How to Reply to An Audit Confirmation Email (With Examples and Templates)

Learn how to easily respond to audit confirmation emails with helpful examples and ready-to-use templates. Stay accurate, professional, and stress-free when handling audit requests.

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When you get an audit confirmation email, your response is key to the audit process. Whether it’s for financial verification or third party transactions, how you reply can affect compliance and the audit outcome. In this post we’ll walk you through how to craft a professional and accurate reply, with examples and templates to make it easy and stress free.

Audit Confirmation Emails

Audit confirmation emails are a part of the audit process to ensure financial and transactional information is accurate and verified. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. What is an Audit Confirmation Email?
    An audit confirmation email is a formal request sent by auditors to confirm specific financial data, such as account balances, transactions or agreements with third parties.
    • It’s a tool to ensure the information in financial statements is accurate and reliable.
    • These can be sent to banks, vendors or internal departments.
  2. Why Are Audit Confirmation Emails Important?
    Audit confirmation emails are for:
    • Accuracy: So the data in financial statements is correct.
    • Compliance: Many audits are required by law and confirmation emails meet regulatory requirements.
    • Transparency: Confirming with third parties reduces the risk of errors or fraud.

Responding accurately to these emails is crucial for maintaining a smooth audit process and ensuring all necessary information is validated.

Professional Reply

When replying to an audit confirmation email, follow a professional and structured approach so your response is clear, complete and meets the auditor’s requirements. Here are the key elements to include:

  1. Acknowledge the Email
    Start your reply by acknowledging the audit confirmation request.
    • Open with a professional greeting and briefly restate the purpose of the email to show you understand the request.
    • Example: “Thank you for your email requesting confirmation of our account balances as part of your audit process.”
  2. Provide the Requested Information
    This is the most important part of your response, where you provide the specific data requested.
    • Ensure all the figures or details you provide are accurate and verified before sending.
    • Use a clear structure to list the information, such as:
      • Account number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
      • Current balance: $XXX,XXX
      • Date of last transaction: [Insert Date]
  3. Clarify Any Discrepancies (If Applicable)
    If there are any discrepancies between the data you are providing and what the auditor has, address them upfront.
    • Example: “Please note that the balance on record differs slightly due to a recent transaction that may not have been reflected in your request.”
  4. Offer Further Assistance
    Close the email by offering to provide any additional information or clarification the auditor may need.
    • Example: “Should you need any further details or clarification, please contact me directly at [Contact Information].”
  5. End with a Professional Closing
    End your response with a formal closing statement.
    • Use a professional sign off like “Sincerely” or “Best regards” followed by your full name, title and contact details.

For more information on professional communication, read the following article from the University of Tampa.

Common Audit Confirmation Scenarios

Audit confirmation requests can vary depending on the financial information or transaction being reviewed. Below are some common scenarios and how to approach them when replying:

  1. Financial Audit Confirmation
    When you receive a financial audit confirmation email, you are asked to verify financial data, such as balances, account details or transaction history.
    • Verify the figures in your system with what the auditor has requested.
    • Example: “Please find the confirmation of our financial statement balances as of [date]. The current balance of account [number] is $XXX,XXX.”
    • If there are discrepancies, explain them clearly and offer to provide supporting documentation.
  2. Bank Confirmation Request
    Auditors may request confirmation of bank account balances, loan information or credit facilities.
    • Cross check the requested information with your bank statements and confirm the details.
    • Example: “We confirm that the balance for account [number] as of [date] is $XXX,XXX. Additionally, our loan balance as of [date] is $XX,XXX.”
    • If there have been recent transactions that may not be reflected in the auditor’s data, mention them for clarity.
  3. Third Party Confirmation Requests
    In some cases, auditors will request confirmation of transactions with third party vendors, clients or partners.
    • Verify the transaction details (e.g. payments, credits or outstanding invoices) and confirm the agreement.
    • Example: “We confirm that we have an outstanding balance of $XX,XXX with [Company Name] as of [date]. This balance reflects the following transactions: [List transactions].”

Each scenario needs to be done with attention to detail and accuracy. Always double check the figures and add clarification where needed.

Audit Confirmation Email Examples

To help you respond to audit confirmation emails, here are some examples based on common scenarios. These can be customized to fit your situation and be professional.

