Customer feedback email — 5 examples and template

Check out these 5 feedback email samples and templates and read our guide on how to write customer feedback emails.

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One of the most valuable things you can do for your customers is show them you care about what they have to say. Customer feedback emails are designed to nurture connections and foster a deeper sense of appreciation with your customers.

You likely already know how important it is to consider your audience’s thoughts and feelings. After all, they’re the ones you make your products for! 

But how do you get the information you need without coming off too strong? And how can you get customers to respond to feedback requests, like surveys and questionnaires?

The answer lies in crafting a personalized customer feedback email. In this guide you have everything you need to start.

This is where our Outlook AI plugin, MailMaestro comes in handy, as you can create personalized feedback emails super fast. For example, check out our thank you for feedback template in action:

How to write a customer feedback email

To kick things off, every customer feedback email needs 3 key elements:

  • An attention-grabbing subject line
  • An engaging but brief body
  • A strong call-to-action

Subject line gets your customers to open an email, but the body and CTA will be what makes them take the next steps. 

How many companies have hit a roadblock trying to get their customers to do more than simply open their emails? And how many more struggle to even get their messages seen in the first place?

With MailMaestro’s AI-powered technology, you can put these tips into practice and craft irresistible copy your customers will love.

Before we dive deeper, let’s go over some customer feedback email etiquette, shall we?

How to ask a customer for feedback by email

There is a right and wrong way (actually, many right and wrong ways) to ask for customer feedback. Here’s what you don’t want to do:

We Want Your Feedback


Tell Us Your Thoughts


Reminder to Provide Feedback to [Company Name]

All of these subject lines feel like commands. They give recipients obligations when they should be providing options. To politely and effectively ask for customer feedback, you need to align your request with a benefit that motivates your audience to respond.

Benefits needn’t be over-the-top. It can actually be something as small as saving someone time. What matters is that you demonstrate, right off the bat, that you value your customers’ input, and you want to show your gratitude.

Here are some polite, non-salesy examples for requesting customer feedback:

You talk, we listen.👂 Get $10 Credit By Taking Our 2-minute Survey!
Make a Difference in 3 Minutes or Less! – [Company Name] values your feedback

Why are these effective? In example one, you offer a clear benefit through a small credit. Not only does this encourage a customer to buy again, but it also makes them more likely to open your email. Half the job is already done!

In example two, you provided a clear purpose and demonstrated that you value your customers’ time. They can make a difference in your company without compromising their own schedule to answer lengthy questionnaires.

Now, let’s move onto some of the finer points of customer feedback emails. 

Customer feedback email format

1. Customer feedback subject line

Your subject line is the most critical part of your email. Why? Because if people don’t resonate with it, they’ll never bother to read the fantastic copy you’ve tucked inside your email.

Our previous examples covered why some subject lines are ineffective and provided two alternatives. 

Whenever you write a subject line for a customer feedback email, ensure that you are clear about your purpose and provide some value. Worlds like “Help” and “Reminder” are less effective than you might think. 

Instead, opt for terms like “Invite” or “Share”. These are less demanding of the recipient and immediately give them an option to engage. 

People who feel like you value their choices are more likely to engage. 

Also, personalization goes a long way. Using the recipient’s first and last names, when appropriate, can make a difference. Consider the contrast between these two subject lines:

Help Us Improve – Take our Survey!
[First Name], Share Your Thoughts in Our 3-Question Survey

Subject line 2 is personal, to-the-point, and focuses more on the consumer’s feedback than your desire for it.

2. Customer feedback email body

The email itself should be under 300 words. You’re there to make a simple request and extend the opportunity to provide feedback, nothing more. Start off with a friendly salutation, then follow up with your proposal.

If you’re offering an incentive, such as a discount, then make sure you include this early on. The goal isn’t to bribe your audience, however. You really want them to share their thoughts because it helps your company improve its service.

