Email to boss — 49 example emails & template

There are only so many ways you can email your boss, and in this guide you’ll find 49 of them. Read on!

Table of contents

The key to writing a great email to your boss is understanding the structure and how you can use it to your advantage. Bosses are busy people, so we must keep our emails streamlined, focusing on what we need and why it matters.

There are only so many ways you can email your boss with a request, and in this monster post, you’ll find 49 of them (we just couldn’t get to 50).

How to write an email to your boss

Emailing your boss is a basic task we perform every day – but it’s not always simple to get the structure and tone right. Thankfully, learning how to write a persuasive email to your boss is a crucial skill and easy to learn – and we’ll show you how.  

Let’s get down to business and get ready to email your boss.

Email etiquette when messaging your boss

Bosses are people too, right? So following the principles of good email etiquette is essential. It’s not just about being polite; it’s also more likely to get a positive response if your email is professional and gets straight to the point.

A good relationship with a boss is the basis of a successful career, say the experts at HBR. Google is full of articles with excellent tips on how to build a great relationship, but ultimately it comes down to respect – from both sides.

Clear communication on both sides is the basis for the best working partnerships.

We can show you how to craft a great email with the correct structures, but you’ll need to find the weight words for each situation. But first, you’ll have to decide when to email your boss and when to call your boss.

When to email and when to call your boss

There are certain workplace situations you should never email, says recruitment experts Monster. They include offering criticism, pointing out problems, and announcing personnel changes.

But how can you decide whether to email your boss or when to call?

Sure, it’s a judgment call, but we suggest delivering sensitive or challenging information over a call. Examples can include the decision to leave a job, explaining sickness absence, or raising an issue with a co-worker. Once you’ve spoken with your boss, you can email.

Another consideration is whether your boss’s emails can be read by anyone else. If this is the case, then be doubly cautious in your communications.

How to acknowledge email from boss

You’ve sent your boss an email, and they’ve replied, so do you leave it at that?

Yes! You should acknowledge an email from your boss. Firstly, it’s polite to acknowledge any email personally directed to you. Secondly, your boss will want to know that their information has been understood.

However, if your boss has just said “thanks” or some bland reply, there’s no need to keep batting emails back and forth.

Email format to boss

By now, you should understand when you need to send your boss an email and the reasons why following a standard format is essential. But what is the correct format for an email to your boss? Let’s take a look…

1. Subject line for an email to boss

The subject line is a make-or-break moment for any email. If it's basic, bland or boring, it won’t get opened by a busy boss. But make it too detailed, and the information may get lost.

A great subject line is fewer than 10 words and explains the purpose of the message. It’s not as difficult as it sounds to create great subject lines – and here are 5.

  1. Vacation request (insert dates)
  2. Hello from me on my first day!
  3. Request for feedback on my performance review
  4. Family emergency – can we chat today?
  5. Can we arrange a meeting to discuss a personal matter?

OK, so these are pretty basic, but you can see the principles at work.

A simple vacation request subject line such as that can be actioned, filed, and deleted in minutes. A family emergency email will raise a red flag immediately that this is something urgent to be attended to. A greeting email on a boss’s first day is likely to be less urgent.

Can you spot the pattern? A great subject line to an email to your boss helps them understand whether the request is important, urgent, or can be dealt with at a more suitable time.

2. How to start an email to your boss

How you start your email to your boss depends on your relationship, the organizational culture, and who else might read it. So let’s break these down:

If you’re friendly with your boss, you can use a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’. If you’re new or unsure of how your boss operates, stick with more formal approaches such as ‘Dear’.

Some organizations have quite a culture that may frown on informal communications. For example, those in government, the civil service, or the legal profession may want to avoid being too casual. Again, we advise being more formal until you know what a company’s culture is like.

Finally, if your emails will be read by others (such as a higher-up boss or an HR team), you should consider what you write and how you write it.

3. How to address your boss in an email

When addressing your boss in an email, you have several options:

  • First name
  • First name and surname
  • Professional title and surname
  • Professional title, first name, and surname

Again, it depends on the organizational culture, context, and your relationship. You'll have to decide based on your relationship, but one thing we do suggest is ditching titles such as Mr, Miss, or Ms; just leave them out, and nobody will notice (or care!).

Formal titles should, in most cases, be respected. However, if you’re emailing a doctor or professor, adding their title is polite and professional.

