Introduction email — 5 examples and template

Introduction emails are critical in the business world. In this guide we walk you through each step of the process and provide 5 examples.

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Introduction emails are a critical currency in the business world, helping to build connections. For example, you may want to introduce a colleague to a client (or customer) or a new colleague to an old one.

Whatever your reason for writing an intro email, we can show you how to do it better! (If you want to learn how to introduce yourself in an email, we've got a guide for that...).

We will walk you through each step of the process, explaining how to write an introduction email. We start by exploring correct email etiquette, then follow it up in MailMaestro style with a breakdown of the individual parts in every persuasive email.

Finally, we illustrate how to create effective intro emails with 5 samples and a template. By the end, you'll be an intro emailing expert.

Introduction email etiquette

So, why write an introduction email? The primary introduction email purpose is to connect two (or more) people that don't know each other – but should.

Examples of essential introductions include:

  • Connecting a new team member with an existing customer
  • Introducing an account manager to a client
  • Bringing together two members of staff who have never met

If you're already working in an office environment, you'll likely have sent an introduction email. But are you doing it correctly?

There's a little bit of email etiquette at work here.

Firstly, before sending an introduction email, you should get permission from the parties that matter.

Let's say you're introducing an account manager to a client. This is a critical relationship, so you'll need to check that the person is in a position to do their job. So rule #1 is to check each side is prepared and expecting the connection.

Rule #2 is to find language that fits. You'll want to use a conversational style, but avoid using slang or being too familiar – particularly when dealing with clients and customers.

Rule #3 is to stick to the accepted introduction email format, so let's look at that now...

Introduction email format

There are three parts to an effective introduction email: the subject line, body copy, and sign-off. As you'd expect, this section explains the essential elements of every introduction email, including email subject lines, what to include in the email body, and how to sign off.

Work through this list, and you'll learn how to build clear and compelling introduction emails.

1. Introduction email subject line

Subject lines can be tricky to tackle, so follow this principle: Your subject line should clearly show the intent of your email. Don't try to be funny or creative; capture the essence of the email.

Email experts believe (and professional etiquette dictates) that you should start your subject with "Intro" or "Introduction". It explains the purpose of the message and quickly catches the eye in a stuffed inbox.

Then, follow that up with the names of the people you're messaging. (Don't worry about including the surnames unless there's a reason, such as both people having the same first name!)

Here's how that can work:

  • Intro: Jane x Kyle

Sometimes, it can be a good idea to include other information, such as what they do or who they work for. Here are a few ways that you can do this:

  • Intro: Jane ( & Kyle (Grava)
  • Intro: Lizz (Head of Sales at Shelby Co. Ltd.) & Kyle (new Senior Account Executive)
  • Introducing Kyle, your new Account Executive

These introduction subject lines are simple, straightforward, and short enough to be read in a fraction of a second. That's the key to their success.

Let's write an example email together, startign with the subject line:

Introducing Enzo, your new Account Executive

2. Introduction email body

Introduction emails aren't about you but about creating a connection. So, begin with a clear and concise purpose.

Next, you'll need to explain why an introduction email is necessary, so after sharing details of the people involved, provide context.

Focus on building a positive relationship, so highlight strengths between the two parties.

There's a lot to consider here, but try to keep the tone of voice and professional. Don't be too formal or informal, try to hit the right note – as we do in this example.

Introducing Enzo, your new Account Executive
Hi Lizz,

I'm contacting you to arrange an introduction. Enzo has just joined us as our new Senior Account Executive and will be working on the Shelby Company Ltd account.

He joins us from Sabini Racing Group, where he spent 10 years as a VP. I wanted to reach out to you both and provide a formal introduction.

3. How to end an introduction email

So, you've managed an introduction; your job is done, right? Not quite! When closing your introduction email, you'll want to be specific about the next steps – including who is in charge of taking things forward.

Respect other peoples' schedules, and let them work things out.

You'll also need to include the essentials, including contact details and any issues that may impact communication (if someone is off on a certain day or planning a vacation, for example).

Introducing Enzo, your new Account Executive
Hi Lizz,

I'm contacting you to arrange an introduction. Enzo has just joined us as our new Senior Account Executive and will be working on the Shelby Company Ltd. account.

He joins us from Sabini Racing Group, where he spent 10 years as a VP. I wanted to reach out to you both and provide a formal introduction.

I know you will want to arrange a time to catch up, so I have included both sets of contact details below. Enzo has vacation booked from (insert dates). I'll let you two work out the details, but let me know if I can help in any way.


5 introduction email examples

Hopefully, you'll now understand the fundamental parts of every introduction email. In this section, we illustrate the points with some practical examples. You can find 5 email introduction examples that demonstrate how to introduce someone via email, introduce colleagues to each other, and colleagues to clients.

These examples demonstrate how to put these things into practice. We recommend using these as the basis for your own emails (but if you're running short of time, feel free to cut and paste!).

1. Introduce someone via email sample

This simple intro sample is suitable for professional and personal use. It's stripped back to the bare bones and is easy to understand. Be sure to match this with an easy-to-understand subject line for a successful intro.