So, the email body should accomplish 5 things:

  • Let the customer know why you’re writing
  • Express why you want their feedback
  • Let them know how you’ll apply their feedback (aka how it benefits them)
  • Tell them how long it will take
  • Provide a clear CTA they can engage with on their own terms

3. Customer feedback email signature

Closing off your email should be short and sweet. Include a large CTA (preferably a clickable button) that they can interact with if they want to proceed. It should be undeniably clear where they need to go and what they need to do if they decide to share their thoughts. 

It’s best to sign off before your CTA, leaving the button as the last thing the customer sees on the page.

Avoid placing any text after the CTA. This can serve as a distraction that discourages participation.

Customer feedback email examples and templates

Now that you know how to write a customer feedback email let’s look at some examples you can use for your own company.

We’ve crafted an example email sequence with 5 emails you can use for inspiration. From first reaching out to following up, this series illustrates how to navigate the entire customer feedback process, or just the step you need to take.

Beyond simply stating a request, we’ve included a thank you email to customer for feedback template and emails to send when you receive positive or negative responses. 

5 Customer feedback email samples

1. Sample email requesting feedback from customer

button { color: #555c81; background-color: #ecf0ff; font-size: 15px; border: 0px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer } button:hover { color: #5b6186; background-color: #f2f4fd; }
Survey Invitation: Share Your Thoughts and Get $10 in [Company Name] Credit!
Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for being a part of our community. We’re always striving to deliver the best experience to our customers, and we would like to hear your thoughts on how we can improve.

If you’re interested, please take our 30-second survey and answer the 5 questions provided. If you decide to participate, we’ll apply a $10 credit to your account to use toward your next purchase. Just our way of saying thank you :)

We appreciate your time!
[Company Signature]

Call to action

2. Reply to customer feedback email sample

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, [Name!]‍
Hi there (Recipient's name),

We appreciate you taking the time to complete our recent survey. Your feedback helps us continue to make our products even better. Your response is invaluable to us, and we wanted to let you know how important your thoughts are to the team at [Company].

If you ever have any questions or want to share more, feel free to contact us at We’re always happy to hear from you!‍

Take care,
Make sure to check out our "Thank for feedback" email template.

3. Thank you email to customer for positive feedback

Thanks for the Love, [Name!] ❤️‍
Hi (Recipient's name),

You recently participated in our survey, and we were delighted to hear that you’ve had a positive experience with our company. We value your opinions, and we’ll always be willing to hear any thoughts or suggestions you have to make your experience even better.

Thank you for the support! We hope you’ll continue to enjoy your [product, service].

If you ever have questions or want to share more feedback with us, please send an email to We look forward to hearing from you!

Make sure to check out our "Positive feedback reply" email template.

4. Sample email response to customer for negative feedback

We’re Sorry to Hear About Your Experience. Let Us Help?
Hello (Recipient's name),

We appreciate you taking the time to participate in our latest survey.

We were so sorry to hear that your experience has been anything sort of exceptional. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope that you’ll accept our apologies — and give us the chance to improve.

Could you please let us know more details about issues you experienced? We would like to learn more and come up with a solution. If we can’t sort things out, we’ll gladly issue you a refund. Please respond to this email with more information at your convenience.

We know how frustrating and disheartening it is to [make a purchase/sign up for a service] and have it fall below expectations, and we’re once again sorry to hear that happened with us.

Thank you for your time and honesty,
Make sure to check out our "Negative feedback reply" email template.

5. Sharing customer feedback with employees email sample

New Customer Feedback – Let’s Review‍
Hi team,

I recently received feedback from our customers, and I wanted to share their insights with you. Below is an attachment outlining what our customers shared, and some thoughts I have on each.

Our goal at [Company Name] is to always provide the best service. If we ever fall short of a customer’s expectations, we do everything we can to correct that. If you have any questions about this feedback, please respond to me so we can discuss in more detail.

I appreciate all of your hard work and efforts! Let’s keep making [Company Name] the best it can be.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

Bonus Customer feedback email templates

Now that we’ve looked at a customer feedback email flow, here are two customer feedback email templates you can use for your own brand. We’ve included one requesting feedback via email, and another requesting feedback via survey. 

