Quotation email — 6 examples and template

Writing quotation request emails is a fundamental part of professional life, so it pays to get it right. Read our tips and use the 6 email samples we provide.

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Quotations are a fixed price for a product or service, enabling you to budget and plan accurately.

If you're involved in production and planning, asking for quotations is a bread-and-butter part of your business – but are you doing it correctly?

If you've been asked to request a quote from a supplier but don't know where to start, we're for you!

Writing quotation request emails is a fundamental part of professional life, so it pays to get it right.

First, we explain what a quotation email is and the differences between estimates. Then we share some expert insights on how to write perfect professional quote emails, including a request for quotation email and how to follow up with a revised quotation.

What is a quotation email?

Quotation emails are different from cost estimates. How? Estimates can provide you with an idea of costs.

Quotations are fixed prices that you can use in a budget proposal and as part of a procurement process.

You may want a quote for an individual part or a whole truckload. You may also want a quote for delivering a single service or ongoing support.

Here are some of the common reasons you may want to create a quotation request:

  • Requesting an initial quote from a provider
  • Negotiating the terms and conditions of a quote (such as delivery timescales)
  • Refreshing a quote after some time
  • Revising a quotation
  • Sending a quote to a customer
  • Following up on a quotation email

In each of these situations, your quote emails should follow a similar structure – so let's outline what that is!

How to write a quotation email

If you're writing a quote email to a supplier, vendor, or partner, here are 8 tips you should always follow.

  1. Make it clear you want a price (or make the price clear) – hit them up with a request for a price first, as this is what most people care about.
  2. Push paint points – pain points are the problems you face. Reflect on these in your quotation emails and highlight how you want the person to solve them!
  3. Keep it short – quotation emails are (almost) all about asking for a price, so don't waste time with lengthy messages; instead, keep it short and sweet.
  4. Provide details in attachments and links – every quote must be finalized with a contract, so don't try to include it in an email. But do include necessary attachments and links.
  5. Ask for quotes like a pro and proofread – a spelling mistake, grammar error, or (even worse) an incorrect price could destroy your professional reputation, so always proofread everything.
  6. Make it personal – address the person directly and make them feel confident and in control. Use professional language, but try to build a personal connection.
  7. Put a time limit – tell the person if you need a reply quickly, and always include a deadline for responses.
  8. Use MailMaestro – we can't over-emphasize the importance of professional language and tone in a quotation email. If you're struggling with it, outsource it to AI assistant and use MailMaestro.

What to write in email when sending a quotation

Pros use the tips above to craft professional messages. It's not all, though.

When they come to create a quote email, they all include the same standard parts:

  • Quotation price – state that you're asking for a quote as soon as possible as you can in the email.
  • Quote details – define what the quote request includes and what it doesn't...
  • What's included – list precisely the products/services contained within the quote. Use bullet points or attachments to give a comprehensive overview of everything.
  • What's excluded – ensure you include what's not included in the quote, such as product maintenance agreements.
  • Include add-ons – provide details of any additional services you may require either now or in the future.
  • Why would they want to work with you – provide details of the benefits of working with your business (and why they should offer you a good deal!)
  • Technical terms – state the terms of the quote, including any add-ons (including VAT), interdependencies, and clauses.
  • Contact details – spell out, in simple terms, how the customer, client, or company can contact you with a quote.

Quotation email format

Now, let's get into creating effective messages by describing the proper layout and structure of a quotation email.

Following this outline and the tips and tricks above will ensure you include everything in your messages in a logical and easy-to-understand way.

Quote emails have three core parts:

  1. Subject line
  2. Email body
  3. Sign-off

Let's delve into the details!

1. Quotation email subject line

Quotation emails should always be clear and professional. Don't try to be too friendly, funny, or informal. It's critical to include key details in the subject line so that anyone can see it's a quotation email, who it's from, and what it relates to.

Here's how to write a clear and attention-grabbing subject line for a quote email:

  • Request for quotation
  • Can you provide a quote for (what)
  • Would you like to quote?
  • We need a price for (whatever you need)
  • (Company name) – Quotation request

2. Quotation email body

The email body will include an explanation of the quotation in detail. You must outline the quote details and any relevant Ts and Cs. Feel free to use bullet points or tables to present the quotation request as efficiently as possible.

