How to close an email – 40 email ending examples

Wondering how to close an email? This blog post features 40 email ending examples that will help you to choose email closing line, sentence or phrase as a closing statement.

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Closing words for an email can be notoriously hard to nail. There is more than meets the eye about those end of email sayings, conclusion words, and remarks. Yet, it's hard to put your finger on how they exactly affect the delivery of your message. 

"How to close an email then," you might ask. The email closing line –  also known as the email closing phrase or email closing sentence –  is the finishing sentence of your email, right before the sign-off and your name. "Thank you in advance," "Looking forward to hearing from you soon," and so forth.

Email closing lines and their counterpart email opening lines are essential for setting the tone of the email. In addition, those closure phrases bring any email message to the intended conclusion and deliver the message as you meant it.

When deciding on the best closing for an email, the most important thing is to consider who's the recipient, the nature of your relationship with them, and the intention of your message. 

It's good to have plenty of email-ending sentences in your toolkit not to have to spend time thinking – or googling them – on the go. That's why we have put together a comprehensive guide on email closing phrases.

These formal, polite, professional, business, and informal email endings include 40 email closing sentence examples paired with the best email sign-offs that will help you to navigate any email closing remarks with ease.

How to close an email – and why it's important that you do

No matter if it's a phone call, Zoom, or face-to-face conversation, you surely don't just disappear into thin air when you're done. You should approach closing your email the same way as concluding any other exchange to leave a good impression.

Email conclusions follow the same format where email closure remarks are followed with sign-off, the sender's name, and signature. Email ending should consist of four parts.

1. Email closing line

Closing lines of emails are commonly used email finishing sentences that signify the ending of the correspondence. "Thank you in advance" and similar phrases to close an email will help the sender deliver the message the way they intended.

2. Email sign-off‍

A sign-off is a word or phrase such as "Regards" that signals that your email has come to its end. The best email sign-off depends on the context. Also, don't forget to place a comma after it.

3. Your name

‍If you are on a first-name basis with the recipient, you can leave your last name out. Still, otherwise, it's best to use your full name to identify yourself and avoid any confusion.

4. Email Signature‍

Signature typically features your job title, organization, and contact information such as phone number, website, and address, and it's typically left out in an ongoing email exchange.

The identifying function of your email ending is pretty straightforward. Still, the devil is the details.

The closing of your email message will be the last thing that the recipient reads, so it can significantly impact the response you receive. Or if you hear back from someone at all. Best email conclusion is always written with intention so let's dive deeper into examples of different phrases to close an email in various situations.

Need to write a great closing line email? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a professional closing line email in a matter of seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

40 email ending examples

We hate to say it, but the best phrases to end an email always depend on the context. Namely the recipient, your relationship to them, and the subject at hand.

That's why good closing remarks in an email can be anything from formal to informal. Still, in the business setting, you should keep to professional email endings to not break the email etiquette.

So, make sure to always pick the ending note for email according to the situation and the tone you want to deliver your email message with.

Next up, we will have a total of 40 email closing sentence examples and matching email sign-offs so that you have plenty of email ending examples in your toolbox going forward.

Formal email endings – 10 formal email closing examples

Formal emails are the important emails you send to professors, officials, and now and then to representatives of other businesses. These emails are characterized by accurate grammar, punctuation, and spelling and adhere to proper email etiquette that all information your decision on the phrase to end a formal email.

Many of us don't need to send formal emails daily, but it's important to get formal email closing lines just right when we do. Examples of the situations when you need to use official email ending lines include choosing the closing line for a job application email or closing line for an email to a professor.

Below we have put together a list of formal email closing examples for various formal email exchanges.

  • Thank you once more for your help in this matter
  • Any assistance you could give me in this matter would be greatly appreciated
  • Please accept this as my formal apology for…
  • I would like to express my deep regrets for…
  • We would like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused
  • I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter
  • If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me
  • Thank you for your cooperation on this matter
  • Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused

Does it still feel hard to choose the ending sentence for formal emails? Deciding on the best closing sentence for a formal email can be tricky. There's often a lot at stake with this communication. In addition to these formal email closing lines, you should also know the right sign-offs to pair with the closing sentence. Your options are as follows. 

  • Sincerely
  • Respectfully
  • Yours faithfully
  • Kind regards

The above 10 formal email closing line examples will hopefully help you settle on a formal email closing line. However, suppose you are still unsure which phrase to end a formal email with. In that case, you can dive deeper into the topic with our article on how to write a formal email.

Polite email ending – 10 polite email closing sentences

There are as many shades of politeness as possible recipients of your emails. As politeness is in the eye of the beholder, you want to come off as overly polite rather than rude.

For example, consider the difference between choosing a polite email closing sentence to your friend and choosing the closing line for an email to a professor. The best way to be safe than sorry is to put yourself in the recipient's shoes and try to see their message through their eyes.

Being polite, however, doesn't have to mean being formal. In fact, formalities often come off as stiff. Especially when it comes to choosing polite sentences to end an email, our advice is not to get hung up on details but to adhere to good manners.

  • Thank you for your understanding
  • Please let me know your thoughts on this matter
  • Would you please let me know if you need an extension?
  • Please let me know if that is acceptable to you
  • Any help you can offer me would be greatly appreciated
  • I hope you have a good evening/day/week/weekend
  • I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon (and if you don't here's how to send a polite reminder email)
  • Please let me know if there's anything else that I can do to help
  • Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information
  • Please let me know if you have any questions

One of the best ways to match the politeness is to mirror the tone of the recipient's previous email to you. This trick comes especially handy when pairing polite email closing sentences to an email sign-off.

