Reply to meeting invitation email with 3 example emails

What's the best way to reply to a meeting invitation email? Read our tips and use our email format and samples.

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If you've been invited to a meeting, you must reply  – and the sooner, the better! A timely response is critical for securing your place at the meeting.

If you choose to decline or reschedule, a prompt and professional reply can protect your reputation.

But how do you reply to a meeting invitation email? Let us show you. In this guide to writing effective meeting response messages, we describe the format you must follow.

Then, once that's crystal clear, we'll provide three business email templates for every situation and a customizable template.

Meeting invitation reply email format

Before we get into how to respond to a meeting invitation email, you'll need to decide what to do. Are you attending the meeting, requesting to reschedule it, or declining it?

Each option will require a slightly different tone of voice and approach. But, positively, they all use the same email format – which should be no surprise if you understand proper email etiquette.

Every business email has 3 core parts:

  1. Subject line
  2. Body copy
  3. Sign-off

Let's look at each in order.

1. Meeting invitation reply email subject line

You'll usually respond to a meeting request by hitting reply. You won't control the subject line in this case, so you can ignore this bit.

In some situations, you may want to start a new email chain. This is especially important if you wish to reschedule or decline a meeting. It enables you to take control of the format. You can use your subject line to grab attention and be relevant to the content.

  • Meeting confirmation – please confirm my slot!
  • I received your invitation: the answer is yes!
  • I can attend our meeting – can we reschedule?
  • I won't be able to make the meeting
  • I'm declining your meeting request

2. Meeting invitation reply email body

If someone takes the time to email you and invite you, it's polite to express gratitude and thanks.

  • Thank you for inviting me to the (title) meeting.

Next, you'll need to confirm all details. Let them know if you're coming, want to reschedule, or are declining. (Don't worry; we provide examples of each below!)

Whatever your decision, you must explain why (even if it's short).

  • I'm happy to confirm that I'm able to attend. Can you confirm my space and share with me all details?
  • Unfortunately, I have a prior appointment at this time. Can we reschedule?
  • I'm unable to attend the meeting because (insert details).

Remember to add your contact information!

  • You can send any meeting information to me at (insert details). If any details change, please let me know.

3. How to end a response to a meeting invitation

Your recipient should know by now whether you're coming or not. Of course, they may not bother reading this far, but add a positive sign-off if they do.

  • I'm looking forward to meeting with you and the team. I'm excited to see what we can achieve together!
  • While I can't attend this time, I hope we can find a suitable time to meet.
  • I wish you and the rest of the team all the best for the meeting.

When writing meeting request replies, you must adhere to your company standards and style guide (if this exists). This may supersede any advice we give, so follow the rules.

Finally, meeting requests are a professional courtesy, so do the right thing and review the spelling, grammar, and tone of voice before sending.

Get it wrong, and you might not be invited again…

General Tips on Writing A Meeting Invitation Email

1. Prioritize and respond promptly

You're at your desk, and a slew of meeting invites pop up in your inbox. Some are from your boss, while others are from colleagues, and a few from clients. The first step? Prioritize. Not every meeting requires your immediate attention. Analyze the importance of the meeting.

Is it a strategy session with the management team, or a brainstorming session with your peers? Respond accordingly.

Remember, the sooner you respond, the sooner you can move on to the other tasks at hand. If you don’t, you could find yourself in a sticky situation, juggling multiple tasks and trying to respond to the invites, all while the clock is ticking. In contrast, prompt responses help you manage your time more effectively and display professionalism.

2. Check your calendar

Now, picture this: You've hastily accepted a meeting request, only to realize later that you've double-booked yourself. To avoid this embarrassing situation, always make it a point to check your calendar before accepting any meeting invite.

If you don’t, you may run the risk of overlapping meetings or, worse, having to reschedule at the last minute, which could leave a negative impression on your peers or clients.

On the other hand, a quick glance at your calendar before responding to an invite ensures you have a clear view of your availability, making your scheduling process much smoother.

3. Keep your response clear and professional

You’ve received an invitation for a meeting that you can’t attend. How do you respond? It's crucial to keep your response clear, concise, and professional. If you're unable to attend the meeting, politely decline with a brief explanation.

