How to Write Effective ChatGPT Email Prompts? (40 prompt examples included)

Jul 12, 2024

Do you struggle to write email content? Our guide will help you use ChatGPT to write great, personalized emails. We’ve got 40 examples to get you started with ChatGPT prompts.

Quick Summary

  • ChatGPT email prompts are a writing tool that helps with the process, to write personalized and contextually relevant email drafts fast.

  • AI tools like ChatGPT or MailMaestro make AI outputs better by generating multiple drafts quickly, to experiment, personalize and create different types of emails, from promotional to customer service emails.

  • Track and act on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates to measure the success of your email campaigns and use data to continuously optimize your email strategy with AI

What are ChatGPT Email Prompts?

ChatGPT email prompts

All daily email writers have just got an access to a new superpower: ChatGPT prompts for email.

These are short instructional questions that guide the AI language model to write email content. By leveraging ChatGPT’s ability to parse human language, we can now write multiple personalized and contextually relevant drafts that resonate with your target audience - in a matter of seconds.

What’s different with working ChatGPT prompts compared to regular email writing is their flexibility, ease of use and time saving.

You can write anything from a powerful promotional message to a friendly newsletter or a customer support answer – all by tweaking a few sentences in your instruction. When you provide clear guidance with lots of context, it allows AI-generated results to truly reflect you/your brand while meeting your goals.

AI in Email Writing

AI tools like ChatGPT have changed the game of email writing, providing unprecedented help in writing relevant and personalized content.

These systems analyze the prompts and context you provide to write email drafts that are not only grammatically correct but also relevant to your audience. Professionals can now supercharge their email communication and make every message hit the mark.

One of the benefits of using AI in email writing is the ability to generate multiple drafts fast. This allows to scale different approaches and pick the best one for their campaigns.

ChatGPT for example can help write personalized email responses by looking at relevant context such as previous conversations and customer data. This level of personalization can lead to higher engagement and better customer relationships.

Some other AI email writers like MailMaestro can also support email writing by providing context based on the previous messages in the thread.

Crafting Effective Email Subject Line

Crafting effective subject line

The subject line is the make or break of your email outreach, it’s the entrance to what you’ve written inside.

To write effective and compelling subject lines you need a mix of creativity, relevance and hook. ChatGPT prompts come in here to help you write personalized attention grabbing subject lines that match your audience’s interests – a proven way to boost open rates and get more engagement with your email content.

To get the best out of AI for writing email subject lines, remember to:

  1. Write specific instructions that match your target audience’s desires and preferences.

  2. Guide the AI to write short but powerful benefit-oriented headlines that have emotional appeal.

  3. Add elements of urgency or novelty that create curiosity or excitement so your headline stands out from the rest.

  4. Study the performance of past subject lines that nudge users to open emails in their already crowded inbox

Following these will get you higher engagement and more opens in the popularity charts.

Remember expertly writing a subject line is not just for capturing interest but also to make sure recipients actually get the value in each email sent out and aligns with the agenda manifestos tied to in-platform promotion strategies.

Personalized Subject Lines

Subject Line for personalized message

Writing subject lines that speak to each individual in your audience is key to connection and engagement. By using AI tools and data about the prospects you’re sending to, you can write subject lines that feel customised for each receiver. This personalisation will get you higher open rates and more meaningful interactions.

For example, including the recipient’s name or referencing their previous activity with your company can make an email stand out as more relevant and interesting.

When using ChatGPT prompts to write such customised subject lines, feed in full prompts that match your customer profiles and their pain points. This way the AI can not only generate but also refine subject lines that match what your audience cares about most and get them to open those emails.

Using Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Using influence techniques in your subject lines can be a great way to create urgency and get your recipients to take action.

ChatGPT prompts can help you write subject lines that convey scarcity or time sensitivity, for example “limited time offer” or “act now” can create a sense of urgency that gets recipients to open your email right away. But be careful not to overdo it, you don’t want to sound too salesy or end up in the spam folder.

A good approach is also to use Cialdini’s principles of persuasion as a starting point when writing subject lines with AI. This will help you write subject lines that are persuasive not pushy and get your emails opened and well received by your audience.

5 ChatGPT prompts for creating better subject line

  1. “Write a customised subject line with [Recipient’s Name], highlighting a 24 hour flash sale (Cialdini's principle of scarcity) on [Product Category].”

  2. “Write a subject line with emojis for a summer promotion of [Product Name] that creates urgency.”

  3. “Write a curiosity driven, question based subject line for your Monday newsletter on [Industry Topic].”

  4. “Write a subject line referencing a video tutorial on [Product Feature] to boost open rates.”

  5. “Write a subject line to reactivate dormant subscribers with a special offer.”

These prompts use various techniques known to increase email open rates:

  • Personalising messages

  • Emojis

  • Timing of emails

  • Questions that pique interest

  • Reference to video content

These are designed to write more interesting and engaging email campaign subject lines that get recipients to take action.

Writing Persuasive Sales Emails

Sales email writing is an art that combines great storytelling with sales strategy. AI can help you optimise your email content for higher conversions with AI generated subject lines and content..

It will help you write emails that communicate the benefits, features and unique selling points of your product or service. The key is to give your AI tool like MailMaestro as much detail as possible about your offering so it can write content that speaks to your audience and their pain points.

When using AI email assistant for sales emails remember although AI can get you started, the human touch is still essential. While the best tools in the market allow you to choose your preferred writing style, language and length - always review and refine the AI generated content to make sure it matches your personal voice.

That's why tools like MailMaestro, by default provide you with 3 options to choose from - to ensure the email hits exactly the most important points you want it to.

Highlighting Unique Selling Points

Highlighting your product’s unique selling points in your sales emails is key to communicating its value proposition. Use MailMaestro's AI email assistant to show how your offering is different to others.

Get the most out of this by giving AI specific information about your target audience, what’s unique about your product and how it solves their problems. This will give the AI the insight to not only highlight your USPs but to tailor them to speak directly to the people you want to reach.

The goal here is to write a persuasive story that tells the exclusive benefits of what you’re selling and gets readers to take action.

Addressing Specific Pain Points

Email writing that target the exact problems your prospects are facing can get them through their buying journey. MailMaestro is a great tool at writing those kind of emails that address the problem head on.

For example by telling the AI to write an email for a startup owner overwhelmed with market options and looking for lead generation tools you can make sure your outreach is on point.

Giving MailMaestro granular details about your target audience’s pain points and how what you offer solves those problems will allow you to write messages that are personal and speak directly to them.

Adding placeholders for personalization to these AI prompts will make them more targeted at specific pain points. Personalising each message shows you understand individual prospect’s struggles and are giving them bespoke solutions – that’s likely to increase engagement and conversions big time.

Ask your AI tool to express genuine interest in customer's pain point, to add a nice human touch to the interaction.

5 AI prompts to write more persuasive sales emails

Use these 5 prompts support your cold email writing:

  1. “Write a custom email to introduce our [Product Category] software to a potential client in the retail industry, addressing their pain points in [Pain point 1] and highlighting our unique features like [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2].”

  2. “Create an announcement for a limited-time offer on our [Product Category], emphasizing the [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2] that solve common issues faced by [Customer Persona].”

  3. “Write a story-based email that narrates how our project management tool helped a company in the construction industry streamline their operations and improve team collaboration, linking it to our product’s efficiency and ease of use.”

  4. “Design an email that addresses the challenges faced by small businesses in digital marketing, introducing our all-in-one marketing platform and its unique capabilities like automated campaign management and detailed analytics.”

  5. “Write Call-to-Action statements for an email targeting potential customers about our innovative cybersecurity service, focusing on the immediate need for robust protection and the advanced features that set us apart from competitors.”

By using personalization, immediacy, storytelling, and addressing specific pain points with these prompts, you’ll be able to write more persuasive cold sales emails that not only get attention but also get people to take action.

Promotional Emails

Engaging Promotional Emails

Writing promotional emails is key to getting your existing customers engaged and to get them to take action. With ChatGPT you can write personalized and persuasive email marketing campaigns that speak to your subscribers. The AI’s natural language processing allows you to write emails that are informative and emotive and increase the chance of engagement and conversion.

To promote via email you need to be clear about the discounts or special offers and create a sense of urgency to get engagement.

With ChatGPT’s content automation and user preference analysis you can customise promotions to individual interests of your existing customers. Customisation will boost campaign performance whether you’re announcing seasonal sales, exclusive offers or new product launches.

Don’t forget to find the balance between providing valuable content and marketing messages and keeping your brand’s voice and tone.

Seasonal Promotions

Seasonal events are the perfect opportunity to write email content that’s relevant and engaging to your audience. ChatGPT is your go to resource to write these promotional materials, to understand your audience and current season trends so you can write content that gets results. Whether it’s a Christmas campaign or a full on Black Friday event, your AI tool will give you ideas that are seasonal and highlight your offers.

To get the most out of this AI support when writing emails for seasonal promotions, provide context. In base mode each AI tool is conservative. So provide as much information as you can about your company, target audience and holiday marketing focus and you’ll get more customised and powerful promotional content.

Exclusive Offers

Exclusive offers can be a great way to get more interaction with your customers and make them feel special. With ChatGPT you can write custom emails that highlight these offers and create urgency and uniqueness that gets the reader to take action. By adjusting the content based on user activity and preferences AI written emails will get more engagement with customers.

To add extra appeal to your unique offers consider adding interactive elements like quizzes, polls or surveys through ChatGPT prompts that link to what’s being offered. This will not only get more user engagement but also harvest data on what your customers like and dislike.

When writing these emails be cautious. Make sure you strike a balance between getting people excited about the unique offer without going too “spammy”, otherwise you’ll compromise your deliverability and sales results. The goal here is to write stories that make your subscribers feel special but inspired enough by your offer to take action.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write better promotional emails

To improve promotional email writing with AI tools, try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a promotional email for an upcoming summer sale featuring our [Top 5 products] and add a countdown timer. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and referencing their past purchases or browsing history.”

  2. “Customize a promotion email offering an exclusive loyalty program upgrade to long-time customers referencing their purchase history [As Provided Below]. Include a personalized greeting and mention how long they’ve been a valued customer.”

  3. “Create an interactive [Event Name] gift guide email template with [Product Categories] and a quiz to help shoppers find gifts for family or friends for [Product Category]. Personalize the email by suggesting products based on the recipient’s previous purchases or interests.”

  4. “Write a promotional email for the launch of our limited edition product, highlighting its [Features] and [Testimonials from Buyers]. Add a personalized touch by mentioning why this product would be perfect for the recipient based on their past interactions with our brand using [The following list].”

  5. “Outline a referral campaign in emails to explain the incentives for existing customers who refer others and new customers they bring along. Include the following shareable links for social media [Links to social media[. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and highlighting their following rewards [Reward list] based on their past engagement with our referral programs.”

Each prompt has multiple purposes: to create urgency, to personalise based on customer behaviour like purchase history, to create interaction inside the email itself or to offer reassurance by using community feedback.

Each approach is about writing email marketing campaigns that gets more engagement and higher conversion rates using ChatGPT’s generation powers so you can test different message versions and optimise overall campaign results.

Customer Service Emails & Follow-Ups

Keeping customers and potential customers happy is key and customer service and follow up emails are part of that. MailMaestro's AI email assistant is your go to resource to write personalized messages by helping you to resolve issues, deliver updates or manage complaints. Using AI tool to write content will ensure your customer service emails are professional, empathetic and customer focused.

