You’ve spent hours crafting a job application email, a resume, and cover letter, but you’ve not received a reply. What’s going on?
Recruiters are busy people, and even the best-laid plans can be torn up. Unexpected delays are expected, say the experts.
It can take months to fill even junior positions. You'll only know what’s happening by sending a job application follow-up email.
And the good news is that sending a follow-up is not hard. Here's how you dot it!
How to follow up on a job application
Some people are afraid of follow-up emails. Others mistakenly believe they’re unprofessional, pushy, and rude. If you write follow-up emails properly and professionally, you could strengthen your application – not damage it.
Should you follow up on the job application after no response
100% yes.
Look at it this way. You’ve spent hours crafting a cover letter and CV and had the confidence to apply, so the least you should expect is a response.
OK, it might be a simple no, but how will you know unless you ask?
If you write a brief and business-like follow-up email, you have no reason to be concerned about sending it.
Will it work? We can’t guarantee a response. But by following our best practices for job application follow-up emails, you’ll give yourself the best chance.
Best practices for following up on job application
Here are some tried and tested tips from professionals to write follow-up emails that get a response.
1. Keep it clear and concise
You’ve already sent a detailed email application, so you don’t need to go into detail in your follow-up messages. In fact, job application email follow-ups can be just a few lines. The purpose of this is to request a response. Often, the shorter and simpler, the better!
2. Show interest
Even in your follow-up emails, you should show interest, enthusiasm, and excitement at the opportunity.
You’re sending a follow-up because you’re interested in the opportunity but build on that by adding a bit of detail. A statement such as this is good:
- “I’m excited to apply for this opportunity, and I wanted to follow up to find out what was happening!”
3. Display your strengths
You don’t need to boast, but displaying your strengths can boost your application. You can highlight your previous experience, professional qualifications, or anything else that could offer you an advantage. Again, you don’t need to go into huge amounts of detail, but highlighting a few key points can grab the reader’s attention.
4. Express gratitude
Sometimes, saying thank you is the best way to get a response. You can be friendly without fawning. Simply adding a statement such as this below can help ensure you get an answer:
- “I know you’re dealing with a large number of applications, and I wanted to say thank you for considering mine.”
Choose your follow-up method
Let’s say you sent an application for a job a couple of weeks ago; how should you follow up? There are three approaches (and three stages).
- Start with a follow-up email
- Follow-up with a call
- Consider a visit in-person
1. Follow up on a job application by email
If you’ve sent your application by email (which you will have as it’s 2022, not 1972), then the first approach is to follow up with an email. You’ll find that email is the best approach and is likely to get the best response.
2. Follow up on a job application by calling
If you've submitted an application and a follow-up email but have not received a reply, it’s worth giving the recruiter a call. Following up on a job application by calling is absolutely acceptable. When you follow up an email with a call, ensure you have all the details.
3. Follow up on a job application in person
It’s a bold move, but sometimes it pays to take a risk. If you don’t receive a response to an email, a call, or anything else, consider following up in person. OK, so you’ll need to be in the same area to do this, but if you want the job, why not?
Job application follow-up email sample
This is where we illustrate the hints, tips, and advice outlined above. This email is short, simple, and to the point. While we can’t guarantee a 100% response rate, you’ll stand a great chance using this job application follow-up sample.
Job application follow-up email template
OK, here’s our job application follow-up business email templates. Edit, update, and amend this for your circumstances before sending it. You can fill in the gaps in each section to build your follow-up email template.
That's it!
Sending a job application follow-up is not so hard after all.
Remember to keep it short, show your interest and strengths, and leave with a bit of gratitude.
Thank you so muc hfor reading this far. We hope you learned a thing or two that can help you land your dream job.
Good luck with sending job application emails!
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