1. Financial Audit Confirmation

Subject: Confirmation of Account Balances for Audit

[Auditor’s Name],

Thanks for the email re: account balance confirmation for the audit. I have checked the information and below are the details:

  • Account number: [XXXX-XXXX-XXXX]
  • Balance as of [Date]: $[XXX,XXX]
  • Last transaction date: [Insert Date]
  • Transaction amount: $[XX,XXX]

If you need any further clarification or documentation, please call me at [Phone Number] or email [Email Address].

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

2. Bank Audit Confirmation

Use this to confirm bank account balances and transactions.

Subject: Bank Account Confirmation for Audit

[Auditor’s Name],

I am confirming the following bank account details as requested for the audit:

  • Account number: [XXXX-XXXX-XXXX]
  • Current balance as of [Date]: $[XXX,XXX]
  • Loan balance as of [Date]: $[XX,XXX]

Recent transactions: [List of recent transactions, if necessary]

If you need any further info, please call me at [Phone Number] or email [Email Address].

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

3. Third-Party Confirmation

Use this to confirm transactions with third parties (e.g. vendors or clients).

Subject: Confirmation of transactions with [Third-Party Name]

[Auditor’s Name],

In response to your request for confirmation of transactions with [Third-Party Name], I have checked the details and can confirm:

  • Outstanding balance as of [Date]: $[XX,XXX]
  • Transactions:
    • [Date], $[XX,XXX]
    • [Date], $[XX,XXX]

If you need more documentation or clarification on these transactions, please call me.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

These examples are a structured way to respond to audit confirmation emails and be clear and complete in your answers.

Reply to Audit Confirmation Emails

When you respond to an audit confirmation email, make sure to be clear, accurate and professional. Here’s how:

  1. Be Professional and Polite
    Always keep it formal, even if the request is routine. Address the auditor politely and professionally and be clear and respectful.
    • Example: Start with “Dear [Auditor’s Name]” and avoid casual language.
  2. Respond Quickly
    Time is of the essence during an audit so make sure to respond as soon as possible. A quick response keeps the audit process moving and shows you are detail oriented.
    • Respond within 24-48 hours or as soon as you have the information.
  3. Double Check the Info
    Before you hit send, verify all figures, dates and account numbers are correct. Providing incorrect information can cause delays or more audit questions.
    • Cross check with internal records, bank statements or third party documents to ensure accuracy.
  4. Keep it Organized and Clear
    Structure your response so the information is easy to read and understand. Use bullet points or numbered lists when confirming multiple transactions or accounts.
    • Example: List account numbers, balances and dates on separate lines for clarity.
  5. Attach Relevant Docs (If Required)
    If the auditor asks for supporting docs, make sure to attach them. This could be bank statements, transaction records or invoices.
    • Mention in your email that the docs are attached: “Please find the requested bank statements attached for your review.”
  6. Offer to Help
    Let the auditor know you are available for further clarification or questions. This shows you are cooperative and the audit can move forward without delays.
    • Example: “Please call me if you need any additional information or clarification.”
  7. Be Clear About Discrepancies
    If you see any differences between the auditor’s request and your records, address them in your response. Explain and offer to send more supporting docs if needed.
    • Example: “There is a small difference in the balance due to a recent transaction that may not be in your records.”
  8. Use MailMaestro’s AI Email Assistant
    Simplify the process by using MailMaestro’s AI email assistant which can generate responses based on the conversation. With MailMaestro, you input the audit request details and the AI will create a professional, well structured response tailored to the conversation.
    • This saves time and ensures your response is polished and accurate so you can focus on other tasks.

Follow these and your response to an audit confirmation email will be complete, accurate and professional.

Audit Confirmation Email Reply Templates

To make responding to audit confirmation emails easier here are a few templates. Each is for a different scenario and you can customize to your situation.