Hi (everyone you're emailing),

Please take this email as a formal introduction to each other. I know that you have not met each other yet, but (person's name) has recently joined our company as the (job title).

They are currently undergoing an induction process, and it is my role to introduce them to people they have to build relationships with.

It's important that you two meet, so I suggest organizing a meeting at your convenience. I have provided contact details for you both below and suggest you find a suitable date and time to meet.

I will leave this to you to arrange and wish you both well.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

2. Introduce two colleagues via email sample

At work, you'll probably have to introduce colleagues to one another. It could be welcoming a new starter, introducing a new team member, or bringing together two individuals for a collaboration.

Whatever the reason, the format is the same and the focus should remain on getting work done!

This is how to introduce a colleague via email...

Hi (everyone you're emailing),

I wanted to introduce you both to one another. You will be working together on a new project, and it's a good idea that you get the chance to learn a little more about each other.

Please get in touch with one another using the email addresses here.

While there will be a formal project kick-off meeting, it's a good idea if you two can connect before this.

I encourage you to message each other. I don't need to be involved in the process, but please let me know if I can help in any way.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

3. Introduce your colleague to a client via email sample

Introducing a colleague to a client is a big step. Before writing an email, ensure that your colleague is prepared for the email.

Are you confident they have the information, support, and confidence to take the connection forward? Once you're happy, use this to introduce your colleague to a client in an email.

Hi (client's name),

I would like to formally introduce you to (person's name). They have started at (company name) and will work as the (whatever they're doing).

(You can add details of the person, including some details about their career and experience.)

I know that (new person's name) will be a significant asset to our company – and yours.

I've spoken with (person's name), and they will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting where you can get to know one another a little better.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

4. New account manager introduction email to customer sample

Account managers are a crucial connection between you, your company, and your client. You'll want to ensure a smooth and happy handover, so do work before sending an intro email. As well as prepping the new account manager, you may also want to consider dropping your client ahead's up – particularly if it's a big and valuable customer.

When you're ready to start writing, here is an effective new account manager introduction email to a customer.

Hi (customer's name)

I want to introduce our new account manager (person's name).

They will be taking control of the account from (insert date). They will be in touch shortly to arrange a meeting with you.

We have met and discussed your account, and I have provided a comprehensive handover covering everything. I am 100% confident that they will continue to provide an exceptional level of service.

I have shared your contact details and understand (person's name) will be in touch today. Furthermore, I remain at (company name) and can provide any support you require during the handover. Finally, it has been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you well in the future.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

5. New employee introduction email to colleagues sample

That first-day feeling can be full of nerves. Still, a warm and welcoming introduction email to colleagues can work wonders.

Internal emails can be a little less formal and provide a little insight into your personality.

This new employee introduction email should put them at ease on their first day...

Hi (everyone you're emailing),

I want to introduce you to (person's name). Today is their first day!

(Person's name) joins us from (company name), where they worked as (job title). They'll be working as the (role title).

(Use this space to add information about the person, what they'll be doing, key relationships etc.)

I know that you will all want to wish (person's name) well and welcome them to the team. Some of you will also want to set up meetings. You can find contact details below and a link to their calendar.

All of us at (company name) wish you the best in your career.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

Introduction email template

Hopefully, the business email templates above show you how simple it is to create introduction emails. But if they don't hit the spot or suit the circumstances, you can use our customizable email template.

Work from the top to the bottom, and fill in the gaps to create a compelling message. Don't worry if some sections don't work; delete them.

Be sure to proofread and edit before sending!

Hi (everyone you're emailing),

I'm contacting you to arrange an introduction! (Person's name) has just joined us as our new (job title) and will be working on (whatever they're doing).

They us from (where they have come from), where they were the (what they did). I wanted to reach out to you both and provide a formal introduction!

I would like for you to connect with each other. You can use the email addresses here. Alternatively, I've provided contact details here (insert contact details).

I would encourage you to arrange a meeting at your convenienvce.

I am happy to support this process if you need me to, but I do not need to be involved.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

Quick checklist for writing introduction emails

By now, you should have developed the skills to write engaging and effective introduction emails. But, before we leave you, here is an essential checklist for writing introduction emails. Follow it, and you'll create content that builds connections.

  1. Start all introduction emails with a clear subject line that accurately reflects the contents
  2. Greet both parties in a friendly and professional manner using their first names
  3. Provide context for the introduction and explain why you are making it
  4. Highlight relevant information about each person and their connection to the introduction
  5. Keep the email concise and to the point (it's about them, not you!)
  6. Write in a warm and approachable tone
  7. Provide follow-up information or details on the next steps
  8. Thank both parties for their time reading the email
  9. Proofread and edit the email carefully before sending it

Final words on introduction emails

Introduction emails are essential parts of the professional's toolkit.

Thankfully, writing them is easy — especially if you follow our guide. Remember, the focus of each email is creating a connection, so strip emails back to the basics and focus on this.

Once you've made the introduction, step back and let them get on with it! You can relax with the warm glow that your job here is done.

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