4. How to address two bosses in an email

The advice on addressing two bosses in an email is the same as above! Use the combination of first name and surname that you find suitable. Address the person the email is most relevant to (even if they are less senior).

If you’re emailing professors, then use both titles like this:

Hi Professor XXX and Professor YYY.

5. How to greet your boss in an email

We explore how to greet your boss in an email in our 49 examples below, but the basic principles include:

  • Explain who you are
  • Explain why you’re emailing
  • Be clear about what you want

We won’t go into this in too much detail, as it’s easier to illustrate in an example (and there are 49 below!).

6. How to end an email to your boss

When closing an email to the boss, clearly spell out what you want. In the trade, we call this a CTA, but it can be summed up as a simple statement that says what you want.

  • If you’re asking for leave, you’ll want to request your boss to confirm your response (by a specific time if you’re booking a holiday!)
  • If you want to book a meeting, suggest some dates and times
  • If you’re asking for feedback, explain why you want it and when you need it

After your CTA, you should provide a suitable sign-off. Examples can include:

  • Thanks
  • Kind regards
  • Many thanks
  • I look forward to hearing from you

49 different email to your boss examples

OK, so we’ve gone over the basics; now it’s time to get down to business with 49 (yes, 49) writing an email to your boss examples. You can find sample emails to some of the most common (and some less common) questions for bosses.

If you’re looking for an example of a highly persuasive email to your boss to use, then get scrolling.

1. Sample sick email to boss

Let’s start with a classic message: how to email your boss to say you're sick. If your boss is OK with messaging about sickness, this template contains everything you need. Here’s our sample sick email to a boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to let you know that I won’t be able to attend work today because I am ill.

At the moment, I’m focusing on getting better and will give you an update tomorrow about how I feel.

If you need anything from me, you can contact me via (insert details)

Best regards,
(Your name)

2. Sample vacation request email to boss

It’s time to book a holiday, but before you do, remember to email your boss to request the time off! This sample vacation request email is basic but will do the business.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m planning on booking a holiday, and I wanted to request leave. The dates I’m looking at are (insert dates).

Can you let me know if it’s OK for me to take time off? Once you do, I’ll book the flights and get planning!

Many thanks,
(Your name)

3. Sample farewell email to boss

Your boss is leaving, but can you find the right words for writing a farewell email? Don’t worry; we have this glorious goodbye email to the boss example. Cut, paste and personalize it for your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Before you leave the company, I wanted to say goodbye. I’ve really enjoyed working with you, and we will miss you in the office.

I wish you well in your new role. Let's stay in touch!

Kind regards,
(Your name)

4. Sample thank you email to a boss

Some bosses simply do the basics, while others go the extra mile. If yours is one of the good ones, this sample thank you email to a boss is for you. A thank you email to the boss for appreciation will mean a lot, so be sure to go into details.

Oh, and if you’re searching for a subject line for thank you email to the boss, then just go with “Thanks!”.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I wanted to express my thanks for all the support you’ve provided over the past few months. (Insert details).

It’s great working with you, and I just wanted to share my appreciation.

(Your name)

5. Death in the family email to boss sample

A death in the family can derail the best-laid plans and is a common reason for requesting leave at work. Here’s a standard email sample to request time off after a death in the family.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I’m getting in touch to let you know there has been a death in the family and that I need to take some leave over the next couple of weeks.

I’ll keep you updated on what’s happening and my plans. I’ll do everything I can to minimize the impact on the team and continue to perform my duties as soon as my responsibilities allow.

Thank you for understanding.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

6. Sample email apology to boss

Sorry is often the hardest word to say, but this sample email apology to your boss is an excellent template to follow. And if you’re struggling with how to start,  “Please accept my apologies” is a suitable subject line for an apology email to your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Please accept my apologies for (insert details).

I have taken the following steps, to ensure it doesn't happen again:

  • (Insert details or list of steps)

I hope you can accept my apology and that we can move on from this. If you, however, would like to discuss the matter further, please arrange a meeting.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

7. Salary increase email to boss sample

Requesting a raise is a bold move, but it can help you get what you deserve in business. Take a look at this salary increase sample email for your boss. Our advice: be brave!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I would like to arrange a meeting to discuss my current salary, career trajectory and objectives. I’ve worked at (company name) for (years) and have delivered exceptional service during this time.

Looking at the current market, my salary doesn’t reflect my skills and experience. I would, however, love to continue working with you and welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can make a long-term plan for me at (company name).

