Congratulations email — 7 examples and template

Writing congratulations emails is fun and fairly simple. To get you started, use our best tips and 7 examples.

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If someone has got a new job, secured a promotion, or achieved professional success somewhere, you'll want to say congratulations 🎉

Next we will unpack how to write congratulations business email templates, including the correct structure and style.

How to write an email to congratulate someone

Before we get into how to write congratulations, we need to explain the difference between personal and professional congratulations emails.

  • Personal emails are the sort you'd send to a friend or family member about their birthday, anniversary, or announcement (like getting engaged).
  • Professional congratulations emails are those you'd send to a colleague, co-worker, boss, or business associate. While they may be friends, you'll want to keep these formal. Congratulation emails are typically sent d for professional achievements, such as promotions, retirement, a new job, or winning awards.

You can use the congratulations email format here to craft personal emails. But remember that you're writing from the heart, so don't worry too much about sticking to the form.

When writing a professional congratulations message, it's appropriate to stick to the rules.

So don't worry, we go into those soon – but before that, we've got a question to answer...

Should you say congratulations with an email?

If the sender is close (both physically and emotionally), our advice is to call them instead.

Some people prefer the personal approach, others an email. There's no right or wrong – do what feels appropriate for you and your relationship.

Congratulations email format

Before we dive into our congratulations messages, let's explore the email format.

There are three parts to every professional email: a subject line, email body, and sign-off. Here's what each section is and how you should

1. Congratulations email subject line

The subject line should be instantly recognizable and easy to read.

You can write something simple, such as:

  • Congratulations on your new job!

But that's a bit boring. Instead, why not write something a little more fun and exciting?

  • I hear you got a new job. That's AMAZING!
  • Congrats on your new job! (you'll be my boss soon)
  • A little bird told me you've got some news...
  • A message for my award-winning colleague!

Even though you're messaging in a professional context, you can get creative with your congratulations subject lines.

2. Congratulations email body

The key to a great congratulations email is to make your recipient the center of attention. Focus on them and highlight their achievements.

  • I just wanted to say congratulations on your latest promotion. You're making huge steps forward in your career, and all of us at (company name) are proud of you.

In some cases, this simple message may be enough. But you can always add more information if you want to. You can show appreciation, explain your pride, or highlight key achievements. You could also offer some professional advice if it's appropriate to do so.

  • Your new role will present some tough challenges, but I know you'll rise to them. When I first became a manager, I was given some advice that I've always found useful...

3. How to end a congratulatory email

You can end your email with a simple sign-off (thanks, many thanks, etc.). But you can also add a personal touch to your messages.

  • I just wanted to wish you and your family well in the future.

You can also end your congratulations emails with an offer to celebrate the good news!

  • Let me know if you'd like to meet up and celebrate your good news. The first round is on me!

Round things off with a suitable sign-off and hit send!

7 congratulations email examples

We've unpacked the process of writing professional congratulations emails; now it's time to illustrate it with some examples.

These sample congratulations emails cover 7 standard congratulations messages, including getting a promotion, securing a new job, and receiving an offer. Of course, if you need to say congratulations for something else, you can adapt these samples to fit.

Simply stick to the format, follow our advice, and be polite and friendly.

1. Congratulations on your promotion email sample

A promotion congratulations email is a pleasure to write to someone successful in securing a career advancement opportunity.

As well as recognizing their professional achievement, this is a personal one, too – so we're sure to reflect that. We finished by offering the person best wishes for success.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I hear you've got some exciting news to share.

Don't worry, I've heard about your promotion, and I just wanted to say congratulations. It's a recognition of everything you've achieved so far.

You'll have to face challenges, but I'm sure you'll overcome them.

I'd love to celebrate with you! Let me know when you're free, and we can meet up. The first round of drinks is on me!

(Your name)

2. Congratulations on retirement email sample

Retirement is a massive step for anyone and the start of a new chapter.

This heartfelt congratulations email recognizes an individual's achievements and provides wishes for happiness as they take a well-deserved break from the world of business.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I know today is your last day, and I wanted to reach out and congratulate you for everything you've achieved here.

You've had an incredible career with some amazing achievements. (You can add some here).

I know you've got some exciting plans for the next chapter in your life.

While I know you'll be busy, it would be great if you wanted to stay in touch. You can contact me at (insert details).

Good luck from all of us at (company name).
(Your name)

3. Congratulations on your new position email sample

Accepting a new job can reflect a huge career opportunity for personal and professional growth. Your message may be tinged with regret if they're leaving your organization, but always offer good luck for the future.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thanks for sharing the news about your new job. I understand that you've accepted and will be leaving us!

You've made a massive impression on us all. Of course, we'll miss you. But we respect that you must do what's right for you and your career.

I just wanted to reach out and offer my best wishes for your future.

Stay in touch!
(Your name)

4. Congratulations on job offer email sample

Similar to the sample above, saying congratulations on a new job offer is a standard reason to send a message. Again, you want to recognize the career advancement opportunity and offer some (professional) words of advice.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Congratulations on your recent job offer! I am emailing you to offer my best wishes for your future success.

Stepping up to board level can be a shock, so I wanted to share some advice that I was given on my first promotion.

I'm always here if you want to chat about your career and any challenges you're facing.

Stay in touch, and good luck in the future.
(Your name)

5. Congratulations on winning an award email sample

Awards provide recognition for an accomplishment and are an obvious cause for offering congratulations.

Of course, you could simply say well done, but do it with some style by following our congratulations email for an award win.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I wanted to send you a MASSIVE CONGRATS on your award win. You absolutely smashed the competition, and it's thoroughly deserved.

How are you feeling?

This is the start of big things for you. Would you like to get together and celebrate?

Let's get together!
(Your name)

6. Congratulations email to boss sample

If a boss goes above and beyond, this thank you for leadership sample is a suitable way to recognize this professional achievement. You can wrap it up with some best wishes for continued success and collaboration.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent support with (whatever your boss has helped with).

It means a massive amount to me that I have the support of a great manager.

Thanks again,
(Your name)

7. How to respond to a congratulations email sample

Have you received a congratulations email but aren't sure how to reply? In this example, we show you how to respond to a congratulations message about a recent promotion.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your kind words. I was surprised and delighted to receive your email.

Your message means a lot to me, and I wanted to say thanks. The promotion marks a big step for me in my career. It would be great to meet and chat about it. I have lots of questions I'd like to ask you!

Please let me know when you're free to meet.

Thanks again,
(Your name)

Congratulations email template

If the previous email samples didn't hit the spot, or you need to say congratulations for something else, this template is for you.

You can cut out this template and drop in the details as you create your message.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I'm getting in touch to say congratulations for (the promotion, new job, etc.)

It's a reflection of your skills/achievements/attitude etc. (Add a personal message here!)

I would like to meet with you and celebrate your success. (Drop in here anything else you need to.)

Best wishes for the future.
(Your name)

Send congratulations emails using MailMaestro

Do you want to be the cheerful person always sends personal congratulation emails and messages?

With MailMaestro you can write emails faster, like so:

The bigger your network gets, the more you will end up sending congratulation emails, and the more MailMaestro can help you save time.

Congratulations on finishing the article!

Thanks for reading this far – you're awesome!

When writing congrats emails, don't be too serious, and don't be afraid to show some excitement!

Use our samples and templates if needed, but bring your personality to the party and create messages that matter.

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