1. General Financial Audit Confirmation Template

Subject: Confirmation of Financial Account Balances

[Auditor’s Name],

Thank you for your request for confirmation of our account balances as part of your audit. Below are the details you requested:

  • Account number: [XXXX-XXXX-XXXX]
  • Balance as of [Date]: $[XXX,XXX]
  • Last transaction date: [Insert Date]
  • Transaction amount: $[XX,XXX]

Let me know if you need anything else or additional documentation. I can provide further explanation if needed.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

2. Bank Audit Confirmation Template

Subject: Bank Account Confirmation for Audit

[Auditor’s Name],

I am confirming the following for account [XXXX-XXXX-XXXX] for your audit:

  • Current balance as of [Date]: $[XXX,XXX]
  • Loan balance as of [Date]: $[XX,XXX]
  • Recent transactions: [List of recent transactions, if applicable]

Let me know if you need anything else.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

3. Third-Party Transaction Confirmation Template

Subject: Confirmation of [Third-Party Name] Transactions

[Auditor’s Name],

In response to your request for confirmation of [Third-Party Name] transactions I can confirm the following:

  • Outstanding balance as of [Date]: $[XX,XXX]
  • Transactions:
    • [Date], $[XX,XXX]
    • [Date], $[XX,XXX]

Let me know if you need more documentation or explanation. I can help with any additional info.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

4. Account Balance Discrepancy Template

Subject: Account Balance Discrepancy Clarification

[Auditor’s Name],

Thank you for your request for confirmation. I reviewed our records and found a discrepancy between the balance and the transactions. The discrepancy is due to a transaction after the date requested. Below are the details:

  • Account number: [XXXX-XXXX-XXXX]
  • Balance as of [Date]: $[XXX,XXX]
  • Discrepancy reason: A $[XX,XXX] transaction was processed on [Date] which may not be in your records yet.

I attached for your reference. Let me know if you need further explanation.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

These templates are designed to help you respond quickly to audit confirmation requests. Customize as needed for your audit.

Audit Confirmation Email Mistakes to Watch Out For

Responding to an audit confirmation email requires attention to detail. Even seasoned pros can make mistakes that can delay the audit or cause miscommunication. Here:

  1. Not Including All Required Info
    One of the biggest mistakes is sending an incomplete response. Auditors need detailed and complete info to verify financials.
    • Review the original request carefully and make sure you include all the necessary details like account numbers, balances and transaction dates.
    • Example: If the auditor asks for account balance as of a specific date, make sure you provide that exact balance and not the latest one.
  2. Providing Wrong Data
    Sending wrong or outdated info can delay the audit process. Double check your data before you reply.
    • Cross reference your records, statements and internal data to confirm what you are sending is correct.
    • Example: Verify the latest transactions to make sure the balance you are providing matches the date requested by the auditor.
  3. Using Too Casual a Tone
    Audit confirmation emails are formal communications and your reply should be too. Using an informal or too casual tone can make you look unprofessional.
    • Always use a formal tone even if you know the recipient. Phrases like "Hey" or "Just checking in" should be avoided in these replies.
    • Example: Use formal greetings like “Dear [Auditor’s Name],” and close with “Sincerely” or “Best regards.”
  4. Responding Late
    Delays in responding to an audit confirmation email can slow down the entire audit process and can even cause problems for the organization being audited.
    • Reply within 24-48 hours and if you need more time, let the auditor know you are working on the request and provide a timeframe for your response.
  5. Not Addressing Discrepancies
    If there is a difference between the auditor’s info and your records, ignoring it or not addressing it can cause confusion.
    • Clearly explain the discrepancy and provide a reason or supporting doc to clarify the situation.
    • Example: “There is a $500 difference in the account balance due to a transaction that was processed after the date requested. Please see the attached statement for verification.”
  6. Forgetting to Attach Supporting Docs
    When auditors request confirmation, they may also ask for supporting docs like bank statements or invoices. Forgetting to attach these can delay the process.
    • Review your email before sending to make sure all required docs are attached and properly referenced in the body of your email.
    • Example: “Please find the attached bank statement for account [number], as of [date].”

By doing this, you’ll have an accurate, professional and timely response to the audit confirmation email.


Replying to an audit confirmation email requires detail, professionalism and accuracy. Follow these steps and you’ll have a smooth audit. Avoid these mistakes and your prompt and organized replies will get you a good audit.

To write perfect replies, try our AI email assistant, MailMaestro. It will write messages for you from scratch based on your conversation's context or will improve your existing drafts using the power of AI.

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