Need to reply to a meeting invitation via email? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a response to a meeting invitation in seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

Even better, MailMaestro can sync with your Outlook & Google calendars to automatically check for open slots and suggest meeting responses based on your availability. All you have to do is click a single button and AI will create the perfect response for you,

3 meeting invitation reply email examples

At this point, we're about to present you with some samples. You'll see we start each by expressing gratitude for the invite (it's only polite, after all). After that, each sample focuses on a different response – accepting a meeting, declining one, and rescheduling one.

Each sample shares the same format, structure, and tone of voice. So, if you want the easiest meeting responses, here we go!

1. Accept a meeting invitation email sample

You've received a meeting invite, and you want to apply, so get writing a reply! This meeting invitation acceptance email starts with a bit of appreciation and provides your answer.

In the rest of our response, we confirm some details and ask for relevant information. Once you've hit send, remember to add it to your calendar.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for inviting me to (meeting details). I can confirm that I can attend and have added it to my diary.

I would like to clarify some details before I attend. (Insert clarifications and questions here.)

Before the meeting, could I ask you to send me (notes from the previous session, agenda, etc.)

I look forward to meeting you on (insert date). Please let me know if there are any changes to the meeting date, time, or agenda.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

2. Decline meeting invitation email sample

If you approach it correctly, declining a meeting doesn't have to damage relationships. This sample says thanks for the invite and politely decline it.

It's only polite to offer a brief explanation and some reasons for refusing a meeting, but don't go overboard. A single sentence should be enough.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I have received your meeting request, and I wanted to thank you for inviting me.

I will be unable to attend the meeting and need to decline the invitation. This is because (insert reasons).

I hope the meeting is a success, and I wish you well in the future.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

3. Request to reschedule meeting invitation email sample

Meetings can (and do) clash, so you'll often have to reschedule. Like the samples above, this request to reschedule a meeting starts with a thank you, follows up with the reasons you can't attend, and finishes with a request to reschedule.

It's often helpful to suggest some alternative dates for a new meeting. This shows our seriousness. And (if you've bothered to check your calendar), it will ensure no future clashes.

It's essential to ask for confirmation the organizer has received your message.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Many thanks for inviting me to the (insert details) meeting. Unfortunately, I cannot attend at this (date/time/location).

I would still like to meet, and I wanted to reschedule. To make things as easy as possible, I've provided some dates and times that I am available to meet with you below:
  • Add your dates and times here!
Are any of these suitable for you? You can select a suitable slot and send me a revised invite. I'll add this to my calendar immediately and look forward to meeting with you.

You can contact me at (insert details) to chat about this in person.

Best regards,
(Your name)

4. Meeting confirmation reply email sample

When you have scheduled or rescheduled a meeting or appointment, it's often professional to send one more confirmation. This step is not always necessary. When booking remote meetings, a calendar invite is often enough.

You can send a meeting confirmation email to also send any proposals, agendas, or other crucial information.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Great, thank you for confirming your availability. I sent you an invitation via (Butter, Google Meet, Zoom, etc.).

Here is a preliminary agenda for us to prepare for:
  • List discussion points, decisions that should be made, etc.
What do you think? Let me know if you have something urgent we should discuss before (date), so I can make sure all the right people join the meeting from our side.

Looking forward to it,
(Your name)

Reply to meeting invitation email template

These samples may not be suitable for your organization or your style. If that's the case, then this meeting invitation template enables you to create meeting messages in a structured and consistent format.

We've written this in a modular format, so it's customizable for different situations. Add your details, delete the irrelevant stuff, cut, paste, and send. Simple!

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for inviting me to the (meeting title).

Please accept this email as confirmation that I would like to attend.

You can share any information with me about the meeting, including the agenda (or travel information, etc.) here.

Before the meeting, I would appreciate it if you could clarify some details /answer some questions I have. (Insert queries or information you need to be clarified.)

Please let me know when you receive this email.

If you have any questions or need to contact me at any point, you can reach me at (insert details).

Kind regards,
(Your name)

Final words

By now, you should have all the tools available to reply to a meeting invitation email. However, even if your emails aren't perfect, always be as professional as possible.

Whether you choose to attend or not, ensure you communicate your decision clearly – and send your message as soon as possible!

Better still, why not try MailMaestro's AI reply features to get it done right, faster, and better? You can try it for free, by following this link for Outlook and this link for Gmail.

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