  • We've reviewed your company information and wanted to invite you to quote for a project. We've broken our requirements down in the table below so you can see each part we need a price for.
  • I've attached a copy of our terms and conditions with this email. This includes our payment terms and timescales.

Now they've got the price, finish with a positive message about the future with a focus on building a relationship.

  • The quote should reflect the total cost of delivering all aspects of our request. We're searching for a partner that can help us grow, smash targets, and storm sales! We want to be with you every step of your journey.

Set out the following steps, and include any quote conditions.

  • We hope that you provide us with a quote. We've got contracts ready and waiting, and we're on hand to get started ASAP.

Always personalize and customize every email to each recipient, reflecting who they are and the company they work for.

3. Quotation sign-off

In your closing remarks, you'll want to thank the person providing the quotation. You can also set out the next steps in the process, and remember to include your contact details.

Salespeople rarely take no for an answer (at least for the first 50 times), so if you're planning on follow-up your message, make it clear this is the case.

  • Thanks in advance for preparing your quote. I'm always here to clarify any details or answer any questions. You can contact me at any time at (insert information). Please return your quote to us by (date) to enable us to make a decision. We plan to assess submissions and appoint a supplier by (date).

Always add a polite sign-off (kind regards, best regards, etc.), proofread, and then hit send!

General tips on how to write quotation emails:

1. Personalize your email

Although others go for a formal quotation email format that's traditionally used, by being able to address the recipient by their name and reference any previous conversations or meetings is equally powerful in the quotation process. This shows that you value their business and have taken the time to understand their needs and to get to know your clients on a deeper level.

2. Include a call to action in your email body

Don't just send a quote and leave it at that. Encourage the recipient to take the next step, whether that's scheduling a call to discuss the quote in more detail, asking for further information, getting more contact details, getting them to check the payment terms, or request or asking them to confirm their acceptance -- the most important thing is to get them to take an action after reading your email.

This is a general rule in any email communication, especially in marketing and email campaigns.

3. Add value

Keep in mind that you're mostly communicating with business owners. Part of the decision making process of a business owner is that you only want what will provide value to your business. So be sure to provide details that are relevant, valuable, and makes sense for them. Anything to help your clients make informed decisions.  

Apart from listing your prices, explain why your product or service is worth the investment. Highlight what sets you apart from your competitors, such as superior quality, exceptional customer service, or innovative features.

While this may be an obvious advice, make no mistake because this makes a big difference between you and your competitors.

Need to write a great quotation email? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a professional qutation email in seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

6 quotation email examples

To explain the principles above, here are six examples of effective quotation emails for various products, services, and situations.

As well as the samples themselves, we provide a short analysis of the audience and why they're effective.

Samples and templates are, by nature, generic – so before using them in business, be sure to edit and adapt them!

Don’t forget to customize, personalize, and proofread

1. Request for quotation email sample

This quotation request email is one you can send to multiple suppliers. It outlines what you want when you want it, and why.

This quotation request email reflects the appropriate tone and language when requesting a quotation. The content and structure also adhere to the tips outlined above, and you can see how we've asked for critical information.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I work at (company). We're looking for a new partner to provide (what you're seeking a quote for).

Are you interested in providing a quote for this work?

I've detailed our requirements below:
  • Add details here, including a full list of requirements, quantity, delivery timescales, etc.
We seek to appoint a long-term partner to support our growth plans. We would welcome your quotation and suggestions for how we could work together!

We've asked several companies to provide us with a quotation and have a deadline of (date) for all replies. Please provide us with a quote (detail the format).

You can contact me to ask any questions or clarify details on (contact details).

We look forward to receiving your quote.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

2. Sample email for a revised quotation

If the proposal you've received doesn't cover everything, then ask for a revised quotation.

When sending a revised quotation request email, specify precisely what you need to avoid confusion. Be sure to clearly explain the reason for requesting a revision of the quotation.

Explaining the changes you want to be made in the revised quote can ensure that you won't have to go back and ask for more and instead can make your decision.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent quotation (provide details, such as the quote number).

We have reviewed our requirements and need to make some changes. Can you revise your quotation?

To make it as easy as possible, I've listed out all changes to deliverables in the table below.

(Insert table, bullet points, or a paragraph outlining changes.)

Please review our request and let me know if you have any questions. Apologies if this causes you any inconvenience; however, we have to ensure we're getting the products/service we need.

