Job inquiry email — 12 examples and template

Here we show you process of sending a job inquiry email, including a list of the essentials you must include

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Need to send a job inquiry?

You’re in the right place, because next we unpack the process of sending a job inquiry email, including a list of the essentials you must include.

Whatever industry you’re in, by following our advice and using our business email templates, you’ll sound clear and confident when sending your email regarding a job opportunity. 

How to write an email asking about a job

Job opportunities don’t just appear; you’ll have to go searching – and for that, you’ll need to email. We know it can be tough to get the structure, tone, and timing right, which is why we’ve created the internet’s best guide on writing an email asking about a job.

In this guide, we unpack the process of sending a job inquiry email, including a list of the essentials you must include. By following our advice and using our templates, whatever industry you're in, you’ll sound clear and confident when sending your email regarding a job opportunity. 

What to say when emailing about a job

Before we break down what to include when emailing about a job, let’s look at some reasons why you’ll need to send a job inquiry email:

  • You’ve seen a job advertised and want more information
  • You want to check if applications are still open
  • You want to clarify details (such as salary)
  • You’re cold-calling to ask if there are any current or future job opportunities
  • You know a company is recruiting and want to register your interest
  • You’re following up with a recruiter or company after an interview

This isn’t a complete list but does illustrate some of the reasons for sending a job inquiry email. (You can find an additional seven reasons in our job inquiry email samples and templates below.) Now you understand some of the reasons why you might want to send a job inquiry email, here are 5 things you have to do or say when emailing about a job.

1. Job inquiry email checklist

Let’s start with a simple checklist. This list breaks down the essential parts of every job inquiry email. Tick them off as you’re working your way through!

  1. Short introduction of yourself
  2. State which job you’re inquiring about (to avoid misunderstanding!)
  3. Relevant personal information (more on this on the next point)
  4. Contact details (including preference)
  5. Offer to answer any questions or provide additional information
  6. You can attach your cover letter and resume
  7. Links to relevant social media pages (LinkedIn, Twitter) or portfolio pages

2. Include all relevant contact information

A job inquiry email is about creating a connection, but that won’t be useful unless you include all contact information. You should provide several options, including an email address, phone number, and (if relevant) a LinkedIn profile.

3. Show how you can provide value for the company

It’s important to show that you have relevant skills and experience, but that means nothing if you’re unable to deliver value for the client. When we talk about value, we mean explaining the positive contribution you can have to a business.

If you’re a seller, explain how you’ll sell more. If you’re a customer service expert, explain how you can improve interactions, etc.

The basic principle is that you should use every job inquiry email as an opportunity to highlight quickly why you would be an excellent fit for the role. (But don’t go too far into the details or overload them with information, or you could lose their interest!)

4. Provide a reference (if possible)

Do you have a friend or colleague who could introduce you to someone in the company you’re contacting?

A personal recommendation is a powerful tool in the world of recruitment. It automatically creates a connection and validates you in the eyes of the recruiter.

A recommendation won’t guarantee a job, and you’ll still need to provide a captivating CV and ace the interview, but it can provide a welcome boost.

5. Remember to follow up

Sending a job inquiry email is the start of the process. If you don’t receive a response in a few weeks, then be sure to send a follow-up. This shows you’re enthusiastic and excited about the position. 

When to send a job inquiry follow-up email? We recommend giving the recipient at least a week to respond to your message (and potentially a little longer). Email too soon, and you could appear pushy; too late could make your email perfunctory.

Job inquiry email format

Before we get into our job inquiry samples and template, let’s explain the email formatting process. There are three core parts to your job inquiry emails, the subject, body, and sign-off. You’ll need to get them 100% correct before sending your inquiry.

Here’s our breakdown of the best job inquiry email format.

1. Job inquiry email subject

The subject line is the start of your email and the first thing the recipient will read. Get it wrong, and your email could end up in junk before they’ve even read it.