Let us know how these templates work for you! Please adjust the tone, style, and verbiage to suit your business’s tone. 

1. Customer feedback request email template

[Name], We Would Love Your Feedback!
Hi there (Recipient's name),

At [Company], we are always looking for ways to make our customers’ experience great.

You recently [purchased a product, signed up for a service], and we would love to hear your thoughts. Please respond to this email letting us know about your experience.

Feel free to make your thoughts as short or as long as you like. We’re happy to hear from you no matter what.

We value your business and time. Your feedback helps make [Company] even better.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

2. Customer feedback survey email template

button { color: #555c81; background-color: #ecf0ff; font-size: 15px; border: 0px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer } button:hover { color: #5b6186; background-color: #f2f4fd; }
Got a minute? Share Your Thoughts in Our 30-Second Survey!
Hi (Recipient's name),

At [Company], we value your words more than anything. We believe that the best way to improve is to hear exactly what our customers want and need from us.

To make communication easier, we’ve put together a short survey requesting your feedback. The survey will take 30 seconds or less to complete, but it will give us invaluable information that helps us make our business even better for you.

Thank you for your time!
[Company Signature]

To the survey!

3. Customer feedback on constructive criticism template

Subject: Feedback on [Task Name]

Dear [Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to discuss your recent work on [Task Name].
While the effort and dedication you put into the task are commendable, there are a few areas that require improvement. [Provide specific examples].
I believe that with a bit more focus on [mention improvement areas], your work will greatly improve. I'm confident in your abilities and look forward to seeing your progress.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

4. Positive Feedback Template

Subject: Great job on [Task Name]

Dear [Name],
I wanted to take a moment to recognize your excellent work on [Task Name].
Your dedication and hard work have paid off and the results speak for themselves.
[Provide specific examples of what they did well].
Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
[Your Name]

5. Improvement Needed Template

Subject: Feedback on [Task Name]

Dear [Name],
I'm writing to discuss your work on [Task Name].
To be frank, the task did not meet the quality standards we aim for.
[Provide specific examples].
However, I know you have the potential to do better. Let's set up a meeting to discuss how you can improve in these areas.
Remember, we're a team and we're here to support each other.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

6. Customer Feedback Request

Subject: We Value Your Feedback!

Dear [Customer's Name],
Thank you for choosing [Your Company/Product/Service].
We hope you had a great experience with us. To help us improve, we would love to hear your feedback.
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts by [providing a link to a survey or feedback form].
Your insights are incredibly valuable to us and will help us enhance our services.
Thank you for your time and support!
Best Regards,
[Your Name]

7. Peer Feedback Request

Subject: Request for Your Feedback

Dear [Colleague's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. As part of my professional development, I am seeking feedback on my performance and contributions.
Given our collaboration on [specific project/task], I would appreciate your insights on my strengths and areas where I could improve.
Your feedback will be invaluable for my growth and development. Please feel free to share your thoughts either via email or we could set up a brief meeting to discuss.
Thank you in advance for your time and support.
Best Regards,
[Your Name]

8. Post-Event Feedback Request

Subject: Your Feedback on [Event Name] is Important!

Dear [Participant's Name],
Thank you for attending [Event Name] on [Event Date]. We hope you found it valuable and engaging. To help us improve future events, we would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Please take a few minutes to complete our feedback form [include link to the survey/form].
Your insights and suggestions are crucial for us to make our future events even better.
Thank you for your time and participation!
Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Final words

The best way to request customer feedback through email is to be specific, direct, and polite.

You want to avoid coming off as demanding or placing any obligation on your audience. Instead, open a line of communication that encourages them to share what they feel — the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

All of it helps your brand improve and become a better business. Using these free customer feedback email templates can help you easily craft compelling copy people relate to.

And as always, you can take your emails a step further by exploring MailMaestro’s AI writing tool, that works like this:

MailMaestro is hands-down the fastest email writing experience, that can help you scale your email outreach, while keeping the personal touch.

And the best part is that you can get started for free, so signup today!

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