While ChatGPT is a nice tool for that, it often lacks a context from previous email communication, forcing you to either write a very detailed context or risk your email not touching on relevant details

Whether you’re sending reminders for upcoming meetings, following up after a networking event or keeping leads engaged – MailMaestro can help you with consistency and personalisation in your outreach.

For repetitive responses like order confirmations or dispatch alerts used in customer service scenarios MailMaestro helps you increase the speed of communication, using AI-suggested replies based on your history and thread's context. So your customers get clear updates and feel appreciated and informed throughout their journey with your business - and you don't have to spend half of your working day writing emails.

5 prompts to write better Customer Service & Follow up Emails

To write more efficient customer service and follow up emails with AI email assitant try these 5 prompts.

  1. Email [name] to schedule a call about [topic of discussion]. Offer several time slots and ask for their availability. Keep it short and let me know if I can help with anything else.

  2. “Compose a personalized email response to a customer inquiry about a delayed order, including a polite apology, the current status of the order, and an estimated delivery date.”

  3. “Write a concise email to a customer addressing their complaint about a product defect based on their previous message: [Message Content], offering a solution a replacement, and expressing appreciation for their feedback. and patience”

  4. “Draft a respectful and concise request as a follow-up email to a customer who recently had an [Issue Type] resolved, thanking them for their patience and asking if there are any further questions or concerns.”

  5. “Create a follow-up email to a customer who received a product replacement, inquiring about their satisfaction with the new product [Name of The Product] and inviting them to share any additional feedback.”

These prompts cover a range of common communication needs within client servicing and subsequent engagement post initial contact established relationships that may trigger interaction scenarios.

  • Scheduling Discussions

  • Lead Engagement Post-event/Interaction

  • Requesting Informational Responses

  • Progress Reports on Initiatives in Progress

Informative Newsletters and Updates

AI can encourage customers to understand your product better

Newsletters that are engaging and informative with the latest news on your products or services and industry knowledge and content are important to keep your subscribers interested. ChatGPT can simplify the process by helping you write monthly newsletters that deliver information and entertainment to your readers.

By giving this AI detailed instructions you can write content that keeps subscribers engaged until the end of each edition.

Include articles and new product updates when writing newsletters with ChatGPT. The AI is great for generating topic ideas for newsletter stories and curating content specific to your business needs – so your readers get value out of them.

It helps write headlines and intro’s that grab the reader in from the get go. Important steps to make the content more interactive with subsequent content. To make the generated content more relevant and on brand with ChatGPT prompts always include your brand demographics and strategic objectives.

Educational Content for Existing Customers

Including educational content in your newsletters is a smart way to position your brand as an expert in your industry and deliver value to your audience. ChatGPT is a key tool for writing this content. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Write a specific prompt for the demographic you want to reach and the topic you want to cover.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to simplify complex topics.

  3. Customise the content to your audience.

Using these ChatGPT prompts you can write email content that engages subscribers and delivers value.

For example, ask AI to generate instructional tips or break down guides in your industry step by step. The AI can suggest ways to increase visual engagement in newsletters and optimise the layout for mobile.

So your educational content not only delivers information but also looks great and is easy to consume on all devices - all important factors in getting customers engaged and building trust in your brand expertise in their space.

Product Updates

Informing your customers about product changes is important to keep them interested and loyal. ChatGPT is a great resource to write engaging updates on the latest features and capabilities of your products. Use prompts to get ChatGPT to generate summaries of these updates so your customer base knows about new additions and what’s in it for them.

For example you can ask ChatGPT to write an email that highlights the latest updates or new features to re-engage users who may have gone inactive. By using AI you can highlight the benefits and different applications of your updates so your offerings are attractive to current customers and prospects. Make sure to feed specific details about your product into ChatGIDT so it can write content that differentiates you from competitors and is on brand voice.

Sending polished updates on product changes keeps customers excited about what you offer. By doing so we encourage ongoing customer interaction with our services/products. We can also inform our customers every time something new is happening in our catalogues!

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Informational emails

Here are 5 prompts to help you write better informational emails with ChatGPT:

  1. “Write the intro to our newsletter that highlights our latest success in [Specific Area] and what that means for our customers.”

  2. “Listicle of 5 trends in [Your Industry] for 2024 and how they impact our customers and how we’re adapting our offerings to those changes.”

  3. “Write an educational email that explains [complex topic related to your Product/Service] in simple language, analogies and relatable examples.”

  4. “Write an announcement email for our new feature [Feature Name]. It should be a brief description of what it does, the benefits it offers and a CTA to try it here's the long description to help you start [Feature Description].

  5. Summary email of our latest webinar on [topic] with key takeaways and practical advice that participants and those who couldn’t attend can start applying now, based on the transcription below [Webinar Transcription].”

These ChatGPT prompts are designed to help you not only share knowledge but also show your expertise and the value of your products/services. Try asking AI to draft a few versions to see what works best with your audience and refine your content. Always personalise your content and subject line based on subscriber data to get more engagement from each reader.

Personal Touch: Birthday and Anniversary Emails

Email Marketing for Birthday and Anniversaries

Adding a personal touch to your email marketing through birthday and anniversary emails can increase customer loyalty and engagement. These personal emails show your customers you value them as individuals not just as entries in your database. ChatGPT can be a great tool to write these celebratory emails and include special offers or discounts to show appreciation and build loyalty.

When writing birthday or anniversary emails with ChatGPT follow these:

  1. Give the AI your brand pillars and the tone of the email so the output doesn’t sound too generic and matches your brand voice.

  2. Let the AI write heartfelt and personal messages for these occasions.

  3. Make your recipients feel special and connected to your brand.

  4. Ensure to add personalization and other relevant details in the subject line and in the copy

By doing this you can write meaningful and personal emails that will stick with your recipients.

Remember, the goal is to write emails that express genuine interest, and do not look not automated or impersonal. By doing so you’ll capture the recipient’s interest.

Birthday Emails

Birthday emails are a great opportunity to show your customers you remember and appreciate them on their special day. These personal emails can help build customer loyalty and make them feel valued. When writing birthday emails with AI, focus on writing subject line and content with the customer’s name and a personal birthday wish to make the email feel more real.

To make these emails even more effective, consider including a special offer or discount as a birthday gift. This is a token of appreciation and can also incentivise sales, turning a simple birthday wish into a sales opportunity. When writing ChatGPT prompts, make sure to ask for a warm and celebratory tone and any branding elements or offers you want to include.

This way your birthday emails will hit the sweet spot between personalisation and promotion and delight your customers while potentially increasing your bottom line.

Anniversary Emails

Anniversary emails are a great way to celebrate milestones and re-iterate the relationship between your brand and your customers. These emails can be for various occasions like the anniversary of a customer’s first purchase or their subscription to your service. When writing anniversary ChatGPT prompts, focus on writing heartfelt messages that express gratitude for the customer’s loyalty and the journey they’ve been on with your brand. Always remember to include that both in the email content and the subject line.

One of the ChatGPT prompts could be to write an email that celebrates the milestones and anniversaries of our loyal customers. This prompt aims to foster meaningful and personal connections with our client base.

When writing ChatGPT prompts, ask it to include phrases like:

- "We would like to express our gratitude and share highlights of our journey with you."

- "As a special thank-you gesture, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for your support"

This way your anniversary emails will not only acknowledge the milestone but also the value of the customer’s relationship with your brand.

Consider including personal details like purchase history or notable interactions to make the email more meaningful. Offer a special reward or exclusive offer as part of the anniversary celebration to incentivise continued engagement and loyalty.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Birthday and Anniversary Emails

To help you create more effective birthday and anniversary emails using ChatGPT, here are five example prompts that can enhance the personalization and impact of your messages.

  1. “Create a warm and friendly birthday email for [Customer Name], mentioning their loyalty since [Year]. Include a personalized discount code for their favorite product category [Category].”

  2. “Draft an anniversary email celebrating [Customer Name]’s 3-year membership with our service. Highlight key milestones they’ve achieved and offer an exclusive upgrade option.

  3. “Write a birthday email that incorporates a fun trivia about the customer’s birth month, along with a special offer on their most viewed product category [Category].”

  4. “Generate an anniversary email that tells the story of [Customer Name]’s journey with our brand, featuring their top purchases and how our product/service has evolved during their time with us.”

  5. “Compose a birthday email that invites [Customer Name] to a special birthday event or webinar hosted by our brand, with a personalized greeting and exclusive access to new features or products.”

These prompts are designed to help you craft birthday and anniversary emails that go beyond generic well wishes, creating meaningful connections with your customers. By using AI to generate multiple versions of each email, you can test different approaches and find the most effective way to celebrate these special occasions with your customers.

Re-Engagement Campaigns

Re-activating with dormant subscribers is key and re-engagement campaigns are a great tool to help your email writing. AI is your partner in writing custom re-engagement emails that speak directly to the unique preferences and needs of your inactive audience. Using AI, you can send out content that speaks to each individual subscriber and get them re-engaged with your brand.

Including incentives, personalized email subject lines or exclusive content in your re-engagement campaigns can increase the chances of getting unengaged subscribers back. Time sensitive offers, previews of upcoming products or tailored recommendations based on previous brand interactions are hard to resist. The key to successful subscriber reactivation is relevance and value.

When using AI for email writing process context is the queen. Give your AI Email Assistant as much information as possible about who you’re targeting, their historical behaviour and what you want to achieve from your campaign. This way its output will match those elements and create content for maximum engagement.

Special Offers for Inactive Subscribers

Creating special offers is a great way to win back inactive subscribers and keep existing customers engaged. When using ChatGPT to write re-engagement emails make sure you tell it to produce offers that are too good to ignore and get dormant customers back into action.

A strategic prompt for ChatGPT might be to write an email with an exclusive discount or offer based on the subscriber’s past interests and purchase history, included into subject line.

For example you could tell ChatGPT: “Write a reactivation email with 30% off the product categories the non-active subscriber was most interested in during their last engagement, and this offer is only available for a limited time”. This not only extends an actual offer but also shows you pay attention to the customer’s unique preferences.

Use ChatGPT to:

  • Write emails with big discounts or time sensitive offers.

  • Write personalized invites with benefits.

  • Increase the chances of re-engaging your passive customer segment.

  • Craft better, more personalized email subject lines

Highlighting New Content

Including new and interesting content is a great way to get inactive subscribers back and back into the fold. By using ChatGPT prompts to help writing emails that surface the latest news, features or updates you will interest users who haven’t been active recently.

When writing ChatGPT prompts make sure to explain how these new products can impact subscriber’s personal or professional lives. With stories around new updates or features through ChatGPT’s capabilities you can get dormant users interested again. This will make them re-discover what has changed with your brand since they last interacted and re-engage with all that is new and interesting in your products.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Re-engagement campaigns

To get more out of your re-engagement campaigns in email marketing with ChatGPT try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a personalized product recommendation email to a lapsed customer who previously engaged with [Product Name], featuring products from our latest range.”

  2. “Write a story driven email that shows what’s changed with our brand over the last year, featuring customer testimonials from [Customer Testimonials Repository] that resonate with the inactive subscriber.”

  3. “Create an interactive engagement email with a short survey for disengaged subscribers to tell us what they’re interested in and what they like, and use that data to present customized offers, asking for [Survey Content[.”

  4. “Write a ‘We Miss You’ email with an exclusive offer available for a limited time only to inactive subscribers, and highlight how rare and valuable it is.”

  5. “Write a piece that showcases our 3 most popular blog posts or products, based on the [Provided Content & Product List] from the last 6 months and include direct calls-to-action (CTAs) to Explore on our platform.”