Please let me know when you’re free to discuss this further.

(Your name)

8. Gentle reminder email to boss sample

Your boss is, well, the boss, so it can be hard to ask them to do something, which is where our gentle reminder to your boss sample can work wonders. Feel free to adapt this to your circumstances and situation.

Hello (Recipient's name),

I’m unsure whether you received my email about (insert information). I just wanted to check whether you had and, if so when you might be able to reply.

Any problems, please let me know.

(Your name)

9. Sample email to your boss about a problem

It’s vital that you feel able to raise problems with your boss, and this sample email can help. Of course, you’ll have to include all the details, but this email to a boss about a situation is a great place to start.

Hello (Recipient's name),

This is a difficult email to write, but I’m currently experiencing some problems that I would like to bring to your attention. (Insert details).

Now that I have raised these issues with you, can we find a time to discuss how we can put them right?

I’m available to chat when you are

Many thanks,
(Your name)

10. Sample email to your boss on the first day at work

Saying hi to your boss on the first day of work is a nice touch that can help you build a great relationship right from the start. This introductory sample email can be sent to your boss on the first day of work to set the right tone.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I’ve just started at (company). In fact, today is my first day!

I wanted to reach out and say hello. I’m excited to start working with the team and playing my part in our success.

Please feel free to message me at any time if I can help in any way.

Best regards,
(Your name)

11. Sample email to schedule a meeting for boss

Want to arrange a meeting with your boss? Here’s our sample email request to your boss for a meeting. If you don’t like this one, we’ve written a whole host of how to request a meeting with your boss sample emails in our in-depth guide.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I would like to request a meeting for us to discuss (insert details).

I understand that you are very busy and will work around your schedule. I’ve accessed your calendar and identified the following dates and times. Are any of these suitable?

  • Insert dates and times.

Once we’ve agreed on a date and time, I’ll create and send you an agenda for the meeting.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

12. Sample email to your boss about work progress

Spending time with your boss chatting about progress can help you to become more productive and push on with your career. Here’s a sample email to your boss about work progress that will help you become better, whatever business you’re in.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to request additional support for me and my career. I love my job and the company and am keen to achieve as much as possible in my career.

Could we get together to discuss my progress so far and what I can do in the future to push my career forward?

With kindest regards,
(Your name)

13. Sample email to your boss about workload

Sometimes work can get too much, and you should always ask for help when it does. This sample email to your boss about your workload raises awareness of a problem and proposes a solution.

Hi (Recipient's name),

This is a difficult email to write, but I wanted to chat with you about my workload.

I’m currently finding it challenging to manage the volume of work I have and remain productive, and I would like to discuss how we can tackle this.

Please can we arrange a meeting as soon as possible to discuss this?

(Your name)

14. Sample email to an old boss

It’s not what you know, but who you know, the old saying goes – and sometimes the best jobs come from old bosses. So here’s a sample email to an old boss asking for a job that may help you get ahead in your career!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to get in touch with you to check how you’re doing in your new job.

Not that much has changed since you left, but I’m currently looking out for new opportunities and wanted to chat if you know of any roles that could be suitable.

Could we meet up for lunch or coffee? Let me know when you’re free, and we can arrange a time and a place to meet.

I am looking forward to catching up with you!

Best regards,
(Your name)

15. Sample introduction email to new boss

Worried about how to introduce yourself to your new boss via email and searching for a great template? Here’s one…

Hello (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I currently work as the (job) at (company). I wanted to get in touch to introduce myself and welcome you to the team!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you as you settle in.

Talk to you soon.

(Your name)

16. Sample email to boss for promotion

In most cases, you should probably ask for a promotion in person. But, if you can’t (for whatever reason), here’s how to ask your boss for a promotion in an email. Be prepared for some questions and come back before you get that bigger wage packet, but be brave.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I would like to discuss with you my current position. I’ve been with the company for (insert how long) and have made a significant impact during my time here.

I’ve considered applying for more senior roles outside of (Company name), but I would prefer to remain here if possible. Please can we find a suitable time and place to discuss the potential for promotion?

Specifically, I am interested in learning whether there are any current or future opportunities for me to work at a higher level.

I’m excited to learn more about future opportunities, how I could contribute to the company on a bigger scale and setting up new objectives for career progression.

