Gentle reminder email — 9 examples and template

This guide has all you need to send professional and polite reminder emails. Read our best tips and use the 9 email samples at the end.

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What's the face you make when someone forgets to do something? Maybe a 🥴 or a 🥱.

Anyway, we all hate it when someone forgets to do something.

To avoid it happening, you'll need to send a reminder email.

The trick with a reminder email is remaining positive and polite while not putting pressure on the person — because we all also hate being told to do something.

Best not try to be funny. A playful tone of voice doesn't always translate too well through email, so keep things simple!

How do you get it right? In this essential article, we explain you how to get things right in your reminder emails.

After explaining the reminder email format, we build up an example and provide 9 samples to help you master reminder messages for your personal and professional life.

Reminder email format

Before we get into the content, let's break down the reminder email format structure.

The purpose of a reminder email isn't about information; it's about action. So save detailed explanations and lots of information in your reminder emails. Instead, clearly state what you want them to do, why, and when.

In fact, long reminder emails and reminder messages can be confusing. So strip out all the unnecessary or irrelevant information and list what's required.

Here is a checklist of what you should include in every reminder email:

  1. Grab the reader's attention with a subject line
  2. Start with a professional greeting
  3. Explain the situation and what needs to be done
  4. Provide a way they can solve the problem (we love lists)
  5. Explain what they should do

If you’re already experienced in sending emails, this should be nothing new. Let's start with the subject line:

1. Subject line

Your subject line has to grab attention. It must also capture all the information you want to convey. Here are some examples of suitable reminder email subject lines:

  • Reminder: Outstanding invoice
  • Urgent: Can you send me the documents ASAP
  • Action needed: Respond immediately with your offer
  • Where is order number (insert number)
Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856

2. Reminder email body

Before we get into the details, consider your tone of voice.

We know it can be frustrating if someone isn't responding. It's doubly disappointing when you have to send a reminder. Still, we're 100% sure that being polite and professional is the right approach.

This demonstrates that you’re serious about getting a result and assertive enough to send a reminder email (which is good) but not upset or angry (which is bad).

Email greeting

We don't have the time to delve too deeply into the nuances of email greetings or introductions, but read our guide on how to start a professional email if you want to learn more.

Stick to the basics and use one of the conventional greetings:

  • Hi
  • Dear
  • Hello
Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856
Hi Sarah,

Explain the situation

Explain the problem and be specific. Don't apologize for sending a reminder (especially if your payment is late!). But do go into as much detail as is necessary.

It's appropriate to include references and dates – because failing to do so could delay a response (and hold up a payment or project).

Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856
Hi Sarah,

I am contacting you about our unpaid invoice (SC0856). We sent the invoice on 1 January 2023. Our standards payment terms are 28 days. The amount outstanding is $240.

Provide a solution

Unpaid invoices can take an emotional toll, but we try hard to be kind in this reminder email sample. This approach works if you're a small business communicating with a valued client or customer, as it demonstrates you’re serious without damaging your relationship.

Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856
Hi Sarah,

I am contacting you about our unpaid invoice (SC0856). We sent the invoice on 1 January 2023. Our standards payment terms are 28 days. The amount outstanding is $240.

Please can you pay the invoice immediately. We are a small business and rely on our customers to pay promptly. This ensures we can continue to support you and your business.

3. How to end a reminder email

At the end, you’ll want to request a confirmation your email has been received. If you don’t get one, you’ll know it’s either being blocked or annoyed, and you must find another way to contact the person. Don’t forget to add your contact details…

Also, include a call to action and push for a response and resolution.

Explain what they should do

Tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to pay you, tell them. If you're going to set a date, include it.

We recommend requesting a confirmation they've received the email. Even if there's a delay in processing a payment, for example, knowing they've received it gives you the confidence it'll get dealt with. It's important to resist making threats or becoming angry. There may be genuine reasons why they've not responded, so cut them some slack. But, of course, if they continue to ignore you, it's time to escalate things...

Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856
Dear Sarah,

I am contacting you about our unpaid invoice (SC0856). We sent the invoice on 1 January 2021. Our standards payment terms are 28 days. The amount outstanding is $240.

Please can you pay the invoice immediately. We are a small business and rely on our customers to pay promptly. This ensures we can continue to support you and your business.

Please confirm that you have received the email and when I can expect to receive payment. If you are experiencing problems paying this invoice, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.

Include an email sign-off

End your email formally and politely. Although you're the one who's owed something, it's best to remain professional and respectful by using a suitable thank you in your reminder emails.

  • Sincerely,
  • Best regards,
  • Thank you,

If you need a reminder on how to end an email professionally, check out our guide.

