about the same time it takes to tie your shoes).
The key to success is standing out. That doesn’t mean trying to be witty or wacky, but being a pro is the same process you must use through all job application follow-up emails.
What you need to apply to a job via email
Let’s clarify what a job email is. It’s not a cover letter or a CV but a mechanism to deliver them.
Some people don’t bother to spend much time on an application email but get your application email wrong, and the recruiter may not even bother to read your resume or open your application letter.
Why? Because if they’re dealing with 250 responses, they’re actively looking for reasoning to exclude applications – so don’t let that be you!
Traditionally, a job application email is typically a cover letter that accompanies your resume, but each recruiter has their own application process, and there are some pretty standard things that you’ll need to include with every application, including:
- Cover letter
- CV/Resume
- Work samples (optional, but a nice extra!)
Here's a brief explainer if you don’t know what these are.
1. Cover letter
Your cover letter is a formal part of the application process where you introduce yourself, describe your skills, why you want the job, and what value you can add for the business.
We’re not going to walk you through how to write a cover letter. However, there are some amazing online resources, so start there.
You can attach your cover letter as a Word document or PDF. It’s essential to use a file that can be downloaded, printed, and shared – so avoid using Google Docs or cloud software.
2. CV (resume)
Your CV is the story of your working life, a snapshot of your skills, and a chance to highlight your achievements. Again, we’re not going to explain how to create a compelling CV, but we recommend using a simple, easy-to-read, and understandable template.
Again, don’t try to be fancy with formats – create a document that can be downloaded, printed, and shared.
3. Samples of work (optional)
As the experts say, “show, don’t tell.” You can use your application email to showcase your skills and previous results. You can attach a portfolio, photos, or videos or provide a link to your website or social media in your email.
After all, employers prefer candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm and alignment with the job description.
Some tips from us are to introduce examples and explain the impact. Who cares if you designed a great-looking poster? But if that poster boosted sales by 50%, that’s a different matter.
The second piece of advice is only to include a few examples (3 is a great number). Too many appear desperate.
Thirdly, only share work that’s 100% yours. If you worked as part of a team or an organization, make your role clear. Never claim other people’s work as your own.
Finally, be prepared to answer questions on these examples at your interview – including what you did in the process.
Best job application email tips
We’re all about providing information, advice, and terrific tips to help you get ahead of the competition and secure that essential interview.
Here are 7 job application email tips. (Why 7? Because that’s the world’s favorite number, and we couldn’t think of 10.)
1. Send your application email and CV for review
Tip number 1 is the most critical. After proofreading at least twice (or eight times), send your job application email and CV to a friend, colleague, parent, or mentor – or all of them – and ask for feedback, comments, and suggestions.
Your email will give the first impression, so make sure it’s personal, professional, formal, friendly, and favorable.
It's also great to consider timing when sending your application. Sending a job application email within 24 to 48 hours of a job posting increases your chances of being noticed.
2. Make a convincing pitch in the email body
Remember that hiring managers, executives, and founders are busy and will not often open or read your full CV. So you’ll need to convince them in the email body that it’s worth their time to read further.
Think of your email as an advert for you:
- A persuasive subject line gets the attention (and may result in opened email)
- A compelling email body makes the recipient want to learn more (and may result in opened CV)
- Convincing CV makes the recipient want to contact you (and may result in an interview)
The most important thing is to reflect the language in the job spec. The recruiter has been straightforward about what they want and who they’re looking for. Using their language can help to establish that the person to fit the slot is you!
3. Make it easy to contact you
Even though you might have all the necessary contact information in your CV, please include them in the email. Including your contact information in the email signature makes it easier for hiring managers to reach you. This reduces the steps between clicks and contact.
Here are some of the things you should include in every job application email: Use this
- full name
- phone number
- social media links (LinkedIn and Twitter)
- portfolio links (optional)
4. Use a professional email address
Sure, the email address you created when you were 12 or first started college was funny then but is it today? Unfortunately, the chances are it isn’t!
Make sure you have an appropriate email address for a job application. Creating a new email address doesn’t cost anything, and setting up alerts on your phone is simple, so why jeopardize your chances with minecraftslayer1234567@yahoooo.com?
(Don’t email this, we don’t know who owns it!)