Each prompt is based on different tactics:

  • Personalized recommendations

  • Emotional connection through story

  • Interactive engagement

  • Time sensitive exclusive offers

By writing multiple versions of each email with ChatGPT you can test and see what works when trying to re-engage with unresponsive audience members.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

ChatGPT prompts for Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

In effective email writing, the art of compiling great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) is key to getting user interaction and achieving your campaign goals.

When CTAs are clear and concise users are more likely to take an action – whether that’s buying a product, registering for a webinar or downloading content. When writing CTAs with ChatGPT make sure to provide context about the email content and your target audience so the CTAs are relevant and persuasive.

To write great CTAs with with ChatGPT prompts you need to first tell the AI what behavior you want your recipients to do. For example telling ChatGPT with detailed prompts like:

“Write 5 CTAs for our new [Product Category] that will encourage purchases by highlighting [Unique Selling Point 1]”

Will get the AI to write CTAs that not only prompt immediate action but also align with your brand and strategy. Be prepared to write multiple CTAs to see which one works best with your audience.

Test different sets of CTAs generated via ChatGPT prompts to get insights on what triggers subscriber engagement.

Clear and Concise CTAs

When writing great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) be brief, prompt action and show the benefit. With ChatGPT prompts you can write multiple CTA variations that follow these principles. Always make sure your CTAs tell users exactly what to do next.

For example you might tell ChatGPT:

“Write 5 CTAs to get people to book a demo of our new software and highlight how it’s easy and time saving , based on the [Website Homepage Copy]”.

This will get the AI to write language that prompts user engagement. You need to not only specify the action but also the benefit of what you’re offering so your CTAs can be relevant.

Using what ChatGPT has means you can write multiple CTA options – test and refine them based on response rates and ultimately see what works best for your audience.

Testing and Refining CTAs

You should always be refining and testing your call-to-actions (CTAs) in your email campaigns. A/B testing with different CTA options will show you what works best for conversions.

When using AI for this purpose, ask it to write multiple CTA options for testing – for example:

“Write 5 CTA variations for our summer sale campaign that focus on different aspects like urgency, exclusivity or value”

Will allow you to test different approaches to see what works best for your audience.

Once you’ve sent these CTAs out to your email campaigns you need to analyse the results to refine them further. Use ChatGPT’s analytics by asking:

“Based on these A/B test results [insert data] how can we improve our losing CTAs?”

By testing and using AI analysis you can increase conversions by a process of iteration.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write Better Call-To-Actions (CTAs)

Here are 5 example prompts to help you write better Call-To-Actions (CTAs) with ChatGPT.

  1. “Write 5 CTAs with action words like ‘buy’ or ‘download’ for our new software launch email, based on [Our Homepage Copy]”

  2. “Write 3 CTAs with urgency for our 48 hour flash sale of [Product Name], highlighting the limited time offer”

  3. “Write 4 simple and clear language CTAs for our newsletter sign up campaign, using phrases like ‘Learn More’ to guide users”

  4. “Write 3 CTAs with results for our fitness program email, like ‘Lose weight in 6 weeks!’”

  5. “Write 5 CTAs that highlight a specific value proposition for our skincare line based on [List of Value Proposition[, like ‘Get a free mud mask with your first purchase’”

These prompts will help you write CTAs that are clear, concise and motivational. By using AI to write multiple options you can test different approaches and see what works best for your audience and campaign goals. Always make sure to align your CTAs with your email content and brand voice for maximum impact of your personalized message.

Measuring Success

You need to track and measure your email campaigns to get a clear view of how ChatGPT email prompts are performing in your marketing. Reviewing the key metrics will give you insights into how your audience is engaging with your content so you can make informed decisions for future campaigns.

When measuring the success of emails written with ChatGPT prompts consider these metrics.

  • Email open rate

  • Click through rate

  • Conversions directly from the campaign

  • Revenue per mailout

These metrics will give you a full view of how your communications are being received at different stages of the customer journey. By using unique URLs in your emails you’ll be able to see where the clicks and actions are coming from and what’s resonating and converting with your readers.

Become Data Driven

Adapting your email marketing based on data is key to keeping and improving your campaigns. ChatGPT can help you to:

  • Review & Analyze past campaign data

  • Suggest seasonal email content that matches your audience and current marketing trends

  • A/B test ChatGPT emails to see what works best

These will give you data to adjust your strategy.

Keep an eye on CTR and Open Rates over time and use that to fine tune your email content to get more engagement. Remember the key is to continuously use these data insights to adjust and improve your future email campaigns.

Here’s how.

  1. Measure your performance metrics.

  2. Use ChatGPT to create new data driven content.

  3. Keep your email marketing relevant, engaging and goal oriented.

By doing that you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

Tip: There are better tools for 1:1 email writing than ChatGPT

AI email assistant can help you with better email writing

ChatGPT can create email content but when it comes to writing 1:1 emails there are more convenient tools that offer better tailored features.

MailMaestro is an AI Email Assistant that integrates directly with your Outlook or Gmail account. This means you can stay within one platform while you write your emails and make the email writing process more seamless. MailMaestro helps you to:

  • Compose email from prompts, and reply to existing threads using the conversation's context

  • Reply with 1-click to 80% of your email communication, including meeting requests - via sync with your calendar

  • Always sound professional within 14 natively supported languages, 7 writing styles and 4 preffered message lengths

MailMaestro simply helps you stay on top of your inbox, with faster, better and less stressful communication.

To boost your productivity and precision when dealing with incoming emails install MailMaestro's AI email assistant today.


In this post we’ve looked at how ChatGPT email prompts can transform your email marketing. AI tools like ChatGPT have opened up new ways to communicate with your audience by creating attention grabbing subject lines, custom content, dynamic newsletters and strong CTAs.

These ChatGPT prompts can create sales emails, re-engage campaigns and even custom messages for birthdays and anniversaries.

It all hinges on giving clear and relevant prompts to ChatGPT so it produces content that matches your brand tone and goals. AI is a powerful tool in crafting these elements.

However - It can’t always replace the human touch when you finalise the communication. As email writing evolves adopting AI tools like ChatGPT and specialized platforms like MailMaestro will supercharge your ability to create more personalisation in your campaigns that resonate with your customers – and ultimately increase your marketing success and customer loyalty for better business results.


How can ChatGPT prompts increase my open rates?

Using ChatGPT to create and A/B test multiple custom and attention grabbing subject lines will increase your email opens. This will create subject lines that appeal to your audience and get them to engage with your message and also create preview text that will increase email opens even more.

How can I use ChatGPT to create more personalised email content?

To create more custom email content with ChatGTP, give the AI detailed data on each recipient like purchase history, demographics and browsing habits. Then create prompts with placeholders to insert customer information.

This way you can ensure the content of your emails is customised to every single recipient.

Can ChatGPT help me A/B test my email campaigns?

Yes ChatGFT can be a useful tool for A/B testing email campaigns, create multiple versions of subject lines, main text or CTA phrases. It can also evaluate the test results and recommend changes for future campaigns.

How is MailMaestro different from using ChatGPT directly for email writing?

Using MailMaestro for email composition has many advantages over using ChatGPT. It integrates with your existing email client and refines AI generated content with custom methods for prompting, and a combination of the best LLMs (Large Language Models) on the market - beyond just GPT-4o.

It has a lot of additional features to ensure effective, stress-free email communication, like replying to emails using the thread's context or summarizing lengthy threads.

Can ChatGPT reply to emails?

While ChatGPT can reply to emails if you manually feed it the context, this solution is not ideal. Use some dedicated AI email assistant tool like MalMaestro, to automatically include email thread context into AI-written reply, to ensure the highest quality for typical email tasks.

How to Write Effective ChatGPT Email Prompts? (40 prompt examples included)

Jul 12, 2024

Do you struggle to write email content? Our guide will help you use ChatGPT to write great, personalized emails. We’ve got 40 examples to get you started with ChatGPT prompts.

Quick Summary

  • ChatGPT email prompts are a writing tool that helps with the process, to write personalized and contextually relevant email drafts fast.

  • AI tools like ChatGPT or MailMaestro make AI outputs better by generating multiple drafts quickly, to experiment, personalize and create different types of emails, from promotional to customer service emails.

  • Track and act on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates to measure the success of your email campaigns and use data to continuously optimize your email strategy with AI

What are ChatGPT Email Prompts?

ChatGPT email prompts

All daily email writers have just got an access to a new superpower: ChatGPT prompts for email.

These are short instructional questions that guide the AI language model to write email content. By leveraging ChatGPT’s ability to parse human language, we can now write multiple personalized and contextually relevant drafts that resonate with your target audience - in a matter of seconds.

What’s different with working ChatGPT prompts compared to regular email writing is their flexibility, ease of use and time saving.

You can write anything from a powerful promotional message to a friendly newsletter or a customer support answer – all by tweaking a few sentences in your instruction. When you provide clear guidance with lots of context, it allows AI-generated results to truly reflect you/your brand while meeting your goals.

AI in Email Writing

AI tools like ChatGPT have changed the game of email writing, providing unprecedented help in writing relevant and personalized content.

These systems analyze the prompts and context you provide to write email drafts that are not only grammatically correct but also relevant to your audience. Professionals can now supercharge their email communication and make every message hit the mark.

One of the benefits of using AI in email writing is the ability to generate multiple drafts fast. This allows to scale different approaches and pick the best one for their campaigns.

ChatGPT for example can help write personalized email responses by looking at relevant context such as previous conversations and customer data. This level of personalization can lead to higher engagement and better customer relationships.

Some other AI email writers like MailMaestro can also support email writing by providing context based on the previous messages in the thread.

Crafting Effective Email Subject Line

Crafting effective subject line

The subject line is the make or break of your email outreach, it’s the entrance to what you’ve written inside.

To write effective and compelling subject lines you need a mix of creativity, relevance and hook. ChatGPT prompts come in here to help you write personalized attention grabbing subject lines that match your audience’s interests – a proven way to boost open rates and get more engagement with your email content.

To get the best out of AI for writing email subject lines, remember to:

  1. Write specific instructions that match your target audience’s desires and preferences.

  2. Guide the AI to write short but powerful benefit-oriented headlines that have emotional appeal.

  3. Add elements of urgency or novelty that create curiosity or excitement so your headline stands out from the rest.

  4. Study the performance of past subject lines that nudge users to open emails in their already crowded inbox

Following these will get you higher engagement and more opens in the popularity charts.

Remember expertly writing a subject line is not just for capturing interest but also to make sure recipients actually get the value in each email sent out and aligns with the agenda manifestos tied to in-platform promotion strategies.

Personalized Subject Lines

Subject Line for personalized message

Writing subject lines that speak to each individual in your audience is key to connection and engagement. By using AI tools and data about the prospects you’re sending to, you can write subject lines that feel customised for each receiver. This personalisation will get you higher open rates and more meaningful interactions.

For example, including the recipient’s name or referencing their previous activity with your company can make an email stand out as more relevant and interesting.

When using ChatGPT prompts to write such customised subject lines, feed in full prompts that match your customer profiles and their pain points. This way the AI can not only generate but also refine subject lines that match what your audience cares about most and get them to open those emails.

Using Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Using influence techniques in your subject lines can be a great way to create urgency and get your recipients to take action.

ChatGPT prompts can help you write subject lines that convey scarcity or time sensitivity, for example “limited time offer” or “act now” can create a sense of urgency that gets recipients to open your email right away. But be careful not to overdo it, you don’t want to sound too salesy or end up in the spam folder.