(Your name)

17. Sample professional email to boss

There are loads of reasons why you may need to email your boss formally. But, whatever the situation or circumstance, this sample professional email to your boss should be just about perfect.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I am contacting you to discuss (insert details).

Please confirm when you have received this email, and let me know when we can meet to agree on a solution.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)

18. Sample thank you email to your boss when leaving a job

When leaving a job, it’s always a great idea to say thanks to your boss.

Why? Because you may want to ask them for a reference or job in the future (and because you’re a nice person, obviously). In that case, use our sample thank you email to a boss when leaving a job.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m approaching my last day at (company name), and before I leave, I wanted to thank you. The support, guidance, and leadership that you have provided have been invaluable.

Let's stay in touch and be on the lookout for potential future collaboration opportunities.

I wish you and the team all the best for the future.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

19. Sample email to new boss before starting

Sure, you’ll send your boss an email on the first day you start, but why not send one before you start? You can ask any questions and even do some valuable prep before the first day.

If you’re writing a message, our sample email to a new boss before starting is essential.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m due to start working at (company) on the (date) and wanted to introduce myself.

I am very excited about the new opportunity and the chance to work at such a great company. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to prepare. I’m happy to do some preparatory reading to ensure I can hit the ground running on my first day.

Looking forwards to getting started.

(Your name)

20. Sample formal email to boss

If you’re in a professional environment, this formal sample email to your boss is suitable for (almost) any request.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I have an important matter that I would like to bring to your attention.

  • (Insert details.)

I have planned to take the following steps to solve this matter:

  • (Insert details.)

Let me know how you wish us to proceed.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)

21. Sample congratulations email for promotion to boss

Your boss just got a promotion (hooray) and you want to congratulate them. Our sample congratulations email for promotion to your boss says everything you need to.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’d like to say congratulations on getting a new job!

While we’ll all be sad to see you go, it seems like an incredible opportunity.

We wish you the best of luck in the future. Let's stay in touch!

(Your name)

22. Sample condolence email to boss

Unfortunately, your boss may suffer bereavement in their family. It can be hard to find the right words, so use our sample condolence email to your boss as the basis, and it’ll be a little easier.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I was saddened to hear the recent news of the passing of (insert details). Please accept my condolences for your loss.

I understand this can be a tough time, and if there is anything I can do to help you, do let me know.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

23. Sample family emergency email to boss

Sometimes the world throws things at our families, and we must deal with them. This sample family emergency email to your boss will save time and ensure you’re secure in dealing with the problems you’re experiencing.

Remember, you don’t need to go into details (unless you want to).

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to let you know that I’m currently experiencing a family emergency that may affect my ability to work over the next (insert timeframe). (You can add as much detail here as you want to.)

Can we arrange a call to chat through our options? I’m keen to do everything I can to minimize this impact on the team.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

24. Proposal email to boss sample

Great ideas deserve to be shared, so don’t keep yours to yourself. This proposal email to your boss sample is a great way to share your innovations!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to get in touch and chat with you about a new proposal. (Insert details)

I would love to meet with you and discuss this in greater detail. So let me know if you’re interested in meeting me.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

25. How to say no to your boss email example

Saying no to your boss can be tough, but you should never be afraid to stand up for yourself. This sample email on how to say no to your boss provides a short and structured approach to delivering such a difficult message.

Dear (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent email request. Unfortunately, I will not be able to comply with your request. While I understand you may find this disappointing, I would like to explain why. (Insert details)

Please feel to contact me if you would like to discuss this further.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

26. How to ask your boss a question in an email example

We’ve covered how to deliver good and bad news (and almost everything else in between); here’s how to ask your boss a question in an email example.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’ve got a question that I would like to ask you. (Insert question and details)

I would appreciate it if you could let me know as soon as possible.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

27. Sample email to send a report to your boss

Writing reports is (sadly) a bit part of many of our jobs. So when you’ve written one, here’s a sample email that you can send to your email with a report.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Please find attached with this email my latest report. In the report, you’ll find information on (insert details).

Please let me know when you have received this email and have reviewed the report. I’m more than welcome to talk you through it and answer any questions you may have.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

28. How to request something from your boss in email example

Requesting something just got easier with this sample. Here’s a sample email you can use to request something from your boss.

Dear (Recipient's name),

My name is (insert name), and I'm contacting you from (insert company).

I would like to request your help with a current project. (Insert details about the request, what you are asking for and why.)

