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Achieving inbox peace with Email triage

Want to keep your inbox clean and stress free? You’re in luck! MailMaestro has got you covered. These features are all about making your email experience simpler, to help you prioritise, manage and archive your emails. It’s like having your own personal assistant to keep your digital workspace tidy!

Once you have the Priority inbox set up, these three key triage features of MailMaestro — Flagging, Reminding, and Archiving, will become your everyday tools to keep your email environment organized, clutter-free, and efficient.

How to make these tools work

🚩 Flagging Emails: To make an email stand out, just click on the ‘Flag’ icon on the bottom part of the MailMaestro screen. This flags the email as important and colours it differently from the rest of your emails.

⏱️ Scheduling a Reminder: If you have an email that needs your attention at a later date, you can schedule a reminder. Click on the ‘Remind’ icon, also on the bottom part of the MailMaestro screen, and select the date and time you want this email to pop up again. The email will be temporarily moved from your inbox and will reappear at the set time.

📨 Archiving Emails: Once you’ve dealt with an email or if it doesn’t need your attention now, keep your inbox clean by archiving it. Select an email, click on the ‘Archive’ option at the bottom part of your MailMaestro screen. This will move your email to a separate folder and you can access it anytime you need to.

Using MailMaestro’s triage features above will keep your inbox tidy and help you focus. Should you encounter any questions or require support, please don't hesitate to reach us at