A good approach is also to use Cialdini’s principles of persuasion as a starting point when writing subject lines with AI. This will help you write subject lines that are persuasive not pushy and get your emails opened and well received by your audience.

5 ChatGPT prompts for creating better subject line

  1. “Write a customised subject line with [Recipient’s Name], highlighting a 24 hour flash sale (Cialdini's principle of scarcity) on [Product Category].”

  2. “Write a subject line with emojis for a summer promotion of [Product Name] that creates urgency.”

  3. “Write a curiosity driven, question based subject line for your Monday newsletter on [Industry Topic].”

  4. “Write a subject line referencing a video tutorial on [Product Feature] to boost open rates.”

  5. “Write a subject line to reactivate dormant subscribers with a special offer.”

These prompts use various techniques known to increase email open rates:

  • Personalising messages

  • Emojis

  • Timing of emails

  • Questions that pique interest

  • Reference to video content

These are designed to write more interesting and engaging email campaign subject lines that get recipients to take action.

Writing Persuasive Sales Emails

Sales email writing is an art that combines great storytelling with sales strategy. AI can help you optimise your email content for higher conversions with AI generated subject lines and content..

It will help you write emails that communicate the benefits, features and unique selling points of your product or service. The key is to give your AI tool like MailMaestro as much detail as possible about your offering so it can write content that speaks to your audience and their pain points.

When using AI email assistant for sales emails remember although AI can get you started, the human touch is still essential. While the best tools in the market allow you to choose your preferred writing style, language and length - always review and refine the AI generated content to make sure it matches your personal voice.

That's why tools like MailMaestro, by default provide you with 3 options to choose from - to ensure the email hits exactly the most important points you want it to.

Highlighting Unique Selling Points

Highlighting your product’s unique selling points in your sales emails is key to communicating its value proposition. Use MailMaestro's AI email assistant to show how your offering is different to others.

Get the most out of this by giving AI specific information about your target audience, what’s unique about your product and how it solves their problems. This will give the AI the insight to not only highlight your USPs but to tailor them to speak directly to the people you want to reach.

The goal here is to write a persuasive story that tells the exclusive benefits of what you’re selling and gets readers to take action.

Addressing Specific Pain Points

Email writing that target the exact problems your prospects are facing can get them through their buying journey. MailMaestro is a great tool at writing those kind of emails that address the problem head on.

For example by telling the AI to write an email for a startup owner overwhelmed with market options and looking for lead generation tools you can make sure your outreach is on point.

Giving MailMaestro granular details about your target audience’s pain points and how what you offer solves those problems will allow you to write messages that are personal and speak directly to them.

Adding placeholders for personalization to these AI prompts will make them more targeted at specific pain points. Personalising each message shows you understand individual prospect’s struggles and are giving them bespoke solutions – that’s likely to increase engagement and conversions big time.

Ask your AI tool to express genuine interest in customer's pain point, to add a nice human touch to the interaction.

5 AI prompts to write more persuasive sales emails

Use these 5 prompts support your cold email writing:

  1. “Write a custom email to introduce our [Product Category] software to a potential client in the retail industry, addressing their pain points in [Pain point 1] and highlighting our unique features like [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2].”

  2. “Create an announcement for a limited-time offer on our [Product Category], emphasizing the [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2] that solve common issues faced by [Customer Persona].”

  3. “Write a story-based email that narrates how our project management tool helped a company in the construction industry streamline their operations and improve team collaboration, linking it to our product’s efficiency and ease of use.”

  4. “Design an email that addresses the challenges faced by small businesses in digital marketing, introducing our all-in-one marketing platform and its unique capabilities like automated campaign management and detailed analytics.”

  5. “Write Call-to-Action statements for an email targeting potential customers about our innovative cybersecurity service, focusing on the immediate need for robust protection and the advanced features that set us apart from competitors.”

By using personalization, immediacy, storytelling, and addressing specific pain points with these prompts, you’ll be able to write more persuasive cold sales emails that not only get attention but also get people to take action.

Promotional Emails

Engaging Promotional Emails

Writing promotional emails is key to getting your existing customers engaged and to get them to take action. With ChatGPT you can write personalized and persuasive email marketing campaigns that speak to your subscribers. The AI’s natural language processing allows you to write emails that are informative and emotive and increase the chance of engagement and conversion.

To promote via email you need to be clear about the discounts or special offers and create a sense of urgency to get engagement.

With ChatGPT’s content automation and user preference analysis you can customise promotions to individual interests of your existing customers. Customisation will boost campaign performance whether you’re announcing seasonal sales, exclusive offers or new product launches.

Don’t forget to find the balance between providing valuable content and marketing messages and keeping your brand’s voice and tone.

Seasonal Promotions

Seasonal events are the perfect opportunity to write email content that’s relevant and engaging to your audience. ChatGPT is your go to resource to write these promotional materials, to understand your audience and current season trends so you can write content that gets results. Whether it’s a Christmas campaign or a full on Black Friday event, your AI tool will give you ideas that are seasonal and highlight your offers.

To get the most out of this AI support when writing emails for seasonal promotions, provide context. In base mode each AI tool is conservative. So provide as much information as you can about your company, target audience and holiday marketing focus and you’ll get more customised and powerful promotional content.

Exclusive Offers

Exclusive offers can be a great way to get more interaction with your customers and make them feel special. With ChatGPT you can write custom emails that highlight these offers and create urgency and uniqueness that gets the reader to take action. By adjusting the content based on user activity and preferences AI written emails will get more engagement with customers.

To add extra appeal to your unique offers consider adding interactive elements like quizzes, polls or surveys through ChatGPT prompts that link to what’s being offered. This will not only get more user engagement but also harvest data on what your customers like and dislike.

When writing these emails be cautious. Make sure you strike a balance between getting people excited about the unique offer without going too “spammy”, otherwise you’ll compromise your deliverability and sales results. The goal here is to write stories that make your subscribers feel special but inspired enough by your offer to take action.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write better promotional emails

To improve promotional email writing with AI tools, try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a promotional email for an upcoming summer sale featuring our [Top 5 products] and add a countdown timer. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and referencing their past purchases or browsing history.”

  2. “Customize a promotion email offering an exclusive loyalty program upgrade to long-time customers referencing their purchase history [As Provided Below]. Include a personalized greeting and mention how long they’ve been a valued customer.”

  3. “Create an interactive [Event Name] gift guide email template with [Product Categories] and a quiz to help shoppers find gifts for family or friends for [Product Category]. Personalize the email by suggesting products based on the recipient’s previous purchases or interests.”

  4. “Write a promotional email for the launch of our limited edition product, highlighting its [Features] and [Testimonials from Buyers]. Add a personalized touch by mentioning why this product would be perfect for the recipient based on their past interactions with our brand using [The following list].”

  5. “Outline a referral campaign in emails to explain the incentives for existing customers who refer others and new customers they bring along. Include the following shareable links for social media [Links to social media[. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and highlighting their following rewards [Reward list] based on their past engagement with our referral programs.”

Each prompt has multiple purposes: to create urgency, to personalise based on customer behaviour like purchase history, to create interaction inside the email itself or to offer reassurance by using community feedback.

Each approach is about writing email marketing campaigns that gets more engagement and higher conversion rates using ChatGPT’s generation powers so you can test different message versions and optimise overall campaign results.

Customer Service Emails & Follow-Ups

Keeping customers and potential customers happy is key and customer service and follow up emails are part of that. MailMaestro's AI email assistant is your go to resource to write personalized messages by helping you to resolve issues, deliver updates or manage complaints. Using AI tool to write content will ensure your customer service emails are professional, empathetic and customer focused.

While ChatGPT is a nice tool for that, it often lacks a context from previous email communication, forcing you to either write a very detailed context or risk your email not touching on relevant details

Whether you’re sending reminders for upcoming meetings, following up after a networking event or keeping leads engaged – MailMaestro can help you with consistency and personalisation in your outreach.

For repetitive responses like order confirmations or dispatch alerts used in customer service scenarios MailMaestro helps you increase the speed of communication, using AI-suggested replies based on your history and thread's context. So your customers get clear updates and feel appreciated and informed throughout their journey with your business - and you don't have to spend half of your working day writing emails.

5 prompts to write better Customer Service & Follow up Emails

To write more efficient customer service and follow up emails with AI email assitant try these 5 prompts.

  1. Email [name] to schedule a call about [topic of discussion]. Offer several time slots and ask for their availability. Keep it short and let me know if I can help with anything else.

  2. “Compose a personalized email response to a customer inquiry about a delayed order, including a polite apology, the current status of the order, and an estimated delivery date.”

  3. “Write a concise email to a customer addressing their complaint about a product defect based on their previous message: [Message Content], offering a solution a replacement, and expressing appreciation for their feedback. and patience”

  4. “Draft a respectful and concise request as a follow-up email to a customer who recently had an [Issue Type] resolved, thanking them for their patience and asking if there are any further questions or concerns.”

  5. “Create a follow-up email to a customer who received a product replacement, inquiring about their satisfaction with the new product [Name of The Product] and inviting them to share any additional feedback.”

These prompts cover a range of common communication needs within client servicing and subsequent engagement post initial contact established relationships that may trigger interaction scenarios.

  • Scheduling Discussions

  • Lead Engagement Post-event/Interaction

  • Requesting Informational Responses

  • Progress Reports on Initiatives in Progress

Informative Newsletters and Updates

AI can encourage customers to understand your product better

Newsletters that are engaging and informative with the latest news on your products or services and industry knowledge and content are important to keep your subscribers interested. ChatGPT can simplify the process by helping you write monthly newsletters that deliver information and entertainment to your readers.

By giving this AI detailed instructions you can write content that keeps subscribers engaged until the end of each edition.

Include articles and new product updates when writing newsletters with ChatGPT. The AI is great for generating topic ideas for newsletter stories and curating content specific to your business needs – so your readers get value out of them.

It helps write headlines and intro’s that grab the reader in from the get go. Important steps to make the content more interactive with subsequent content. To make the generated content more relevant and on brand with ChatGPT prompts always include your brand demographics and strategic objectives.

Educational Content for Existing Customers

Including educational content in your newsletters is a smart way to position your brand as an expert in your industry and deliver value to your audience. ChatGPT is a key tool for writing this content. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Write a specific prompt for the demographic you want to reach and the topic you want to cover.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to simplify complex topics.

  3. Customise the content to your audience.

Using these ChatGPT prompts you can write email content that engages subscribers and delivers value.

For example, ask AI to generate instructional tips or break down guides in your industry step by step. The AI can suggest ways to increase visual engagement in newsletters and optimise the layout for mobile.

So your educational content not only delivers information but also looks great and is easy to consume on all devices - all important factors in getting customers engaged and building trust in your brand expertise in their space.

Product Updates

Informing your customers about product changes is important to keep them interested and loyal. ChatGPT is a great resource to write engaging updates on the latest features and capabilities of your products. Use prompts to get ChatGPT to generate summaries of these updates so your customer base knows about new additions and what’s in it for them.

For example you can ask ChatGPT to write an email that highlights the latest updates or new features to re-engage users who may have gone inactive. By using AI you can highlight the benefits and different applications of your updates so your offerings are attractive to current customers and prospects. Make sure to feed specific details about your product into ChatGIDT so it can write content that differentiates you from competitors and is on brand voice.

Sending polished updates on product changes keeps customers excited about what you offer. By doing so we encourage ongoing customer interaction with our services/products. We can also inform our customers every time something new is happening in our catalogues!