I would appreciate it if you could let me know whether you can accommodate my request. Your expert advice and support will be invaluable to the project's success, and I eagerly await your reply.

Yours sincerely,
(Your name)

29. Sample retirement email to boss

A life of relaxation is your reward on retirement (if you’ve saved enough), and it all starts with an email to your boss. This sample retirement email to your boss explains your reasons for leaving and when you want to go.

Dear (Recipient's name),

I hope that this email doesn’t come as a surprise to you, but I am considering retiring (insert timeframe). I’ve worked at (company) for (insert years) and feel it is time to leave.

I appreciate you will have several questions about my decision, and I’m happy to work with you to agree on a suitable timetable and plan for me to leave. I’ll do everything I can to reduce the impact on the team and support you.

Please let me know what dates work for you.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

30. How to notify your boss about a doctor appointment email

A doctor’s appointment is a reasonable reason to ask for some time off, and here’s how to do it. This email is an effective way to notify your boss about a doctor’s appointment.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to let you know I’ve booked a doctor's appointment on (date and time).

I’ll work with you and the rest of the team to ensure there’s cover while I am out of the office. Let me know if you would like to chat about this.

(Your name)

31. Sample email to boss requesting time off

It’s not just a doctor’s appointment or a vacation that you ask for time off. It could be a family birthday, a hot date, an interview for another job, or a well-earned duvet day. Here’s a great sample email to your boss requesting time off.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’d like to book a day’s leave on the (insert date). I've checked my leave allocation and the team calendar, and everything seems to be in order.

Please, can you let me know if my leave request is OK?

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

32. How to tell your boss you are upset email example

If you’re upset, you should never have to suffer alone. This sensitive email can tell your job why you’re upset. Of course, you’ll have to go into some detail, but it’s probably worth organizing a meeting to delve into the details further.

Hi (Recipient's name),

This email has been challenging to write, but I would like to express how upset I am about (insert details)

I’m happy to meet with you and discuss the issues in more detail and identify a solution to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Please confirm that you have received this email and let me know some dates and times we can meet.

(Your name)

33. How to write an email to the boss for work from home example

Hybrid work is the norm, right? Not for everyone. Whether you’re asking to work from home for a single day or an entire week, here’s how to write an email to your boss to ask to work from home.

Hello (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to ask whether it would be possible for me to work from home more frequently?

Working at home positively impacts my productivity and provides a better work/life balance that I appreciate.

I understand there are considerations for the team and would work with you to ensure we have cover for all situations.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

34. Sample performance review email to boss

Performance reviews should be a priority for every boss, but they can often be forgotten or ignored. Use this sample performance review email to your boss to ensure you get one in the diary today.

Hello (Recipient's name),

I would like to arrange a date for us to complete my performance review. I value the performance review process and feel it helps me achieve my best at work.

Can you send me some suitable dates and times, and we can get something in the diary?

Do let me know if there is anything I need to complete before the meeting.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

35. Sample absence email to boss

An absence email is usually used as a follow-up to explain why you’ve been off when you've returned to work. In some companies, it’s an essential part of the HR process. We can’t fill in all the gaps here, but this sample absence email to your boss contains the essentials.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m contacting you to explain why I could not attend work recently. (Insert details).

If you, or the HR team, have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.I’m feeling a lot better now and excited to return to work!

(Your name)

36. Sample appreciation email to boss

If your boss has done something special that deserves respect, don’t hesitate to say it. This sample appreciation email to your boss is a simple way to say thanks.

We kept it simple, but you can of course adapt and embellish this where you need to.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to reach out and say thank you for what you did. (Insert details).

(Your name)

37. Sample a happy birthday email to boss

Signing a card and singing a song are great ways to wish your boss happy birthday in an office, but if you’re working at home, you’ll need an email. So here’s a sample happy birth email everyone will feel warm about receiving.

Hi (Recipient's name),

The whole the team and I wish you a happy birthday!

We all hope you’re doing something nice on your birthday and that you received some great gifts.

(Your name)

P.S. Don’t forget to bring in some cake!

38. How to ask your boss for advice email sample

Your boss is (or should be!) more experienced than you, so if you need advice, ask them. Here’s a sample template for asking your boss for advice and guidance.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I hope you don’t mind me reaching out to you with a request for some advice. Specifically, I wanted your help with (insert details).

You can email me back, or if it’s easier, we can meet.

Let me know what suits you best.