  • Kind regards
  • Best wishes
  • Regards

Nailing your email ending shouldn't be too hard with the help of these examples of polite sentences to choose from when sending an email. But in case you want to learn more about managing the tone of your emails, our article on email's tone goes deeper than our listing on polite email closing sentences.

Professional email endings – 10 professional email closing lines

Typically professional emails exist in the hard-to-define middle ground between formal and friendly. That's why finessing work emails can prove to be more challenging than many of us think.

For example, closing an email professionally requires a toolbox full of proper email closings, including professional email ending phrases and sign-offs, and an ability to navigate the multifaceted interpersonal relationships at work.

Just how often have you found yourself ending a work email and then obsessing over details such as whether you came up with good closing remarks in an email? Don't get us wrong.

It's essential to stop and think before hitting 'Send,' but these examples should help you get the job done faster the next time you wonder how to conclude a professional email. 

  • All the best with…
  • Thank you so much for being so patient.
  • Please advise as necessary
  • I hope you have a good evening/day/week/weekend
  • I really appreciate the help/support/time/assistance
  • Any assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated
  • We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter
  • Please let me know if you need to reschedule
  • Please let me know if that sounds okay to you
  • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
  • I will follow up on this next week

Despite many workplaces leaning towards more informal communication nowadays, you always want to be polite and friendly in internal emails. Not to mention when communicating with someone outside your company.

It's simply a matter of professionalism. These are the ways to sign off an email in the conversion when you need professional closing for your email.

  • Best
  • Best regards
  • As ever

There is no reason to second guess how to conclude a professional email anymore, right? When you have familiarized yourself with professional email ending phrases, you should also learn more about the nuances of professional email sign-offs. These two articles will make closing any email professionally a breeze.

Business email endings – 10 business email closing phrases

How do I write closing remarks for my business email? Whatever you do, make sure not to overlook them.

The ending sentence is the last thing your recipient reads, thus defining how they respond to your message. Business email closing lines come in many different forms depending on whether you engage with existing customers, new partners, or potential vendors.

Your approach to business email closing sentences should follow the same rules and conventions as with other aspects of business emails. 

  • I appreciate your cooperation
  • Thank you for your help/support/time/assistance
  • Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
  • Hope you have a good vacation/journey home...
  • Looking forward to getting your input on this
  • Please let me know when it might be a good time to…
  • We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future
  • Please let me know if there's anything else that I can do for you.
  • In the meantime, if you need any more information, please don't hesitate to contact me
  • It is great to connect with you and I look forward to speaking more soon (after introducing yourself)

Business etiquette is more liberal than it used to be. This means you can take more liberties with the business email closing statement and sign-offs. The above examples on business email closing sentences can be paired with sign-offs that reflect the status of your relationship with the person you're emailing to.

For example, consider the difference between how you would write a sales email closing line to new prospects and existing clients.

  • Best
  • Cheers
  • Best regards

It's good to note that business email etiquette differs from country to country. So before you go ahead and choose way too casual business email ending sentences, you might want to recap our email etiquette tips.

Informal email endings – 10 informal email closing sentences

How to close an informal email? To be blunt about it, however you wish. When emailing with friends and family, you can be as casual as your relationship warrants. The examples we've covered before have been workplace-appropriate.

Still, the same rules and conventions don't apply when communicating with your close ones. That's why you shouldn't overthink informal email closing sentences but merely go with what feels right. 

  • Sorry for the trouble
  • Thanks a lot/a million/a ton...
  • Hope the above is useful to you
  • Good luck with….
  • Let me know if you run into any problems
  • Let me know if that's ok
  • I'll phone you…
  • Speak to you soon/later/on Monday/next...
  • Write soon!
  • Say “Hi” to <Name> from me/Please send my best to <Name>/Send my love to <Name>...

The lines between our professional and personal lives have increasingly blurred. Work emails can reassemble text messages at times. Still, some ways to close an email – starting from slang to "Love" or "Kisses" – should be exclusively reserved for home.

However, some email sign-offs manage to reflect the appropriate warmth and relaxed atmosphere in the informal correspondence without the risk of sounding cheesy or phlegmatic.

  • Yours
  • Take care
  • Later

Even though this part of the article was undoubtedly the easiest to grasp, let's make one thing crystal clear before concluding: informal email closing sentences should be reserved for your free time. But as long as it's for your nearest and dearest, you can pick next to any email conclusion sentence that your heart desires.

Phrases to close an email (and blog post) with

If you made it to this part of this article – congratulations! You've now learned 40 email closing lines and countless combinations of how to close an email.

Whether you are writing formal, polite, professional, business, or informal emails, there's an email finishing sentence you can use among these options.

With these email closing sentences in your toolbox, writing emails should be easier than ever before – knowing the correct closing phrases that you can use over and over again will help you save time and communicate clearly. Even more so if you're using our AI email writer, MailMaestro!

For future reference, you should bookmark this page to conveniently access these email closing sentence examples whenever you're in doubt about the best closing for an email. And while you're at it, you might want to check out these 100 email opening lines, phrases and sentences.

While you are at it, perhaps you want to share these email closing phrases with your colleagues and friends so that you all can start to communicate more effectively via email with the best phrases to end an email?

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