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Informational emails

Here are 5 prompts to help you write better informational emails with ChatGPT:

  1. “Write the intro to our newsletter that highlights our latest success in [Specific Area] and what that means for our customers.”

  2. “Listicle of 5 trends in [Your Industry] for 2024 and how they impact our customers and how we’re adapting our offerings to those changes.”

  3. “Write an educational email that explains [complex topic related to your Product/Service] in simple language, analogies and relatable examples.”

  4. “Write an announcement email for our new feature [Feature Name]. It should be a brief description of what it does, the benefits it offers and a CTA to try it here's the long description to help you start [Feature Description].

  5. Summary email of our latest webinar on [topic] with key takeaways and practical advice that participants and those who couldn’t attend can start applying now, based on the transcription below [Webinar Transcription].”

These ChatGPT prompts are designed to help you not only share knowledge but also show your expertise and the value of your products/services. Try asking AI to draft a few versions to see what works best with your audience and refine your content. Always personalise your content and subject line based on subscriber data to get more engagement from each reader.

Personal Touch: Birthday and Anniversary Emails

Email Marketing for Birthday and Anniversaries

Adding a personal touch to your email marketing through birthday and anniversary emails can increase customer loyalty and engagement. These personal emails show your customers you value them as individuals not just as entries in your database. ChatGPT can be a great tool to write these celebratory emails and include special offers or discounts to show appreciation and build loyalty.

When writing birthday or anniversary emails with ChatGPT follow these:

  1. Give the AI your brand pillars and the tone of the email so the output doesn’t sound too generic and matches your brand voice.

  2. Let the AI write heartfelt and personal messages for these occasions.

  3. Make your recipients feel special and connected to your brand.

  4. Ensure to add personalization and other relevant details in the subject line and in the copy

By doing this you can write meaningful and personal emails that will stick with your recipients.

Remember, the goal is to write emails that express genuine interest, and do not look not automated or impersonal. By doing so you’ll capture the recipient’s interest.

Birthday Emails

Birthday emails are a great opportunity to show your customers you remember and appreciate them on their special day. These personal emails can help build customer loyalty and make them feel valued. When writing birthday emails with AI, focus on writing subject line and content with the customer’s name and a personal birthday wish to make the email feel more real.

To make these emails even more effective, consider including a special offer or discount as a birthday gift. This is a token of appreciation and can also incentivise sales, turning a simple birthday wish into a sales opportunity. When writing ChatGPT prompts, make sure to ask for a warm and celebratory tone and any branding elements or offers you want to include.

This way your birthday emails will hit the sweet spot between personalisation and promotion and delight your customers while potentially increasing your bottom line.

Anniversary Emails

Anniversary emails are a great way to celebrate milestones and re-iterate the relationship between your brand and your customers. These emails can be for various occasions like the anniversary of a customer’s first purchase or their subscription to your service. When writing anniversary ChatGPT prompts, focus on writing heartfelt messages that express gratitude for the customer’s loyalty and the journey they’ve been on with your brand. Always remember to include that both in the email content and the subject line.

One of the ChatGPT prompts could be to write an email that celebrates the milestones and anniversaries of our loyal customers. This prompt aims to foster meaningful and personal connections with our client base.

When writing ChatGPT prompts, ask it to include phrases like:

- "We would like to express our gratitude and share highlights of our journey with you."

- "As a special thank-you gesture, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for your support"

This way your anniversary emails will not only acknowledge the milestone but also the value of the customer’s relationship with your brand.

Consider including personal details like purchase history or notable interactions to make the email more meaningful. Offer a special reward or exclusive offer as part of the anniversary celebration to incentivise continued engagement and loyalty.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Birthday and Anniversary Emails

To help you create more effective birthday and anniversary emails using ChatGPT, here are five example prompts that can enhance the personalization and impact of your messages.

  1. “Create a warm and friendly birthday email for [Customer Name], mentioning their loyalty since [Year]. Include a personalized discount code for their favorite product category [Category].”

  2. “Draft an anniversary email celebrating [Customer Name]’s 3-year membership with our service. Highlight key milestones they’ve achieved and offer an exclusive upgrade option.

  3. “Write a birthday email that incorporates a fun trivia about the customer’s birth month, along with a special offer on their most viewed product category [Category].”

  4. “Generate an anniversary email that tells the story of [Customer Name]’s journey with our brand, featuring their top purchases and how our product/service has evolved during their time with us.”

  5. “Compose a birthday email that invites [Customer Name] to a special birthday event or webinar hosted by our brand, with a personalized greeting and exclusive access to new features or products.”

These prompts are designed to help you craft birthday and anniversary emails that go beyond generic well wishes, creating meaningful connections with your customers. By using AI to generate multiple versions of each email, you can test different approaches and find the most effective way to celebrate these special occasions with your customers.

Re-Engagement Campaigns

Re-activating with dormant subscribers is key and re-engagement campaigns are a great tool to help your email writing. AI is your partner in writing custom re-engagement emails that speak directly to the unique preferences and needs of your inactive audience. Using AI, you can send out content that speaks to each individual subscriber and get them re-engaged with your brand.

Including incentives, personalized email subject lines or exclusive content in your re-engagement campaigns can increase the chances of getting unengaged subscribers back. Time sensitive offers, previews of upcoming products or tailored recommendations based on previous brand interactions are hard to resist. The key to successful subscriber reactivation is relevance and value.

When using AI for email writing process context is the queen. Give your AI Email Assistant as much information as possible about who you’re targeting, their historical behaviour and what you want to achieve from your campaign. This way its output will match those elements and create content for maximum engagement.

Special Offers for Inactive Subscribers

Creating special offers is a great way to win back inactive subscribers and keep existing customers engaged. When using ChatGPT to write re-engagement emails make sure you tell it to produce offers that are too good to ignore and get dormant customers back into action.

A strategic prompt for ChatGPT might be to write an email with an exclusive discount or offer based on the subscriber’s past interests and purchase history, included into subject line.

For example you could tell ChatGPT: “Write a reactivation email with 30% off the product categories the non-active subscriber was most interested in during their last engagement, and this offer is only available for a limited time”. This not only extends an actual offer but also shows you pay attention to the customer’s unique preferences.

Use ChatGPT to:

  • Write emails with big discounts or time sensitive offers.

  • Write personalized invites with benefits.

  • Increase the chances of re-engaging your passive customer segment.

  • Craft better, more personalized email subject lines

Highlighting New Content

Including new and interesting content is a great way to get inactive subscribers back and back into the fold. By using ChatGPT prompts to help writing emails that surface the latest news, features or updates you will interest users who haven’t been active recently.

When writing ChatGPT prompts make sure to explain how these new products can impact subscriber’s personal or professional lives. With stories around new updates or features through ChatGPT’s capabilities you can get dormant users interested again. This will make them re-discover what has changed with your brand since they last interacted and re-engage with all that is new and interesting in your products.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Re-engagement campaigns

To get more out of your re-engagement campaigns in email marketing with ChatGPT try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a personalized product recommendation email to a lapsed customer who previously engaged with [Product Name], featuring products from our latest range.”

  2. “Write a story driven email that shows what’s changed with our brand over the last year, featuring customer testimonials from [Customer Testimonials Repository] that resonate with the inactive subscriber.”

  3. “Create an interactive engagement email with a short survey for disengaged subscribers to tell us what they’re interested in and what they like, and use that data to present customized offers, asking for [Survey Content[.”

  4. “Write a ‘We Miss You’ email with an exclusive offer available for a limited time only to inactive subscribers, and highlight how rare and valuable it is.”

  5. “Write a piece that showcases our 3 most popular blog posts or products, based on the [Provided Content & Product List] from the last 6 months and include direct calls-to-action (CTAs) to Explore on our platform.”

Each prompt is based on different tactics:

  • Personalized recommendations

  • Emotional connection through story

  • Interactive engagement

  • Time sensitive exclusive offers

By writing multiple versions of each email with ChatGPT you can test and see what works when trying to re-engage with unresponsive audience members.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

ChatGPT prompts for Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

In effective email writing, the art of compiling great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) is key to getting user interaction and achieving your campaign goals.

When CTAs are clear and concise users are more likely to take an action – whether that’s buying a product, registering for a webinar or downloading content. When writing CTAs with ChatGPT make sure to provide context about the email content and your target audience so the CTAs are relevant and persuasive.

To write great CTAs with with ChatGPT prompts you need to first tell the AI what behavior you want your recipients to do. For example telling ChatGPT with detailed prompts like:

“Write 5 CTAs for our new [Product Category] that will encourage purchases by highlighting [Unique Selling Point 1]”

Will get the AI to write CTAs that not only prompt immediate action but also align with your brand and strategy. Be prepared to write multiple CTAs to see which one works best with your audience.

Test different sets of CTAs generated via ChatGPT prompts to get insights on what triggers subscriber engagement.

Clear and Concise CTAs

When writing great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) be brief, prompt action and show the benefit. With ChatGPT prompts you can write multiple CTA variations that follow these principles. Always make sure your CTAs tell users exactly what to do next.

For example you might tell ChatGPT:

“Write 5 CTAs to get people to book a demo of our new software and highlight how it’s easy and time saving , based on the [Website Homepage Copy]”.

This will get the AI to write language that prompts user engagement. You need to not only specify the action but also the benefit of what you’re offering so your CTAs can be relevant.

Using what ChatGPT has means you can write multiple CTA options – test and refine them based on response rates and ultimately see what works best for your audience.

Testing and Refining CTAs

You should always be refining and testing your call-to-actions (CTAs) in your email campaigns. A/B testing with different CTA options will show you what works best for conversions.

When using AI for this purpose, ask it to write multiple CTA options for testing – for example:

“Write 5 CTA variations for our summer sale campaign that focus on different aspects like urgency, exclusivity or value”

Will allow you to test different approaches to see what works best for your audience.

Once you’ve sent these CTAs out to your email campaigns you need to analyse the results to refine them further. Use ChatGPT’s analytics by asking:

“Based on these A/B test results [insert data] how can we improve our losing CTAs?”

By testing and using AI analysis you can increase conversions by a process of iteration.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write Better Call-To-Actions (CTAs)

Here are 5 example prompts to help you write better Call-To-Actions (CTAs) with ChatGPT.

  1. “Write 5 CTAs with action words like ‘buy’ or ‘download’ for our new software launch email, based on [Our Homepage Copy]”

  2. “Write 3 CTAs with urgency for our 48 hour flash sale of [Product Name], highlighting the limited time offer”

  3. “Write 4 simple and clear language CTAs for our newsletter sign up campaign, using phrases like ‘Learn More’ to guide users”

  4. “Write 3 CTAs with results for our fitness program email, like ‘Lose weight in 6 weeks!’”

  5. “Write 5 CTAs that highlight a specific value proposition for our skincare line based on [List of Value Proposition[, like ‘Get a free mud mask with your first purchase’”

These prompts will help you write CTAs that are clear, concise and motivational. By using AI to write multiple options you can test different approaches and see what works best for your audience and campaign goals. Always make sure to align your CTAs with your email content and brand voice for maximum impact of your personalized message.

Measuring Success

You need to track and measure your email campaigns to get a clear view of how ChatGPT email prompts are performing in your marketing. Reviewing the key metrics will give you insights into how your audience is engaging with your content so you can make informed decisions for future campaigns.

When measuring the success of emails written with ChatGPT prompts consider these metrics.

  • Email open rate

  • Click through rate

  • Conversions directly from the campaign

  • Revenue per mailout

These metrics will give you a full view of how your communications are being received at different stages of the customer journey. By using unique URLs in your emails you’ll be able to see where the clicks and actions are coming from and what’s resonating and converting with your readers.