(Your name)

39. Bad news email to boss example

Nobody likes to give bad news, but this template should help you. In this example, email to break the bad news to your boss; we don’t delve into details as this is 100% better in person.

Hello (Recipient's name),

Unfortunately, I have some bad news to share with you. (Insert details)

I know that you will be as upset at this as I am. So please let me know if you would like to discuss it at any point.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

40. Sample bereavement leave an email to boss

The death of a loved one is a terrible time, and you’ll need the support of family and friends. This sample bereavement leave request email to your boss is one less thing you need to worry about.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I regret to inform you that recently (person/relation) passed away. This news shocked us all, and we’re in the process making plans to deal with it.

I will need to take some time off during the next few weeks. However, I’m keen to ensure that this interferes as little as possible with plans, so please let me know when we can discuss it.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

41. Sample complaint email to boss

This sample complaint email to your boss provides a functional framework to explain your issues and ask for a response. Follow it, and you won’t go too far wrong.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I would like to complain about a recent experience I have had. (Insert details)

This was difficult for me, and I would like to discuss how we can ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Please let me know when you are free to discuss this.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

42. How to ask for feedback from boss in email example

Feedback from your boss is an essential part of improving in your career. This example illustrates how to ask for feedback from your boss in a polite and professional way.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to ask if you were free some time to provide feedback on (insert details). I value your opinion and experience.

Let me know if you would be happy to meet, and some suitable dates and times.

(Your name)

43. How to ask your boss for support email example

Sometimes, we all need a little extra support from our managers to help us through tough times. This email contains all you need to ask your boss for support.

Hi (Recipient's name),

This is a difficult email to write, but I would like to ask for some extra support. I’ve recently been struggling to deal with (insert details).

I understand everyone is under pressure at the moment, but any extra help would be gratefully received.

Let me know if we can chat about this at some point.

(Your name)

44. Sample get well soon email to boss

It’s not just workers that get sick; bosses do too! Here’s a sample get-well email to your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I heard you’re not feeling well at the moment, and I just wanted to send you my regards.

I hope you’re feeling better soon. Until then, put your feet up and get some rest!

(Your name)

45. Follow up email to your boss sample

Need to send your manager a check-in email? Here’s our follow-up email to your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I just wanted to follow up with you to see if you received my last request?

If you can let me know when you get a chance to review it and respond, that would be great.

(Your name)

46. Sample funeral email to boss

This sample funeral email to your boss follows a simple format. It’s functional and straightforward, which is all you need to do.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I just wanted to email you to let you know that I will attend a funeral on (date).

Please can you confirm that this is OK?

Many thanks,
(Your name)

47. Greeting email to boss sample

You’ve got a new manager, so how do you greet them? This greeting email to your boss sample is a great example, whatever organization you’re working in.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I just wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you to the team!

I'm sure you’ll have a great time working with us. If you’ve any questions about the company or the team, let me know, and I’ll be happy to answer them.

I am looking forward to working together.

(Your name)

48. Sample email to your boss about a new position

You’ll need to let your manager know if you've got another job. This sample email to your boss about a new position is a formality we all must follow. It’s best to let your manager know you’ve got a new job in a phone call.)

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m emailing you to let you know I’ve accepted another position. Please can you take this email as formal notice for me to leave?

I’ll work with you to manage the process and minimize the impact on the team.

I’ve had a great time working here and am sad to leave, but this new opportunity will be great for my career and personal life.

Let's stay in touch. I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

49. Sample welcome email to new boss

If you’ve got a new manager, a welcome email will start your relationship in the best possible way. This sample welcome email to your new boss is a great way to kick things off.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I just wanted to reach out and say hi before you start your new job.

I am looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions before you start, feel free to ask me, and I’ll do what I can to answer them.

It’s a great team and a fantastic organization, and I’m sure you’ll like it here as much as I do.

Get back soon,
(Your name)

Writing emails to your boss using MailMaestro

Need to write a good email to your boss? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a professional email in seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples above to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

Final words

So, you’ve reached the end of this epic guide on how to write an email to your boss. By now, you should have the skills.

To help, you can copy and paste one of the 49 examples of persuasive emails to your boss!

The principles of great emails include keeping it simple, focusing on the core message, and following the format we’ve established.

Do that, and you’ll find your boss reads and responds to all your emails. Better still, why not try MailMaestro's AI email writing features to get it done right, faster, and better? You can try it for free, by following this link for Outlook and this link for Gmail.

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