Reminder: Unpaid invoice no: SC0856
Hi Sarah,

I am contacting you about our unpaid invoice (SC0856). We sent the invoice on 1 January 2023. Our standards payment terms are 28 days. The amount outstanding is $240.

Please can you pay the invoice immediately. We are a small business and rely on our customers to pay promptly. This ensures we can continue to support you and your business.

Please confirm that you have received the email and when I can expect to receive payment. If you are experiencing problems paying this invoice, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.


Need to write a great reminder email? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a professional reminder email in a matter of seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

9 reminder email examples

Reminder email templates are an indispensable tool in the professional world, serving to simplify and streamline communication. These templates address the common problem of forgotten tasks, meetings, or deadlines, ensuring that nothing important slips through the cracks. Predominantly used by managers, freelancers, and colleagues working on joint projects, these templates can be personalized to suit various reminding email needs.

Here's the bit you've all been waiting for, the reminder email samples.

In this section, we illustrate how you can generate effective reminder emails that will get results. Whether you need to send a gentle reminder to a team member about an upcoming task or an urgent payment reminder to a client, these email templates are designed to enhance productivity and efficiency in your emails. Using a reminder email template not only saves time, but also ensures consistency and professionalism in your communications.

It is crucial to ensure these templates are compatible with various email clients to guarantee correct rendering and high deliverability. It doesn't matter whether you want to request documents, demand you get paid, or ensure someone doesn't ditch your meeting — we've got the samples you need.

Remember, the best reminder emails are personalized and nailing it with the right tone. Want to know how to send email reminders with the right tone? Check out our guide here.

1. Gentle reminder email sample

It's always advisable to start with a gentle minder email. As we've explained above, there may be reasons why a message has been missed or an invoice still needs to be paid.

A gentle email reminder lets you push for an outcome politely but persuasively.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I hope you're well. My name is (your name), and I'm contacting you from (company name). We had arranged for you to deliver (whatever it is) on (insert date), but this has yet to happen.

Can you explain the hold-up and when we can expect delivery?

I've provided all details you need here to locate our order and delivery details.
  • List order number, order details, dates, etc.
Please confirm that you have received this email and a new delivery date.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

2. Polite reminder email to boss sample

Sending an email reminder to your boss can be a sensitive subject, but the principles are still the same. Keep it professional, polite, and persuasive.

Use this polite reminder email to a boss when requesting leave or asking for confirmation. Make a few edits, and this sample could also be a reminder email to an HR manager, professor, or colleague.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I recently sent you a leave request for the week of 1 August to 5 August 2023. This is because I want to book a holiday with my family.

Please confirm whether my leave request has been granted, and I can finalize the booking.

Once I have your approval, I can book the holiday. If you want to discuss my request, please let me know as soon as possible.

(Your name)

3. Sample reminder email for submission of documents

Work in a busy office, and you'll know how easy it is to forget to send documents. Contracts, reports, and plans can all fail to appear on the date and time agreed.

Unfortunately, understanding it happens doesn't make it easier when it does, so we've created a sample for you.

This sample reminder to send documents acts as a professional nudge in the right direction for a colleague, client, or contractor.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to ask when I can expect to receive (report, document, contract, etc.)?

We were working to a deadline of (insert date). Unfortunately, we've missed this date. To ensure there are no further delays, I need confirmation today of when I will receive the (report, document, contract, etc.).

Please reply to this email with the document or details of when it will be delivered.

Do let me know if further delays are likely. If they are, I will need to speak to all the other parties involved and develop a plan.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

4. Urgent reminder email sample

Expecting an email, package, or payment that has yet to arrive? It's time to send an urgent reminder.

When requesting something urgently, get to the point quickly and clarify what is needed (the call-to-action) and when (the deadline).

If you're under pressure, it's hard to remain polite, especially when expecting payment (trust us), but try to be the better person. Sometimes, the individual you're messaging may not have caused the problem, so keep it 100% business and 0% personal.

Hi (Recipient's name),

This is an urgent message to remind you that we are waiting for (payment, a package, etc.)

We must receive this by (insert deadline). Please confirm that you have received this email and when we can expect delivery.

If there are likely to be any delays, we need to know about them immediately. This could impact our business, and we must make plans to ensure customers won't be affected.

I need a reply to this message by (restate deadline). You can also call me at (insert number).

I await your immediate response.
(Your name)

5. Reminder email to client sample

Sometimes, a project can be held up if a client, contractor, stakeholder, or someone else fails to play their part. A gentle reminder email to a client can get your project back on track.

Re: Project plan sign off
Hi Susan,

I'm getting in touch to confirm whether you received our project plan?

The project document is a crucial part of the strategy we've created for you and needs your sign-off before we start working.

If you can review the document and let me know if you're happy with it, we can begin.