We’re not going to provide an email subject line masterclass, but our simple tip is to make your email subject line personal, professional, and to the point. It’s something we do in the examples below:

  • (Your name) – follow up on interview for (job name) position
  • I’ve some questions about the (job name)
  • Can you provide some extra information on (job name)?
  • I’m (your name), and I’m interested in job roles at (company name)

2. Email body of job inquiry email

We provide more details in our samples, but each job inquiry email should always contain the following information, delivered in (roughly) this order:

  • Explain who you are and why you’re emailing (“My name is (your name). I’m emailing you to ask whether you were searching for software developers to join your team?”)
  • Be positive and offer value (I’m an experienced software developer with 10+ years’ experience. I excel at helping customers overcome difficulties, and I would love to work with you and some of the amazing businesses you have relationships with…)
  • List what supporting information you have (I’ve attached a copy of my CV with this message and a link to my online portfolio and LinkedIn profile so you can learn a little more about me)

3. How to end a job inquiry email

There are two options on how to end a job inquiry email, the right way and the wrong way. You should end each email by setting out the next steps and providing a sign-off. Keep your emails short, but always provide the next steps in the process. 

When building emails, bullet points are much easier to follow. Here is how to end a job inquiry email (in two bullet points).

  • Outline next steps (I’m finishing my current contract in the next few months and am looking for opportunities. If you have any, can we schedule a call or Zoom to discuss this? I’ll follow up next week if I don’t receive a reply to this message) 
  • Sign-off (I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks, (your name)

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Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

How to email someone about a job samples and template

OK, so we’ve come to show you how to put this learning into practice.

Here are 12 email job inquiry example templates that you can read, review and learn from. These templates should cover the major reasons why you’ll want to send an email inquiry. 

If you don’t see the example email about job inquiry that you need, use the tips above and templates below to create your own. In the end, you should always use these templates as a guide to help you craft your own messages and inquiry emails.

12 job inquiry email examples

1. Job inquiry email sample

This is our standard job inquiry email template that embodies all the principles we set out above. It’s simple, clear, and consistent. OK, it’s not the most exciting inquiry email in the world, but it will get the job done (and hopefully take you one step closer to getting the job you want!).

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I’m contacting you about the (role name) position.

I’ve attached a copy of my CV with this email, as well as a cover letter. You’ll find details of my skills, experience and achievements. I’ve reviewed the job specification and believe that I match them all.

I would love to apply for the position because… (insert reasons)

Please can you confirm that you have received this email and my application has been accepted. I would appreciate it if you can set out the next steps in the process.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

2. How to email about a job opening sample

A typical reason for sending a job inquiry email is to request details on an opening. You’re not sure you want to apply and need some information before you do.

If that’s the case, then this template covering how to email about a job opening is for you.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’ve seen your advert for (job role), and I wanted to ask for some additional information before I apply.

Can you provide me with details on… (ask what you want to know).

I’ve researched your company and am fascinated by your work and excited about the opportunity. (Add more detail here).

I look forward to receiving your reply and submitting an application in due course.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

3. Email a company about a job opportunity sample

This template is similar to the email above but goes to the company. What's the difference, and why does it matter?

You’re dealing with an anonymous email address that multiple people can open and read, so we strip this email back to the basics.


My name is (your name), and I’m contacting you about the (job name) position.

I had some questions about the job specification, which I would like you to answer before I apply.

Can you let me know (insert information)

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

4. Cold email job inquiry sample

Cold job inquiry emails are sent to someone who may not be actively recruiting. They’re a common way to get an early insight into new opportunities and create connections with recruiters.

Here’s a formal cold email job inquiry sample that doesn't try too hard to be familiar or funny (as nobody really likes that).

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I‘m an experienced (software developer, programmer, salesperson etc.). I’m contacting you to ask whether you’re planning on recruiting any time soon?

I’ve attached a copy of my CV with this email, where you can find details on my previous experiences. Some of the highlights of my career include… (list some details).

I”m always around for a virtual catch-up and coffee if you’re interested in learning more about me and the value I could offer your business

My contact details are (insert information).

Hope you get in touch. Have a great day.
(Your name)

5. Sample email about job interest

Some recruiters ask you to register interest in a job before they accept applications. Why? This may be a way to strip out those who aren’t suitable from applying, or a way to increase applications.

Either way, this sample email about job interest is the one to send.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I recently saw the (job name) advertised (say where) and would like to register my interest.

My name is (name), and I'm highly experienced (whatever you do). I believe that I’d be suitable for the role because (provide some information).

As requested in the advert, I have provided (list what you’ve included in the message).

I would welcome the chance to discuss the opportunity. Can you confirm that you've received my application and let me know the next steps?

Kind regards,
(Your name)

6. Job inquiry introduction email sample

A job email inquiry is, as we’ve explained above, a great way to gain an advantage over the competition.

This job inquiry introduction email sample is a request to a connection you already have to recommend you for a role. 