I look forward to receiving your revised quotation.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

3. Sample email for price quotation

This price quotation email template is simpler than others as we're asking upfront for one thing – the price.

If you want, you can provide an outline pricing schedule and a comparison with other suppliers' prices (to see if they match the price). If you're buying in bulk, you can ask for an explanation of any discounts or special offers you may be entitled to.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm contacting you from (company name). We're interested in purchasing (number) of (product). (You should add how many of each, the product number, etc.)

Can you please provide us with a quote?

As part of your quote, can you provide details of any incentives and bulk buy discounts we may be entitled to?

We're contacting several suppliers and have set a deadline for responses of (insert date). Can you provide your terms and conditions, delivery schedule, and price?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
(Your name)

4. Sample email to supplier for quotation

Getting the best deal is critical to effective supply chain management, so always push for the best price. This example of how to write an email to a supplier for a quotation focuses on the size of your operation to build your reputation.

It's essential to explain the requirements and expectations of the supplier. Also, remember to give a deadline with your quotation request!

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm contacting you from (company name). We're looking to appoint a new supplier to provide (whatever it is you want them to supply).

We're a fast-growing business and are looking to scale. We need to find a long-term supplier to work with us as we grow. If this sounds like you, could you provide us with a quotation for the following items/services:
  • List what you want
I recognize you will have questions about this, so please get in touch, and I can answer any questions. However, we need to move quickly, so I'll need to push you for a response by (insert date).

I've heard great things about your business and am excited about working together.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

5. Sample email to a vendor for quotation

The vendor selection process usually involves getting several quotes and comparing them.

In this sample, we outline how to write an email to a vendor for a quotation. We create a customizable template that can be adapted in seconds and sent to several businesses.

Like all samples, there's a clear explanation of what's required (you'll need to fill this in!). It's the easiest way to slim down your vendor selection process.

Hi (Recipient's name),

We're searching for a new partner to sell our products. Could this be you?

Vendors play a critical role in our success, and we love what you do. Can you provide us with a quotation for carrying our products?

At this stage, we're simply looking for a price. If it works for us both, we can take the conversation further.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

(Your name)

6. Sample quotation email to customer

We will flip the script now and outline the content and structure of a quotation email to a customer.

First, we briefly describe the products and services we're quoting for, then offer the price. Next, we explain why our quote is the best and why no other business can compare!

We encourage you to use bullet points, tables, links, and attachments to enrich your message and make it as easy as possible to understand.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for inviting us to quote for your project. We’ve reviewed your request and are pleased to present our response.

The total price for all deliverables is (price). We’ve broken this down in the table below, so you can see what each individual part costs.

Insert a table or bullet points here.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this quote, and provide answers to any questions you may have. All of us (company name) are excited about the potential of working with you.

We hope that you find our cost schedule acceptable and select us as your partner for this exciting project. I’m sure we can achieve great things together!
(Your name)

Additional sample situations and how to approach them:

New Client Request for a Quote

You've just received an inquiry from a potential client interested in your services. It's crucial to make a good first impression. Approach this by being professional and courteous, showing enthusiasm for their project, and providing a detailed and transparent quotation.

Example: "Dear [Client's Name], Thank you for considering our services for your project. We're excited about the possibility of working with you. Please find attached our detailed quotation for your review."

Sending a Revised Quote

The client has requested some changes to the initial quote, but you don't know how to send revised quotation to customer. This is a delicate situation, and your prompt response is equally important as you need to justify the changes without losing the client's trust. Be clear about the changes and why they were necessary.

Example: "Dear [Client's Name], Thank you for your feedback. Based on our recent discussion, I have revised our initial quotation. Please find the updated quote attached, explaining the necessary adjustments."

Quoting for a Large Project

The client has a big project and needs a detailed breakdown of costs. This can be overwhelming, but it's important to be thorough and transparent. Break down the costs in detail and explain each item.

Example: "Dear [Client's Name], Thank you for considering us for your large-scale project. We understand the importance of detailed planning and budgeting in such endeavors. Please find attached a detailed quotation, breaking down the costs involved."

Quote Request for a Long-term Contract

The client is considering a long-term contract. This is a great opportunity to secure steady business, but it's also a big commitment for the client. Highlight the benefits of a long-term partnership and provide a detailed quotation.

