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Want to compose perfect emails without searching for templates?

Jul 24, 2024

How to Cancel an Interview: 8 Polite Decline Email Templates & Examples | MailMaestro

Cancelling a job interview can be a challenging task, but it’s important to handle it with professionalism and courtesy. Whether you’re cancelling an interview last minute due to unforeseen circumstances or because you’ve accepted another job offer, it’s crucial to communicate your decision promptly and give as much notice as possible. Providing a brief explanation for your cancellation can also help maintain a positive relationship with the potential employer. This not only reflects well on you as a professional but also maintains a positive relationship with the potential employer.

In this article, we provide eight email templates to help you navigate how to politely decline an interview in various scenarios. From how to politely cancel an interview to how to decline an interview due to schedule conflicts, these templates will guide you in crafting clear and respectful emails.

For more tools to assist with professional communication, explore our AI email assistant to help you write personalized emails quickly and efficiently.

interview scheduled

8 Declining Job Interview Email Templates - Ready-to-use

When it comes to how to cancel interviews, the way you communicate can leave a lasting impression. It’s essential to contact the hiring manager with professionalism, ensuring that your message is clear, respectful, and considerate. The following email templates are designed to help you effectively communicate your decision to decline an interview, regardless of the reason. By using these templates, you can ensure that your email is polite and professional, maintaining a positive relationship with the potential employer.

These templates cover a variety of scenarios, including how to cancel a job interview last minute, how to decline an interview because you got a job, and how to politely cancel an interview due to personal reasons. Each template is crafted to provide a clear and respectful message, acknowledging the opportunity and expressing gratitude for the interviewer’s time. By tailoring these templates to your specific situation, you can handle the process of cancelling an interview with ease and confidence.

Whether you are facing a schedule conflict, unexpected health issues, or have simply reconsidered the role, these templates offer a structured and professional way to communicate your decision. For more on how to effectively manage your professional communication, consider exploring our to assist you in writing personalized and efficient emails.

Template 1: General Decline

This template is for politely declining an interview opportunity.

Email Template

Template 2: Last-Minute Cancellation

Use this template if you need to cancel an interview at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.

Email Template

Template 3: Accepted Another Job Offer

For situations where you’ve accepted another position and need to cancel the scheduled interview.

Email Template

Template 4: Reconsidering the Role

If you’ve reconsidered your interest in the position and decided to withdraw your application.

Email Template

Template 5: Health Reasons

Use this template if health issues prevent you from attending the interview.

Email Template

Template 6: Personal Reasons

For cancellations due to personal matters.

Email Template

Template 7: Relocation

If you need to cancel due to a sudden relocation.

Email Template

Template 8: Schedule Conflict

When a schedule conflict arises, use this template.

Email Template

Conclusion - Why Interview Cancellation Politely Is Important

Cancelling an interview politely is essential to maintain professionalism and leave a positive impression, even if you’re not proceeding with the job opportunity. It is an important part of the hiring process, showing respect for the interviewer’s time and consideration, which can be valuable for future interactions.

Cancelling an interview can be handled professionally and respectfully by using the right approach and language. These templates provide a clear and polite way to communicate your decision, helping you maintain a positive relationship with potential employers. Download MailMaestro, an AI email assistant, to make writing these emails faster and easier.

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