If you haven't received the documents or have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible. I'd be happy to talk you through it and provide any additional information you may require.

Best regards,

6. Event reminder email sample

Event reminder emails are necessary to ensure your event is a success. You'll likely be sending out quite a few of these, so this reminder email sample is reassuringly short, sweet, and to the point.

Secure your spot: Managing change in a time of crisis on 1 Sep
Dear Rupert,

I'm contacting you to confirm your attendance at our event, 'Managing change in a time of crisis', which takes place on 1 September 2021.

The event has proved to be popular, and places are in demand. To confirm your spot, please respond in writing by replying to this email. Once you have confirmed your attendance, we will provide you with all the details you need for the event.

If we do not hear from you by 1 August 2021, we will assume you are not attending and offer your place to someone else.

Kind regards,

7. Meeting reminder email sample

Meeting requests should always be personalized. You can be more specific about the importance of a meeting and the implications of not attending compared to the event email.

This example can also be turned into an appointment reminder email.

Reminder: Contract review meeting on 16 May
Dear Stephen,

You have been invited to a meeting to discuss your current contract from 10:00 am – 11:30 am on 16 May 2021.

I would be grateful if you could confirm to me today that you can attend the meeting.

The meeting is a chance for you to discuss your current contract and any potential challenges you may have had with our service. If the time or date is inconvenient, please let me know as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements.


8. Overdue payment reminder email sample

Payment reminders are (sadly) all too common, with late payers a problem facing all businesses. The key here is to remove emotion and resist the temptation to get angry. State the facts, give them the outcomes and tell them what you need them to do. 

Unpaid invoice: PR00989
Dear Andrea,

I am contacting you about our unpaid invoice (PR00989). We sent the invoice on 14 February 2021. Our standard payment terms are 28 days. The amount outstanding is £300.

Please confirm that you have received this email and let me know when we can expect to receive payment. If we do not receive the payment within 7 days, we may not be able to continue to provide our services.

If you are experiencing difficulties making a payment, please contact me using my email address or direct telephone number.


9. Reminder email to a recruiter sample

Don't shy away from sending follow ups and reminders after you've sent your job application. Don't quit, even if you don't get a response the first (second, third, fourth...) time.

The fact of the matter is that recruiters and bosses are busy and applications get lost in overly full inboxes. Thus you should also attach your resume to each reminder and follow up email.

Here's a reminder email template you can use to follow up on a recruiter:

Senior PM looking for work (Ex-Company) - CV sent
Hi Denise Jong,

My name is Natasha Donovan, and I recently sent you a copy of my resume (find it as an attachement). I've reviewed the opportunities advertised on your website and believe my skills, experience, and previous employment history mark me out as an exceptional candidate.

I would welcome the chance to discuss any available opportunities and answer any questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact me at any point, either via email, LinkedIn (link) or call me at (contact details).

Natasha Donovan

Reminder email template

This completely customizable reminder email template can be shaped to work for any situation. To use it, work from the top down and fill in the gaps. If you don't need any sections, delete them. Easy!

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I'm contacting you from (company name). I'm writing to remind you of (whether you need to pay a bill, send a document, complete a form, etc.).

To make it as easy as possible, I've provided details of what I need below:
  • List out what you want
Please confirm that you have received this email and advise me when I can expect a response (or payment, etc.).

Please let me know if there is likely to be a further delay. If this is the case, I will need to speak to the (customer, stakeholders, your boss, etc.) and advise them.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

Why Reminder Emails Are Important for Email Marketing Campaigns

Reminder email templates are critical tools in professional communication, ensuring that important tasks, meetings, and deadlines do not get overlooked. They save time and maintain a high level of professionalism and consistency in your email messages. Using responsive email templates ensures that your reminders display correctly across different devices and screen sizes, whether on Gmail, Outlook, or other platforms.

These free email templates can be customized to suit your specific needs, whether you’re reminding a colleague about a task or a client about a payment. To add a layer of efficiency and personalization to your emails, we recommend downloading MailMaestro, a free AI email assistant for Outlook and Gmail. With MailMaestro, you can create and customize reminder email templates quickly and effectively, ensuring your emails avoid the spam folder and reach the inbox.

By leveraging these mobile-friendly templates in your email campaign, you can enhance your overall productivity and communication. Ensure your reminders are optimized for various devices and email clients to achieve the best results. Access our collection of free emails today and elevate your email marketing strategy.

A gentle reminder of what we have learned

Let's finish with a reminder and refresh of what we've learned. Reminder emails are a business essential, so learning how to create them is important. Thankfully, doing so is simple – if you follow our advice. So stick to the structure and state precisely what you want to happen and when.

Finally, even though it can be frustrating to be kept waiting, keep all correspondence polite and professional – and never let things get personal.

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