5. Check the name of your resume file name
We’ve touched on the importance of using the correct formats for cover letters and CVs.
When you create your CV, give the file (Word document, PDF, or whatever) a professional name that can also be identified with you. Make it easier by naming your attachment files appropriately for easy identification by recruiters.
You never know where it might end up.
Here’s a formal naming convention: “Name - CV - Position,” for example:
- Arthur Shelby - CV - Binman at Shelby Company Ltd.
And before everything else, it's important to review the job description for required attachments. When you're sure you have all the attachments you need, don't forget to mention about it in the email.
6. Use references if you can
Do you know someone who works or used to work at the company? Or do you know someone who knows someone who works or used to work at the company?
Warm connections are always better than cold emailing (even if it’s unfair). As the saying goes, your network is your net worth, so try to leverage it to your advantage.
7. Include social proof
Have you already done similar work for someone else? Show it!
Social proof is powerful and backs up the statements you may have made in your application email, cover letter, and resume.
Remember, your application email should often include a brief introduction highlighting your qualifications and interests. You can include a portfolio or work samples alongside your resume and cover letter.
Social proof also includes social channels. LinkedIn is used worldwide, so don’t be afraid to drop in a link to your profile. It also creates a connection, so even if you don’t get this job, you’ll be the first to know of the latest opportunities.
Job application email format
Job application emails aren’t the time to get creative or buck the trend. However, there’s an accepted format for all job application emails, which we break down below.
1. Subject line for job application email
What’s a suitable email title for a job application? You could go crazy and say, “I’m perfect for this job!!!” but that would be silly. Instead, the subject line for your job application email should be simple to read and easy to understand.
Your job application email should include a clear subject line that states the purpose of your email and your name. The traditional (and still best) approach is to state your name and the job you’re applying for (or a combination of that). Here are a few examples:
Applying for a job probably is the best place to get creative, so stick to a simple subject line for your job application emails.
2. Email greeting for job application
Your email greeting should be polite and professional. Examples of that include:
- Dear (an oldie, but a goodie!)
- Hi
- Hello
If you know the recruiter's name, then use it. People always love to receive emails addressed to them. One thing to avoid is the phrase “Dear Sir/Madam” or using formal titles such as Mr, Mrs, or Ms. We’ve got a whole world of possibilities, so it’s time we all moved on from traditional (old-fashioned) titles.
3. How to start a job application email
First up, state the purpose of your email.
- I am applying for the post of (job name)
Doing this means the person understands what the message is about – which will save them time. Also, in many cases, the person receiving the email won’t be the recruiter, so they can file it away and share it with the person (or persons) who need to see it.
This highlights the importance of briefly explaining how you found out about the job opportunity in your email.
After that, you’ll need to explain what you’ve included with the email (your resume, cover letter, and examples). It’s always worth providing at least a few positive sentences on the opportunity.
You can also highlight your relevant qualifications and experiences in the body of the email to demonstrate why you are a good fit.
Finally, you’ll need to include any requested information, such as salary expectations.
4. How to end an email job application
There are conflicting opinions on how to end an email job application. We recommend asking for information on the next steps. Here’s how this can work:
- Please can you provide me with details on the next steps in the process?
This leaves the recipient in no doubt that you’re serious about your application. If they reply, you’ll be reassured that they’ve received your application. Finally, you’ll know the timescales for decision-making, which removes the need to send a follow-up.
Always ask for the next steps in the process at the end of every email job application.
If nothing else, then you can end your email with a thank you and mention that your resume is attached.
5. Email signature for job application
Sign off with your full name, phone number, and social media links (LinkedIn and Twitter), and attach your CV. Provide all information the recipient will need to contact and connect with you.
Need to write a great job application email? Try MailMaestro for free!
MailMaestro can help you draft a professional job application email in seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.
🪄 MailMaestro tip:
Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!
Job application email samples
We’ve talked a lot about the process; now, let’s put it into practice! These job application email samples cover 7 common situations you might experience when searching for a job.
You’ll get a simple job application email sample, some application follow-up emails, and even how to withdraw an application if needed.
Use these job application email examples to start your job search, but edit and update them to suit your specific circumstances.