Become Data Driven

Adapting your email marketing based on data is key to keeping and improving your campaigns. ChatGPT can help you to:

  • Review & Analyze past campaign data

  • Suggest seasonal email content that matches your audience and current marketing trends

  • A/B test ChatGPT emails to see what works best

These will give you data to adjust your strategy.

Keep an eye on CTR and Open Rates over time and use that to fine tune your email content to get more engagement. Remember the key is to continuously use these data insights to adjust and improve your future email campaigns.

Here’s how.

  1. Measure your performance metrics.

  2. Use ChatGPT to create new data driven content.

  3. Keep your email marketing relevant, engaging and goal oriented.

By doing that you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

Tip: There are better tools for 1:1 email writing than ChatGPT

AI email assistant can help you with better email writing

ChatGPT can create email content but when it comes to writing 1:1 emails there are more convenient tools that offer better tailored features.

MailMaestro is an AI Email Assistant that integrates directly with your Outlook or Gmail account. This means you can stay within one platform while you write your emails and make the email writing process more seamless. MailMaestro helps you to:

  • Compose email from prompts, and reply to existing threads using the conversation's context

  • Reply with 1-click to 80% of your email communication, including meeting requests - via sync with your calendar

  • Always sound professional within 14 natively supported languages, 7 writing styles and 4 preffered message lengths

MailMaestro simply helps you stay on top of your inbox, with faster, better and less stressful communication.

To boost your productivity and precision when dealing with incoming emails install MailMaestro's AI email assistant today.


In this post we’ve looked at how ChatGPT email prompts can transform your email marketing. AI tools like ChatGPT have opened up new ways to communicate with your audience by creating attention grabbing subject lines, custom content, dynamic newsletters and strong CTAs.

These ChatGPT prompts can create sales emails, re-engage campaigns and even custom messages for birthdays and anniversaries.

It all hinges on giving clear and relevant prompts to ChatGPT so it produces content that matches your brand tone and goals. AI is a powerful tool in crafting these elements.

However - It can’t always replace the human touch when you finalise the communication. As email writing evolves adopting AI tools like ChatGPT and specialized platforms like MailMaestro will supercharge your ability to create more personalisation in your campaigns that resonate with your customers – and ultimately increase your marketing success and customer loyalty for better business results.


How can ChatGPT prompts increase my open rates?

Using ChatGPT to create and A/B test multiple custom and attention grabbing subject lines will increase your email opens. This will create subject lines that appeal to your audience and get them to engage with your message and also create preview text that will increase email opens even more.

How can I use ChatGPT to create more personalised email content?

To create more custom email content with ChatGTP, give the AI detailed data on each recipient like purchase history, demographics and browsing habits. Then create prompts with placeholders to insert customer information.

This way you can ensure the content of your emails is customised to every single recipient.

Can ChatGPT help me A/B test my email campaigns?

Yes ChatGFT can be a useful tool for A/B testing email campaigns, create multiple versions of subject lines, main text or CTA phrases. It can also evaluate the test results and recommend changes for future campaigns.

How is MailMaestro different from using ChatGPT directly for email writing?

Using MailMaestro for email composition has many advantages over using ChatGPT. It integrates with your existing email client and refines AI generated content with custom methods for prompting, and a combination of the best LLMs (Large Language Models) on the market - beyond just GPT-4o.

It has a lot of additional features to ensure effective, stress-free email communication, like replying to emails using the thread's context or summarizing lengthy threads.

Can ChatGPT reply to emails?

While ChatGPT can reply to emails if you manually feed it the context, this solution is not ideal. Use some dedicated AI email assistant tool like MalMaestro, to automatically include email thread context into AI-written reply, to ensure the highest quality for typical email tasks.

Do you struggle to write email content? Our guide will help you use ChatGPT to write great, personalized emails. We’ve got 40 examples to get you started with ChatGPT prompts.

Quick Summary

  • ChatGPT email prompts are a writing tool that helps with the process, to write personalized and contextually relevant email drafts fast.

  • AI tools like ChatGPT or MailMaestro make AI outputs better by generating multiple drafts quickly, to experiment, personalize and create different types of emails, from promotional to customer service emails.

  • Track and act on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates to measure the success of your email campaigns and use data to continuously optimize your email strategy with AI

What are ChatGPT Email Prompts?

ChatGPT email prompts

All daily email writers have just got an access to a new superpower: ChatGPT prompts for email.

These are short instructional questions that guide the AI language model to write email content. By leveraging ChatGPT’s ability to parse human language, we can now write multiple personalized and contextually relevant drafts that resonate with your target audience - in a matter of seconds.

What’s different with working ChatGPT prompts compared to regular email writing is their flexibility, ease of use and time saving.

You can write anything from a powerful promotional message to a friendly newsletter or a customer support answer – all by tweaking a few sentences in your instruction. When you provide clear guidance with lots of context, it allows AI-generated results to truly reflect you/your brand while meeting your goals.

AI in Email Writing

AI tools like ChatGPT have changed the game of email writing, providing unprecedented help in writing relevant and personalized content.

These systems analyze the prompts and context you provide to write email drafts that are not only grammatically correct but also relevant to your audience. Professionals can now supercharge their email communication and make every message hit the mark.

One of the benefits of using AI in email writing is the ability to generate multiple drafts fast. This allows to scale different approaches and pick the best one for their campaigns.

ChatGPT for example can help write personalized email responses by looking at relevant context such as previous conversations and customer data. This level of personalization can lead to higher engagement and better customer relationships.

Some other AI email writers like MailMaestro can also support email writing by providing context based on the previous messages in the thread.

Crafting Effective Email Subject Line

Crafting effective subject line

The subject line is the make or break of your email outreach, it’s the entrance to what you’ve written inside.

To write effective and compelling subject lines you need a mix of creativity, relevance and hook. ChatGPT prompts come in here to help you write personalized attention grabbing subject lines that match your audience’s interests – a proven way to boost open rates and get more engagement with your email content.

To get the best out of AI for writing email subject lines, remember to:

  1. Write specific instructions that match your target audience’s desires and preferences.

  2. Guide the AI to write short but powerful benefit-oriented headlines that have emotional appeal.

  3. Add elements of urgency or novelty that create curiosity or excitement so your headline stands out from the rest.

  4. Study the performance of past subject lines that nudge users to open emails in their already crowded inbox

Following these will get you higher engagement and more opens in the popularity charts.

Remember expertly writing a subject line is not just for capturing interest but also to make sure recipients actually get the value in each email sent out and aligns with the agenda manifestos tied to in-platform promotion strategies.

Personalized Subject Lines

Subject Line for personalized message

Writing subject lines that speak to each individual in your audience is key to connection and engagement. By using AI tools and data about the prospects you’re sending to, you can write subject lines that feel customised for each receiver. This personalisation will get you higher open rates and more meaningful interactions.

For example, including the recipient’s name or referencing their previous activity with your company can make an email stand out as more relevant and interesting.

When using ChatGPT prompts to write such customised subject lines, feed in full prompts that match your customer profiles and their pain points. This way the AI can not only generate but also refine subject lines that match what your audience cares about most and get them to open those emails.

Using Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Influence Techniques in Subject Lines

Using influence techniques in your subject lines can be a great way to create urgency and get your recipients to take action.

ChatGPT prompts can help you write subject lines that convey scarcity or time sensitivity, for example “limited time offer” or “act now” can create a sense of urgency that gets recipients to open your email right away. But be careful not to overdo it, you don’t want to sound too salesy or end up in the spam folder.

A good approach is also to use Cialdini’s principles of persuasion as a starting point when writing subject lines with AI. This will help you write subject lines that are persuasive not pushy and get your emails opened and well received by your audience.

5 ChatGPT prompts for creating better subject line

  1. “Write a customised subject line with [Recipient’s Name], highlighting a 24 hour flash sale (Cialdini's principle of scarcity) on [Product Category].”

  2. “Write a subject line with emojis for a summer promotion of [Product Name] that creates urgency.”

  3. “Write a curiosity driven, question based subject line for your Monday newsletter on [Industry Topic].”

  4. “Write a subject line referencing a video tutorial on [Product Feature] to boost open rates.”

  5. “Write a subject line to reactivate dormant subscribers with a special offer.”

These prompts use various techniques known to increase email open rates:

  • Personalising messages

  • Emojis

  • Timing of emails

  • Questions that pique interest

  • Reference to video content

These are designed to write more interesting and engaging email campaign subject lines that get recipients to take action.

Writing Persuasive Sales Emails

Sales email writing is an art that combines great storytelling with sales strategy. AI can help you optimise your email content for higher conversions with AI generated subject lines and content..

It will help you write emails that communicate the benefits, features and unique selling points of your product or service. The key is to give your AI tool like MailMaestro as much detail as possible about your offering so it can write content that speaks to your audience and their pain points.

When using AI email assistant for sales emails remember although AI can get you started, the human touch is still essential. While the best tools in the market allow you to choose your preferred writing style, language and length - always review and refine the AI generated content to make sure it matches your personal voice.

That's why tools like MailMaestro, by default provide you with 3 options to choose from - to ensure the email hits exactly the most important points you want it to.

Highlighting Unique Selling Points

Highlighting your product’s unique selling points in your sales emails is key to communicating its value proposition. Use MailMaestro's AI email assistant to show how your offering is different to others.

Get the most out of this by giving AI specific information about your target audience, what’s unique about your product and how it solves their problems. This will give the AI the insight to not only highlight your USPs but to tailor them to speak directly to the people you want to reach.

The goal here is to write a persuasive story that tells the exclusive benefits of what you’re selling and gets readers to take action.

Addressing Specific Pain Points

Email writing that target the exact problems your prospects are facing can get them through their buying journey. MailMaestro is a great tool at writing those kind of emails that address the problem head on.

For example by telling the AI to write an email for a startup owner overwhelmed with market options and looking for lead generation tools you can make sure your outreach is on point.

Giving MailMaestro granular details about your target audience’s pain points and how what you offer solves those problems will allow you to write messages that are personal and speak directly to them.

Adding placeholders for personalization to these AI prompts will make them more targeted at specific pain points. Personalising each message shows you understand individual prospect’s struggles and are giving them bespoke solutions – that’s likely to increase engagement and conversions big time.

Ask your AI tool to express genuine interest in customer's pain point, to add a nice human touch to the interaction.

5 AI prompts to write more persuasive sales emails

Use these 5 prompts support your cold email writing:

  1. “Write a custom email to introduce our [Product Category] software to a potential client in the retail industry, addressing their pain points in [Pain point 1] and highlighting our unique features like [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2].”

  2. “Create an announcement for a limited-time offer on our [Product Category], emphasizing the [Unique Selling Proposition 1] and [Unique Selling Proposition 2] that solve common issues faced by [Customer Persona].”

  3. “Write a story-based email that narrates how our project management tool helped a company in the construction industry streamline their operations and improve team collaboration, linking it to our product’s efficiency and ease of use.”

  4. “Design an email that addresses the challenges faced by small businesses in digital marketing, introducing our all-in-one marketing platform and its unique capabilities like automated campaign management and detailed analytics.”

  5. “Write Call-to-Action statements for an email targeting potential customers about our innovative cybersecurity service, focusing on the immediate need for robust protection and the advanced features that set us apart from competitors.”

By using personalization, immediacy, storytelling, and addressing specific pain points with these prompts, you’ll be able to write more persuasive cold sales emails that not only get attention but also get people to take action.