Example: "Dear [Client's Name], We appreciate your interest in a long-term contract. We believe that this arrangement will provide numerous benefits, including priority service and cost efficiency. Please find our detailed quotation attached, outlining the benefits of our partnership."

7 Bonus Price Quotation Email Templates - Ready-to-use

These templates are designed to cover various scenarios related to price quotations, including requesting a quote, responding to a quote request, and providing an estimate. Each template is crafted to ensure professionalism and clarity, making it easier for you to manage your business communications.

Using these templates can also assist in establishing and maintaining professional customer relationship management by including client details and streamlining the process with a well-structured quote template.

Whether you need to ask for a price quote, follow up on a request, negotiate terms, or accept or decline a quotation, these templates have you covered. They can be easily customized to reflect your brand’s tone and specific requirements, ensuring that your emails are both effective and professional.

Template 1:  Request for Quotation Email Template

This email is used to formally request a quotations for a specific product or service from a vendor. It helps in obtaining a detailed quotation price example, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision, including considering fixed and variable costs.

Additionally, it is important to outline clear payment terms in the request.

Email Template

Subject: Request for Price Quotation

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a price quotation for

[specific product/service].

Could you please provide the detailed pricing, terms of payment, and any other relevant


Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 2: Follow-up on Quotation Request

This email is a follow-up reminder sent to a vendor when a response to a previous quotation request has not been received. It ensures timely communication and helps in securing the needed price quote for your requirements.

Email Template

Subject: Follow-up on Quotation Request

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to follow up on my previous email requesting a price quotation for

[specific product/service].

We are keen to move forward and would appreciate your response at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 3: Providing a Quotation

This email provides a detailed pricing quotation to a client who has requested information about a product or service. It includes all relevant details, including a fixed price, making it a comprehensive quotation price example that the client can review.

A fixed price offer ensures that the price cannot be altered once the client accepts it, protecting both parties against fluctuations and additional costs.

Email Template

Subject: Price Quotation for [Product/Service]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for your interest in our [product/service].

Please find attached the detailed price quotation as requested. If you have any questions

or need further information, feel free to reach out.

We look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 4: Responding to a Quotation Request

This email is a response to a client’s inquiry, providing the requested pricing and additional relevant details from the service provider. It ensures that all aspects of the quotation request email format are addressed professionally.

A clear and professional subject line is crucial to ensure the recipient immediately understands the purpose of the email.

Email Template

Subject: Quotation Request for [Product/Service]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for your inquiry regarding [product/service].

Attached is the price quotation and additional information you requested.

Should you need any further details or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 5: Negotiation on Quotation

This email initiates a discussion to negotiate the terms or prices quoted by a vendor. It helps in reaching a mutually agreeable price quote, ensuring both parties are satisfied with the terms. A revised quotation may be necessary during this process to reflect any agreed-upon changes.

It is important to send a clear revised quotation request email, explaining the reason for the revision and specifying the changes needed to avoid misunderstanding.

Email Template

Subject: Discussion on Quotation for [Product/Service]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for providing the quotation for [product/service].

We would like to discuss some aspects of the quote and explore possible adjustments

to better fit our budget.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 6: Acceptance of Quotation

This email template confirms the acceptance of the quotation provided by a vendor and outlines the next steps. It solidifies the agreement and ensures a smooth transition from quotation to implementation.

Email Template

Subject: Acceptance of Quotation for [Product/Service]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We are pleased to inform you that we accept the price quotation provided for [product/service].

Please proceed with the next steps as outlined in the quotation.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Template 7: Declining a Quotation

This email template is used to inform a vendor that their pricing quotation has been declined after careful consideration. It ensures clarity and maintains professional relationships even when a quotation is not accepted.

Email Template

Subject: Re: Price Quotation for [Product/Service]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for providing the quotation for [product/service].

After careful consideration, we have decided not to proceed with the quotation at this time.

We appreciate your time and effort and hope to have an opportunity to work together in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Conclusion on quotation emails

Writing quotation request emails can save you time and secure you the best deal. Following our tips, using the correct format, and focusing on the outcome will see you get results.

The simplest approach is to adapt our samples and template, but you should aim to develop your own style. For the easiest quote emails, there's always MailMaestro, your trusted Outlook AI Assistant.

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