1. Simple job application email sample
This simple job application email sample can be cut, pasted, edited, and amended for pretty much any opportunity. It’s not exciting or innovative, but it provides a structured way to communicate the critical points you need to.
2. Email introduction for job application sample
The previous email sample covered how to apply for a job, this one is similar, but it’s about introducing yourself to the recruiter. This introduction approach is a great way to make a personal connection and can work well for several situations.
3. Job application status email sample
We’re clear that you should always ask for details on the next steps in the recruitment process, but as we all know, real life doesn’t always follow rigid plans. This job application status email sample is a way to politely push the recruiter to let you know what’s happening in the recruitment process.
4. Withdraw the job application email sample
Yes, there are some occasions when you might need to withdraw a job application, in most cases because you’ve got another job.
You don’t need to explain why you’re removing yourself from a recruitment process, but most people usually do (and we have in this withdraw job application email sample).
5. How to email HR for a job application update
When emailing the recruiting managers, you’ll need to be formal as they decide your destiny. On the other hand, HR teams deal with large volumes of applications, so this short message is fine. Here’s how to email HR for a job application update.
6. How to write an email to accept a job offer
Hooray, you’ve been offered a job; now it’s time to say yes. Here’s how to write an email to accept a job offer.
Job application email template
5 Bonus simple job application email templates - ready to use
Job application emails are crucial for creating a positive first impression and standing out from the sea of applicants. The importance of job application email templates lies in their ability to help applicants draft an effective, professional email that portrays them in the best light.
To get ahead of the competition and secure interviews, consider these 7 job application email tips that can help you craft effective emails.
The simple job application email templates provided in this article solve numerous pain points for job seekers. They eliminate the struggle of formatting a professional email, ensuring that the application job email sample you send is not too lengthy, complicated, or informal. By providing a clear structure, these apply job email templates make it easier for you to highlight your qualifications, skills, and eagerness for the job.
The templates cater to a variety of job seekers. From the “Straight Shooter” template that outlines skills and qualifications precisely, the “Detail-Oriented” template that allows for a more in-depth explanation of your fit for the role, to the “Enthusiastic Novice” template designed for entry-level positions or internships, emphasizing enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
In a world where technology is king, using AI can simplify your job application process even further. For more on how to leverage AI to craft your emails, check out our articles on how you can use AI in Outlook and Gmail. Here, you’ll learn how MailMaestro, our AI email assistant, can help you write personalized templates for your job application email draft faster and better.
Remember, sending a well-crafted application email is the first step to securing your dream job. So, make use of these professional email samples, follow the proper email format provided, and let your professional email stand out in your job search!
Template 1: The straight shooter cover letter
This template is perfect for those who prefer to keep things short and sweet but effective. It outlines your skills and qualifications in a precise manner, and it clearly mentions the job title you are applying for.
Email template
Template 2: The detail-oriented
This template allows you to delve into more detail about why you would be a great fit for the job by referring to the job description. It’s ideal for those who want to highlight specific skills or experiences.
Email template
Template 3: The enthusiastic novice
This template is designed for those applying for entry-level positions or internships and includes a cover letter to introduce yourself, describe your skills, and express your interest in the job. It emphasizes your enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Email template
Template 4: The networker
This template is ideal for those who have a connection to the company or the hiring manager at [company name]. It allows you to leverage your network and provide a personal touch to your application.
Email template
Template 5: The career changer
This template is for those who are transitioning from one industry to another and are interested in a specific job position. It focuses on transferable skills and how your previous experience can bring value to the new role.
Email template
Final words on job application emails
In reality, you’ll need to send many job emails, follow-ups, and reminders to get a position.
It’s the way the world of recruitment works, and we know it can be frustrating.
But trust us, by investing some time crafting high-quality job application business email templates and persuasive follow-ups, you’ll stand the best chance of getting a perfect position.
Don't be afraid to follow up on your application email after about one to two weeks if you have not received a response. This shows how passionate you are in landing that job!
And remember, always proofread your email and attachments before sending it to ensure it is error-free and professional!
write an application email for the marketing manager position at XYZ company. briefly introduce yourself, highlight relevant experience, and express enthusiasm for the role.
follow-up on our previous call, ask if he’s ready to start cooperation let him know that our discount ends tomorrow ask him if he had time to calculate roi