Promotional Emails

Engaging Promotional Emails

Writing promotional emails is key to getting your existing customers engaged and to get them to take action. With ChatGPT you can write personalized and persuasive email marketing campaigns that speak to your subscribers. The AI’s natural language processing allows you to write emails that are informative and emotive and increase the chance of engagement and conversion.

To promote via email you need to be clear about the discounts or special offers and create a sense of urgency to get engagement.

With ChatGPT’s content automation and user preference analysis you can customise promotions to individual interests of your existing customers. Customisation will boost campaign performance whether you’re announcing seasonal sales, exclusive offers or new product launches.

Don’t forget to find the balance between providing valuable content and marketing messages and keeping your brand’s voice and tone.

Seasonal Promotions

Seasonal events are the perfect opportunity to write email content that’s relevant and engaging to your audience. ChatGPT is your go to resource to write these promotional materials, to understand your audience and current season trends so you can write content that gets results. Whether it’s a Christmas campaign or a full on Black Friday event, your AI tool will give you ideas that are seasonal and highlight your offers.

To get the most out of this AI support when writing emails for seasonal promotions, provide context. In base mode each AI tool is conservative. So provide as much information as you can about your company, target audience and holiday marketing focus and you’ll get more customised and powerful promotional content.

Exclusive Offers

Exclusive offers can be a great way to get more interaction with your customers and make them feel special. With ChatGPT you can write custom emails that highlight these offers and create urgency and uniqueness that gets the reader to take action. By adjusting the content based on user activity and preferences AI written emails will get more engagement with customers.

To add extra appeal to your unique offers consider adding interactive elements like quizzes, polls or surveys through ChatGPT prompts that link to what’s being offered. This will not only get more user engagement but also harvest data on what your customers like and dislike.

When writing these emails be cautious. Make sure you strike a balance between getting people excited about the unique offer without going too “spammy”, otherwise you’ll compromise your deliverability and sales results. The goal here is to write stories that make your subscribers feel special but inspired enough by your offer to take action.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write better promotional emails

To improve promotional email writing with AI tools, try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a promotional email for an upcoming summer sale featuring our [Top 5 products] and add a countdown timer. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and referencing their past purchases or browsing history.”

  2. “Customize a promotion email offering an exclusive loyalty program upgrade to long-time customers referencing their purchase history [As Provided Below]. Include a personalized greeting and mention how long they’ve been a valued customer.”

  3. “Create an interactive [Event Name] gift guide email template with [Product Categories] and a quiz to help shoppers find gifts for family or friends for [Product Category]. Personalize the email by suggesting products based on the recipient’s previous purchases or interests.”

  4. “Write a promotional email for the launch of our limited edition product, highlighting its [Features] and [Testimonials from Buyers]. Add a personalized touch by mentioning why this product would be perfect for the recipient based on their past interactions with our brand using [The following list].”

  5. “Outline a referral campaign in emails to explain the incentives for existing customers who refer others and new customers they bring along. Include the following shareable links for social media [Links to social media[. Personalize the email by addressing the recipient by name and highlighting their following rewards [Reward list] based on their past engagement with our referral programs.”

Each prompt has multiple purposes: to create urgency, to personalise based on customer behaviour like purchase history, to create interaction inside the email itself or to offer reassurance by using community feedback.

Each approach is about writing email marketing campaigns that gets more engagement and higher conversion rates using ChatGPT’s generation powers so you can test different message versions and optimise overall campaign results.

Customer Service Emails & Follow-Ups

Keeping customers and potential customers happy is key and customer service and follow up emails are part of that. MailMaestro's AI email assistant is your go to resource to write personalized messages by helping you to resolve issues, deliver updates or manage complaints. Using AI tool to write content will ensure your customer service emails are professional, empathetic and customer focused.

While ChatGPT is a nice tool for that, it often lacks a context from previous email communication, forcing you to either write a very detailed context or risk your email not touching on relevant details

Whether you’re sending reminders for upcoming meetings, following up after a networking event or keeping leads engaged – MailMaestro can help you with consistency and personalisation in your outreach.

For repetitive responses like order confirmations or dispatch alerts used in customer service scenarios MailMaestro helps you increase the speed of communication, using AI-suggested replies based on your history and thread's context. So your customers get clear updates and feel appreciated and informed throughout their journey with your business - and you don't have to spend half of your working day writing emails.

5 prompts to write better Customer Service & Follow up Emails

To write more efficient customer service and follow up emails with AI email assitant try these 5 prompts.

  1. Email [name] to schedule a call about [topic of discussion]. Offer several time slots and ask for their availability. Keep it short and let me know if I can help with anything else.

  2. “Compose a personalized email response to a customer inquiry about a delayed order, including a polite apology, the current status of the order, and an estimated delivery date.”

  3. “Write a concise email to a customer addressing their complaint about a product defect based on their previous message: [Message Content], offering a solution a replacement, and expressing appreciation for their feedback. and patience”

  4. “Draft a respectful and concise request as a follow-up email to a customer who recently had an [Issue Type] resolved, thanking them for their patience and asking if there are any further questions or concerns.”

  5. “Create a follow-up email to a customer who received a product replacement, inquiring about their satisfaction with the new product [Name of The Product] and inviting them to share any additional feedback.”

These prompts cover a range of common communication needs within client servicing and subsequent engagement post initial contact established relationships that may trigger interaction scenarios.

  • Scheduling Discussions

  • Lead Engagement Post-event/Interaction

  • Requesting Informational Responses

  • Progress Reports on Initiatives in Progress

Informative Newsletters and Updates

AI can encourage customers to understand your product better

Newsletters that are engaging and informative with the latest news on your products or services and industry knowledge and content are important to keep your subscribers interested. ChatGPT can simplify the process by helping you write monthly newsletters that deliver information and entertainment to your readers.

By giving this AI detailed instructions you can write content that keeps subscribers engaged until the end of each edition.

Include articles and new product updates when writing newsletters with ChatGPT. The AI is great for generating topic ideas for newsletter stories and curating content specific to your business needs – so your readers get value out of them.

It helps write headlines and intro’s that grab the reader in from the get go. Important steps to make the content more interactive with subsequent content. To make the generated content more relevant and on brand with ChatGPT prompts always include your brand demographics and strategic objectives.

Educational Content for Existing Customers

Including educational content in your newsletters is a smart way to position your brand as an expert in your industry and deliver value to your audience. ChatGPT is a key tool for writing this content. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Write a specific prompt for the demographic you want to reach and the topic you want to cover.

  2. Ask ChatGPT to simplify complex topics.

  3. Customise the content to your audience.

Using these ChatGPT prompts you can write email content that engages subscribers and delivers value.

For example, ask AI to generate instructional tips or break down guides in your industry step by step. The AI can suggest ways to increase visual engagement in newsletters and optimise the layout for mobile.

So your educational content not only delivers information but also looks great and is easy to consume on all devices - all important factors in getting customers engaged and building trust in your brand expertise in their space.

Product Updates

Informing your customers about product changes is important to keep them interested and loyal. ChatGPT is a great resource to write engaging updates on the latest features and capabilities of your products. Use prompts to get ChatGPT to generate summaries of these updates so your customer base knows about new additions and what’s in it for them.

For example you can ask ChatGPT to write an email that highlights the latest updates or new features to re-engage users who may have gone inactive. By using AI you can highlight the benefits and different applications of your updates so your offerings are attractive to current customers and prospects. Make sure to feed specific details about your product into ChatGIDT so it can write content that differentiates you from competitors and is on brand voice.

Sending polished updates on product changes keeps customers excited about what you offer. By doing so we encourage ongoing customer interaction with our services/products. We can also inform our customers every time something new is happening in our catalogues!

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Informational emails

Here are 5 prompts to help you write better informational emails with ChatGPT:

  1. “Write the intro to our newsletter that highlights our latest success in [Specific Area] and what that means for our customers.”

  2. “Listicle of 5 trends in [Your Industry] for 2024 and how they impact our customers and how we’re adapting our offerings to those changes.”

  3. “Write an educational email that explains [complex topic related to your Product/Service] in simple language, analogies and relatable examples.”

  4. “Write an announcement email for our new feature [Feature Name]. It should be a brief description of what it does, the benefits it offers and a CTA to try it here's the long description to help you start [Feature Description].

  5. Summary email of our latest webinar on [topic] with key takeaways and practical advice that participants and those who couldn’t attend can start applying now, based on the transcription below [Webinar Transcription].”

These ChatGPT prompts are designed to help you not only share knowledge but also show your expertise and the value of your products/services. Try asking AI to draft a few versions to see what works best with your audience and refine your content. Always personalise your content and subject line based on subscriber data to get more engagement from each reader.

Personal Touch: Birthday and Anniversary Emails

Email Marketing for Birthday and Anniversaries

Adding a personal touch to your email marketing through birthday and anniversary emails can increase customer loyalty and engagement. These personal emails show your customers you value them as individuals not just as entries in your database. ChatGPT can be a great tool to write these celebratory emails and include special offers or discounts to show appreciation and build loyalty.

When writing birthday or anniversary emails with ChatGPT follow these:

  1. Give the AI your brand pillars and the tone of the email so the output doesn’t sound too generic and matches your brand voice.

  2. Let the AI write heartfelt and personal messages for these occasions.

  3. Make your recipients feel special and connected to your brand.

  4. Ensure to add personalization and other relevant details in the subject line and in the copy

By doing this you can write meaningful and personal emails that will stick with your recipients.

Remember, the goal is to write emails that express genuine interest, and do not look not automated or impersonal. By doing so you’ll capture the recipient’s interest.

Birthday Emails

Birthday emails are a great opportunity to show your customers you remember and appreciate them on their special day. These personal emails can help build customer loyalty and make them feel valued. When writing birthday emails with AI, focus on writing subject line and content with the customer’s name and a personal birthday wish to make the email feel more real.

To make these emails even more effective, consider including a special offer or discount as a birthday gift. This is a token of appreciation and can also incentivise sales, turning a simple birthday wish into a sales opportunity. When writing ChatGPT prompts, make sure to ask for a warm and celebratory tone and any branding elements or offers you want to include.

This way your birthday emails will hit the sweet spot between personalisation and promotion and delight your customers while potentially increasing your bottom line.

Anniversary Emails

Anniversary emails are a great way to celebrate milestones and re-iterate the relationship between your brand and your customers. These emails can be for various occasions like the anniversary of a customer’s first purchase or their subscription to your service. When writing anniversary ChatGPT prompts, focus on writing heartfelt messages that express gratitude for the customer’s loyalty and the journey they’ve been on with your brand. Always remember to include that both in the email content and the subject line.

One of the ChatGPT prompts could be to write an email that celebrates the milestones and anniversaries of our loyal customers. This prompt aims to foster meaningful and personal connections with our client base.

When writing ChatGPT prompts, ask it to include phrases like:

- "We would like to express our gratitude and share highlights of our journey with you."

- "As a special thank-you gesture, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for your support"

This way your anniversary emails will not only acknowledge the milestone but also the value of the customer’s relationship with your brand.

Consider including personal details like purchase history or notable interactions to make the email more meaningful. Offer a special reward or exclusive offer as part of the anniversary celebration to incentivise continued engagement and loyalty.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Birthday and Anniversary Emails

To help you create more effective birthday and anniversary emails using ChatGPT, here are five example prompts that can enhance the personalization and impact of your messages.

  1. “Create a warm and friendly birthday email for [Customer Name], mentioning their loyalty since [Year]. Include a personalized discount code for their favorite product category [Category].”