Hi (Recipient's name),

I hope you’re well. I’m contacting you to ask whether you would be prepared to provide a personal introduction for the (job name) position at (company name).

I value the support you have given me throughout my career. Please let me know if you could support me with this, and I can provide some additional information.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope we can catch up soon.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

7. Sample follow-up email about job

Sometimes, you need to take the initiative and send a follow-up email about a job inquiry. As you’ll see in this sample email follow-up about a job, we’re brief and get straight to business but also provide some space to add a compliment.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I recently applied for the (position name) and was contacting you to find out the status of my application.

I sent you a copy of my CV and cover letter with all of my contact information, but you can email me at (address) or call me at (details).

I am excited to apply for the role and believe I possess all the key skills and could perform for your organization.

I look forward to hearing from you about my application.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

8. Sample email inquiry about a job after interview

You’ll likely have to go through several interview stages before you secure a position, during which you may have several questions about the job, salary, benefits, and more.

This sample email inquiry about a job after an interview is an effective way to ask them while boosting your profile.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name). I was recently interviewed for the (job name) position.

I would like to express how grateful you chose to meet with me and how excited I was about the position. During the interview, I learned more about the position and your company and am more convinced that the opportunity is an ideal match for me.

After the interview, I had a question I would appreciate if you could answer. (Insert question).

I understand you are interviewing other candidates for the role. I await your decision, and I look forward to meeting with you again soon.

(Your name)

9. How to ask for more information about a job email sample

You may have some questions about a position before investing time in creating an application. This job inquiry sample covers how to ask for more information.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’ve seen the advert for the (job name) position, and I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask before I applied.

Specifically, can you tell me… (what information you need).

The deadline for applications is (insert name). Can you provide me with information as soon as you can? This will enable me to craft the best application possible.

If you’d like any clarification on the questions or need anything from me, please just ask. You can contact me (however you want them to contact you).

(Your name)

10. How to ask questions about a job offer email sample

Hooray, you’ve been offered the job – but you still have questions. So, what do you do?

Here’s how to ask questions about a job offer email template. We’ve provided gaps you’ll need to fill, so make sure you do them before sending!

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent job offer for the (job name) position. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity and am delighted that you have selected me.

Before I accept the role, I have questions. (Insert questions).

I understand you want an answer as soon as possible. If you can answer these questions, I’ll confirm immediately.

(Your name)

11. Job-status inquiry email sample

The recruitment process has several stages and can be very slow. This job-status inquiry sample is a positive way of giving the recruiter a gentle push forward. Again, it’s important to adapt this template to fit your circumstances and personality.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I recently applied for the (job name). Can you provide an update on the job status and where we are in the process?

I’m excited about the opportunity, and I believe I match all the skills requirements. Furthermore, I have several years of transferable experience. As you can see, I’m highly enthusiastic about the opportunity, so I would appreciate an update.

You can email me back here or call me on (details).

I await your reply.
(Your name)

12. How to write an email asking about a job vacancy

Another common email inquiry is to ask for information on a vacancy. You may want to know about pay, conditions, benefits, or flexible working options.

Whatever the reason, here’s how to write an email asking about a job vacancy. 

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’ve seen you are advertising the (job role), and I have some questions about it. I would like you to answer if that’s OK?

Can you… (ask your questions)

If you can answer these questions ASAP, I can submit my application. If you need me to clarify anything, or if my questions aren’t clear, please message me (insert details).

Best regards,
(Your name)

Job inquiry email template

We hope you’ve found the job inquiry email samples above useful. If you’re looking for a basic job inquiry email template to base your messages on, this one is for you. Copy, paste, edit, and update. Fill in the gaps, and be sure to proofread before sending!

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I am interested in the (job name) position at (company name).

I am applying for the position because (insert details).

Attached with this email you can find (resume/CV, cover letter, portfolio etc.)

Please can you confirm that you have received this email and outline the next steps in the process?

I await your reply. If you have any questions for me, you can contact me at (insert details)

(Your name)

Final words on job inquiries

Learning how to write job inquiry emails is an integral part of searching for a job and securing one!

We hope our guide has helped answer your questions and provided some useful insights. The core of a great job inquiry email is to show enthusiasm and excitement while ensuring you’ve included all the essential elements.

Don’t try to be too creative; just be clear and get to the point. If you get stuck, follow our templates or (even better) use MailMaestro!

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