Reimbursement emails are professional correspondence to ensure you get paid for outgoings and expenses.
For example, you may have incurred costs for everyday expenses, run up medical bills, or be asking for a payout for lost or damaged items. Whatever your expense, our guide to reimbursement emails will ensure you're never short-changed or out of pocket.
Every reimbursement email must be clear about your costs, what they're for, and how you want to get paid. We can show you how to write an effective reimbursement email, including the correct format, suitable subject lines, and several samples to help you.
So stop waiting for the cash, and let's start writing...

How to write a reimbursement email
Reimbursement emails are formal emails that you'll write to get paid for expenses you’ve run up. The first lesson is, you must be clear and concise in every request for reimbursement. This isn’t the time to beat around the bush or go light on the details.
Firstly, start with an introduction about who you are and why you're getting in touch. Of course, this will differ if you're an internal team member or from the outside, but it always pays to be positive!
You'll want to justify why you're due a reimbursement. Basically, you have to be clear about what you are asking for repayment for any why. You'll also need to prove your expenses by providing all the necessary details and documentation.
Reimbursement email format
Reimbursement emails are based on a format that should be familiar to anyone in business. It's all based on three core parts: the subject line, body copy, and sign-off.
Remember to include attachments of relevant documentation, including invoices and receipts!
1. Reimbursement email subject line
We kick off with a professional and formal subject line. You want to ensure that it's clear and relevant to the request but also that it's attention-grabbing.
Why? Because reimbursement requests are easy to ignore. Don't give them a chance by ensuring your subject line stands out.
- Reimbursement request – (add details)
- Reimbursement claim attached – date
- Request for payment – (add details)
- Expenses attached – please confirm receipt
2. Reimbursement email body
Reimbursement emails are pretty simple to crack. You'll start by introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of your message, and providing any relevant background.
- My name is (your name), and I'm contacting you from (where you're from). I'm emailing you to request reimbursement for (include details).
Next, list out what you're asking to be paid for. Your request for reimbursement should be explicit and document everything. Use bullet points in your request for reimbursement to include all the details to make payment as simple as possible.
- I'm requesting reimbursement for the following:
- Include details...
You should add some relevant background to your message to provide context. This can act as a justification for reimbursement.
- The expenses were incurred while I worked for you on (insert details of costs).
You can expect anyone to pay out without proof, so always provide attachments, including all relevant documentation. You can attach copies of receipts and anything else required to process your payment.
You can end your reimbursement emails here or add a clear call to action and potentially a deadline.
- I have attached copies of my receipts to this email. I understand your payment terms are 28 days. Can you confirm that this is correct?
3. How to end reimbursement email
As a piece of professional business correspondence, you'll need a professional closing (here are 40 more)! We always recommend adding a polite thank you before providing the following steps to ensure your expenses are reimbursed.
- Please confirm that you have received this message and provide details of when I can expect payment.
It's essential to add contact details so the recipient can clarify any details and confirm your payment.
- You can reach me at (insert details) if you need to contact me.
Finish with a suitable sign-off (kind regards, many thanks, etc.), and you're ready to send.

Want a simple solution for professional reimbursement emails? TryMailMaestro!
Writing the perfect reimbursement email can sometimes be challenging. However, with MailMaestro you can craft professional emails effortlessly. With MailMaestro you can choose to enhance an already existing draft or start an entirely new one, using MailMaestro feels like having your personal AI email assistant.
But there's more to it. MailMaestro's new release features Improve with AI which allows you to fine-tune specific sections without affecting the entire content. Once the draft is created, you can highlight a section or the entire text, then adjust it to meet your specific needs. Here's how it works:
Sample instructions for MailMaestro:
"Draft a reimbursement email to Alex explaining my need for requesting reimbursement
for a purchase I made during a recent business trip.
This was essential for the successful execution of our 'Project Alpha'.
Item: Office supplies
Total amount: $150
Reassure them that all original receipts will be attached for verification"
Resulting email from MailMaestro:

Don't wait any longer - experience the convenience and professionalism of MailMaestro today. Download now and transform your email composition process!
7 reimbursement email examples
We all love the theory, but sometimes you must see some examples to understand how it fits together.
So here we provide 7 reimbursement email examples that focus on using clear and concise language to get your cash!
Of course, we strike the right professional tone – friendly but formal. We've also provided spaces to slot in relevant details and tag receipts.
Ready to go? Here are reimbursement emails we can all use to make getting paid a priority!
1. Asking for reimbursement email sample
This simple reimbursement sample does everything we've outlined above (in some style!). We start by saying hi and following up with some introduction and background before laying out our request for reimbursement.
Next, we provide details of all expenses and, naturally, highlight the attachments of relevant documentation. Finally, we conclude with a clear call to action.
If you need one reimbursement sample that can do it all, it's this one.
2. Sample email for reimbursement of travel expenses
Travel expenses are a common cause for a reimbursement email, so keep this sample ready for when it's required.
When it comes to expense reimbursement emails, include all details (dates, times, and travel methods) to make it as easy as possible for your claim to be paid. (It's worth checking out your company's rules on reimbursement before submitting a claim to ensure you include everything you need.)
Being as straightforward as possible is the most effective strategy for securing your reimbursement.
3. Sample email for reimbursement of travel expenses for the interview
Not all businesses will pay expenses for an interview, but if this one does – be sure to claim it!
You're not going to be familiar to the company, so you'll need to include lots of proof. Include dates, times, and details of the interview – and even consider copying the recruiting manager into your email.
Then, follow all the advice above, including stating who you are, why you're messaging, and the purpose (getting paid!).
OK, so you may not get the job – but with our interview expenses reimbursement template, you'll get your travel expenses back at least!
4. Reimbursement request email for lost or damaged items
Requesting reimbursement for lost or damaged items isn't easy. You need to prove you owned the items, describe the loss or damage, and push for payment.
In this example, we're claiming for damage to a phone. We include the contract as proof of purchase and images of the damage. We mention the insurance policy we have and our preferred method of compensation.
Be prepared to answer questions and offer more information, but keep going!

5. Sample email for reimbursement of medical expenses
Claiming repayment for medical expenses is familiar to our US cousins, and there are strict rules. Start by providing details of your insurance policy and coverage.
Next, you'll need to make a clear request for reimbursement and provide details of all medical expenses. Including receipts and details of all parties involved is critical to ensure rapid repayment.
Get well soon!
6. Request for reimbursement of advance payment email
In some cases, such as buying a travel ticket or equipment for work, you may request advance payment.
First, you'll need to provide a clear and convincing claim why you should receive an advance payment.
After this justification, you must confirm the agreement (including what's being paid for, when, and why). Finally, you'll want to set out any conditions for payment.
7. Follow-up email for reimbursement status
Sometimes (sadly) reimbursement emails aren't processed and paid. Often, they can be ignored as they're not usually a priority. If this happens, this follow-up email is for you.
It pays (literally!) to be polite and request the reimbursement status. After that, hit them up with a request for payment confirmation. Finally, request that they send an update and provide you with a deadline for payment.
Expense reimbursement email template
The samples above are great examples of how to create reliable reimbursement emails, but if they don't hit the spot, use this template. This template is entirely customizable, so just cut and paste the bits you need, and bin the rest. Here's how it works...
The template works through each part of the professional and formal format. It begins with some introduction and background, then goes straight in with a request for reimbursement.
Subsequent steps include details of expenses and a justification for reimbursement. We've also added all vital information and attachments, like invoices, receipts, and payment confirmations.
There's a professional closing and a clear call to action!

Final words on reimbursement emails
You should be bossing cashback claims by now, but we'll summarise the key tips for effective reimbursement emails.
Understand and follow the format, including introductions, information, and attachments. Always understand the rules around reimbursement, and follow them.
If we're owed money, we tend to get pushy – but we must always stay polite and professional. So focus on striking the right tone and take your time. It will pay off in the end!
follow-up on our previous call, ask if he’s ready to start cooperation let him know that our discount ends tomorrow ask him if he had time to calculate roi