  2. “Draft an anniversary email celebrating [Customer Name]’s 3-year membership with our service. Highlight key milestones they’ve achieved and offer an exclusive upgrade option.

  3. “Write a birthday email that incorporates a fun trivia about the customer’s birth month, along with a special offer on their most viewed product category [Category].”

  4. “Generate an anniversary email that tells the story of [Customer Name]’s journey with our brand, featuring their top purchases and how our product/service has evolved during their time with us.”

  5. “Compose a birthday email that invites [Customer Name] to a special birthday event or webinar hosted by our brand, with a personalized greeting and exclusive access to new features or products.”

These prompts are designed to help you craft birthday and anniversary emails that go beyond generic well wishes, creating meaningful connections with your customers. By using AI to generate multiple versions of each email, you can test different approaches and find the most effective way to celebrate these special occasions with your customers.

Re-Engagement Campaigns

Re-activating with dormant subscribers is key and re-engagement campaigns are a great tool to help your email writing. AI is your partner in writing custom re-engagement emails that speak directly to the unique preferences and needs of your inactive audience. Using AI, you can send out content that speaks to each individual subscriber and get them re-engaged with your brand.

Including incentives, personalized email subject lines or exclusive content in your re-engagement campaigns can increase the chances of getting unengaged subscribers back. Time sensitive offers, previews of upcoming products or tailored recommendations based on previous brand interactions are hard to resist. The key to successful subscriber reactivation is relevance and value.

When using AI for email writing process context is the queen. Give your AI Email Assistant as much information as possible about who you’re targeting, their historical behaviour and what you want to achieve from your campaign. This way its output will match those elements and create content for maximum engagement.

Special Offers for Inactive Subscribers

Creating special offers is a great way to win back inactive subscribers and keep existing customers engaged. When using ChatGPT to write re-engagement emails make sure you tell it to produce offers that are too good to ignore and get dormant customers back into action.

A strategic prompt for ChatGPT might be to write an email with an exclusive discount or offer based on the subscriber’s past interests and purchase history, included into subject line.

For example you could tell ChatGPT: “Write a reactivation email with 30% off the product categories the non-active subscriber was most interested in during their last engagement, and this offer is only available for a limited time”. This not only extends an actual offer but also shows you pay attention to the customer’s unique preferences.

Use ChatGPT to:

  • Write emails with big discounts or time sensitive offers.

  • Write personalized invites with benefits.

  • Increase the chances of re-engaging your passive customer segment.

  • Craft better, more personalized email subject lines

Highlighting New Content

Including new and interesting content is a great way to get inactive subscribers back and back into the fold. By using ChatGPT prompts to help writing emails that surface the latest news, features or updates you will interest users who haven’t been active recently.

When writing ChatGPT prompts make sure to explain how these new products can impact subscriber’s personal or professional lives. With stories around new updates or features through ChatGPT’s capabilities you can get dormant users interested again. This will make them re-discover what has changed with your brand since they last interacted and re-engage with all that is new and interesting in your products.

5 ChatGPT prompts for Creating Better Re-engagement campaigns

To get more out of your re-engagement campaigns in email marketing with ChatGPT try these 5 prompts:

  1. “Write a personalized product recommendation email to a lapsed customer who previously engaged with [Product Name], featuring products from our latest range.”

  2. “Write a story driven email that shows what’s changed with our brand over the last year, featuring customer testimonials from [Customer Testimonials Repository] that resonate with the inactive subscriber.”

  3. “Create an interactive engagement email with a short survey for disengaged subscribers to tell us what they’re interested in and what they like, and use that data to present customized offers, asking for [Survey Content[.”

  4. “Write a ‘We Miss You’ email with an exclusive offer available for a limited time only to inactive subscribers, and highlight how rare and valuable it is.”

  5. “Write a piece that showcases our 3 most popular blog posts or products, based on the [Provided Content & Product List] from the last 6 months and include direct calls-to-action (CTAs) to Explore on our platform.”

Each prompt is based on different tactics:

  • Personalized recommendations

  • Emotional connection through story

  • Interactive engagement

  • Time sensitive exclusive offers

By writing multiple versions of each email with ChatGPT you can test and see what works when trying to re-engage with unresponsive audience members.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

ChatGPT prompts for Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

In effective email writing, the art of compiling great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) is key to getting user interaction and achieving your campaign goals.

When CTAs are clear and concise users are more likely to take an action – whether that’s buying a product, registering for a webinar or downloading content. When writing CTAs with ChatGPT make sure to provide context about the email content and your target audience so the CTAs are relevant and persuasive.

To write great CTAs with with ChatGPT prompts you need to first tell the AI what behavior you want your recipients to do. For example telling ChatGPT with detailed prompts like:

“Write 5 CTAs for our new [Product Category] that will encourage purchases by highlighting [Unique Selling Point 1]”

Will get the AI to write CTAs that not only prompt immediate action but also align with your brand and strategy. Be prepared to write multiple CTAs to see which one works best with your audience.

Test different sets of CTAs generated via ChatGPT prompts to get insights on what triggers subscriber engagement.

Clear and Concise CTAs

When writing great Call-to-Actions (CTAs) be brief, prompt action and show the benefit. With ChatGPT prompts you can write multiple CTA variations that follow these principles. Always make sure your CTAs tell users exactly what to do next.

For example you might tell ChatGPT:

“Write 5 CTAs to get people to book a demo of our new software and highlight how it’s easy and time saving , based on the [Website Homepage Copy]”.

This will get the AI to write language that prompts user engagement. You need to not only specify the action but also the benefit of what you’re offering so your CTAs can be relevant.

Using what ChatGPT has means you can write multiple CTA options – test and refine them based on response rates and ultimately see what works best for your audience.

Testing and Refining CTAs

You should always be refining and testing your call-to-actions (CTAs) in your email campaigns. A/B testing with different CTA options will show you what works best for conversions.

When using AI for this purpose, ask it to write multiple CTA options for testing – for example:

“Write 5 CTA variations for our summer sale campaign that focus on different aspects like urgency, exclusivity or value”

Will allow you to test different approaches to see what works best for your audience.

Once you’ve sent these CTAs out to your email campaigns you need to analyse the results to refine them further. Use ChatGPT’s analytics by asking:

“Based on these A/B test results [insert data] how can we improve our losing CTAs?”

By testing and using AI analysis you can increase conversions by a process of iteration.

5 ChatGPT prompts to write Better Call-To-Actions (CTAs)

Here are 5 example prompts to help you write better Call-To-Actions (CTAs) with ChatGPT.

  1. “Write 5 CTAs with action words like ‘buy’ or ‘download’ for our new software launch email, based on [Our Homepage Copy]”

  2. “Write 3 CTAs with urgency for our 48 hour flash sale of [Product Name], highlighting the limited time offer”

  3. “Write 4 simple and clear language CTAs for our newsletter sign up campaign, using phrases like ‘Learn More’ to guide users”

  4. “Write 3 CTAs with results for our fitness program email, like ‘Lose weight in 6 weeks!’”

  5. “Write 5 CTAs that highlight a specific value proposition for our skincare line based on [List of Value Proposition[, like ‘Get a free mud mask with your first purchase’”

These prompts will help you write CTAs that are clear, concise and motivational. By using AI to write multiple options you can test different approaches and see what works best for your audience and campaign goals. Always make sure to align your CTAs with your email content and brand voice for maximum impact of your personalized message.

Measuring Success

You need to track and measure your email campaigns to get a clear view of how ChatGPT email prompts are performing in your marketing. Reviewing the key metrics will give you insights into how your audience is engaging with your content so you can make informed decisions for future campaigns.

When measuring the success of emails written with ChatGPT prompts consider these metrics.

  • Email open rate

  • Click through rate

  • Conversions directly from the campaign

  • Revenue per mailout

These metrics will give you a full view of how your communications are being received at different stages of the customer journey. By using unique URLs in your emails you’ll be able to see where the clicks and actions are coming from and what’s resonating and converting with your readers.

Become Data Driven

Adapting your email marketing based on data is key to keeping and improving your campaigns. ChatGPT can help you to:

  • Review & Analyze past campaign data

  • Suggest seasonal email content that matches your audience and current marketing trends

  • A/B test ChatGPT emails to see what works best

These will give you data to adjust your strategy.

Keep an eye on CTR and Open Rates over time and use that to fine tune your email content to get more engagement. Remember the key is to continuously use these data insights to adjust and improve your future email campaigns.

Here’s how.

  1. Measure your performance metrics.

  2. Use ChatGPT to create new data driven content.

  3. Keep your email marketing relevant, engaging and goal oriented.

By doing that you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

Tip: There are better tools for 1:1 email writing than ChatGPT

AI email assistant can help you with better email writing

ChatGPT can create email content but when it comes to writing 1:1 emails there are more convenient tools that offer better tailored features.

MailMaestro is an AI Email Assistant that integrates directly with your Outlook or Gmail account. This means you can stay within one platform while you write your emails and make the email writing process more seamless. MailMaestro helps you to:

  • Compose email from prompts, and reply to existing threads using the conversation's context

  • Reply with 1-click to 80% of your email communication, including meeting requests - via sync with your calendar

  • Always sound professional within 14 natively supported languages, 7 writing styles and 4 preffered message lengths

MailMaestro simply helps you stay on top of your inbox, with faster, better and less stressful communication.

To boost your productivity and precision when dealing with incoming emails install MailMaestro's AI email assistant today.


In this post we’ve looked at how ChatGPT email prompts can transform your email marketing. AI tools like ChatGPT have opened up new ways to communicate with your audience by creating attention grabbing subject lines, custom content, dynamic newsletters and strong CTAs.

These ChatGPT prompts can create sales emails, re-engage campaigns and even custom messages for birthdays and anniversaries.

It all hinges on giving clear and relevant prompts to ChatGPT so it produces content that matches your brand tone and goals. AI is a powerful tool in crafting these elements.

However - It can’t always replace the human touch when you finalise the communication. As email writing evolves adopting AI tools like ChatGPT and specialized platforms like MailMaestro will supercharge your ability to create more personalisation in your campaigns that resonate with your customers – and ultimately increase your marketing success and customer loyalty for better business results.


How can ChatGPT prompts increase my open rates?

Using ChatGPT to create and A/B test multiple custom and attention grabbing subject lines will increase your email opens. This will create subject lines that appeal to your audience and get them to engage with your message and also create preview text that will increase email opens even more.

How can I use ChatGPT to create more personalised email content?

To create more custom email content with ChatGTP, give the AI detailed data on each recipient like purchase history, demographics and browsing habits. Then create prompts with placeholders to insert customer information.

This way you can ensure the content of your emails is customised to every single recipient.

Can ChatGPT help me A/B test my email campaigns?

Yes ChatGFT can be a useful tool for A/B testing email campaigns, create multiple versions of subject lines, main text or CTA phrases. It can also evaluate the test results and recommend changes for future campaigns.

How is MailMaestro different from using ChatGPT directly for email writing?

Using MailMaestro for email composition has many advantages over using ChatGPT. It integrates with your existing email client and refines AI generated content with custom methods for prompting, and a combination of the best LLMs (Large Language Models) on the market - beyond just GPT-4o.

It has a lot of additional features to ensure effective, stress-free email communication, like replying to emails using the thread's context or summarizing lengthy threads.

Can ChatGPT reply to emails?

While ChatGPT can reply to emails if you manually feed it the context, this solution is not ideal. Use some dedicated AI email assistant tool like MalMaestro, to automatically include email thread context into AI-written reply, to ensure the highest quality for typical email tasks.